Marcus Windslayer

101 - 206
  Marcus is a second son of a second son, jealous and unambitious with family clout and wealth to live comfortable. Only when his wife saw an opportunity was his name put forward, she was the only Cinnead Chief to elect her frail husband. Arebella is his Belcoursian bride with ideals of making her family’s sovereign state of West Tsar its own nation. Marcus is thin and tall with silk formal wear, it looks as though he has never had to pick out his clothes in his life. He holds claim to Three Light, a castle on the coast that spreads wide and has three large torch towers to guide sailors into port. His days are spent confirming shipping manifests even though he hates open water. He has not been in combat nor does he have any intention to fight. His nephew Laenor, a tourney knight with many honours in his almost three decade life, will fight in his stead as one of the most capable swords from the Signoria states that formed in the dissolution of Belcour.
  Marcus Windslayer, The Elder Shipmaster
  The merchant ships and fisher guilds sail the coast to the port of Seabright where they dock at Three Light, waving the banners of Marcus Windslayer and his Belcoursian bride, Marcus was the cousin to the fallen Eastking. Across the grasses ready the rebellious Signoria of West Tsar leaves from the Unbroken city of Kärnten to join the seafolk on the coast.


Marcus Windslayer


Towards Arebella Cowan


Arebella Cowan


Towards Marcus Windslayer


Current Location
Year of Birth
148 AHM 64 Years old
Ruled Locations