
Mevopas, the free-spirited province capital of Harpa, is a bustling and lively city full of energy and excitement. Its population of Arctic Dwarf and Yergralffe are devoted worshippers of Tinnadu the Seabringer, and their faith is evident in the many shrines and temples that dot the city. Mevopas is located in a cold, rainy grassland, and the weather only adds to the city's boisterous and unpredictable character.
  The city is ruled by the Jarl Elke Snowpaw, a wise and fair leader who is beloved by the people. Mevopas is known for its unique architecture, with a maze of narrow, twisting alleys and stairways that provide a challenge for visitors to navigate. Despite this, the city is easy to get lost in, and it's not uncommon for tourists to stumble upon hidden gems and secret corners that only the locals know about.
  At the heart of the city lies a bustling port, where ships come and go with goods and travelers from all over the world. The city's defensive stronghold, Berg Halàsz, looms over the harbor, providing a watchful eye over the city and its surroundings. With its lively energy, ancient temples, and twisting alleys, Mevopas is a city unlike any other in Orichlan, where freedom and spontaneity reign supreme.
  large city in Harpa

  Mevopas is a town located in the polar mountains, where the vegetation is sparse. Mevopas grew around a trade route through the mountains, and is comprised mostly of dwarves, with some gnomes.   The nearest landmark is a region of open snow dunes a half days hike across and several days hike long that has swallowed a northern forest. Only the tops of verdant hills peek through like tree islands in an ocean of snow. A population of 4880, the denizens live a modest existence. A royal audience day is currently taking place.
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