
small village in Harpa
  Sraufar is a small and hardy hamlet in the Harpa province of Orichlan. The settlement is nestled in a cold and rainy grassland, where the winds howl and the rain never seems to let up. The population of Sraufar is mostly made up of Arctic Dwarves and Yergralffe who are deeply devoted to the worship of Tinnadu the Seabringer. The Elder of this place, Skora Stormbringer, is known for her shrewdness and wisdom. As one walks through the town, they will notice a small, unassuming hut on the outskirts, always surrounded by blooming flowers. This is the home of the town healer, who is skilled in the use of herbal remedies and traditional medicine. The people of Sraufar are hardy and resourceful, relying on their faith and each other to persevere through the toughest of times.
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