
Mucor mushrooms are a family of small, spongy fungi that thrive in damp, shaded areas, most commonly found deep within the Mooncrest Woods and the soggy caves of the Stillwaters. They grow in dense clusters, sprouting on fallen logs and decaying matter, with their caps varying in shades of pale grey to mossy green. Mucor mushrooms are highly sensitive to changes in air pressure, and local foragers have long observed how they seem to "breathe" with the weather, expanding and contracting as storms approach.
  While not particularly valuable as a food source due to their bitter taste, Mucor mushrooms have a peculiar reaction to certain arcane energies. When crushed and mixed into a potion, they can enhance the effects of spells that manipulate nature or earth, making them a sought-after ingredient for druids and alchemists alike. However, too much exposure to raw magic can cause them to shrivel and rot rapidly.
Genetic Descendants