Pale Mucor

Small fungus that calms the death seed.
  The Pale Mucor, an ancient and enigmatic organism, stretches beneath the forest floor of Mooncrest Woods like a silent, breathing network. Said to have been alive since the very first trees took root, this colossal fungal entity has intertwined its essence with the very heart of the woods. It spans miles beneath the soil, connected through a vast web of slender mycelium that feeds off the decaying flora. Its pale, ghostly caps occasionally breach the forest floor, glowing faintly under the moonlight, a strange pulse of life hidden in plain sight.
  The Pale Mucor releases magical spores, known to drift on the night air, drawn to the touch of shadow and darkness. These spores are said to beckon the fae creatures of the dark—whispering spirits, shadow sprites, and other unseen things that dwell within the wood's depths. Those who wander too close may feel a sudden pull of enchantment, a strange lure to the unseen places where the forest fades into shadow. Local myths say the Mucor whispers to these creatures, feeding on their energies as they dance in the moonlight, though whether it is friend or foe to the fae remains unknown. Few dare to disturb the Pale Mucor, for its age and power are revered, feared, and left unspoken among the ancient trees.