Ombryn Metalfoot

Ombryn Metalfoot is a cunning and skilled halfling assassin who found himself drawn to the deadly world of the Green Xotls. Originally from Orar, Ombryn grew tired of the mundane life of a farmer and longed for something more exciting and profitable. He possesses a natural talent for stealth and subterfuge, and has honed his skills to a razor-sharp edge under the tutelage of the Green Xotls.   He is quick and nimble, darting in and out of the shadows with ease and striking his enemies with deadly precision. He has a particular affinity for poisons and is always experimenting with new concoctions to make his kills more efficient and effective.   Ombryn's loyalty to the Green Xotls is unquestionable, and he will stop at nothing to carry out their orders. He is a true wildcard within the organization, always willing to take on the most dangerous and difficult missions, and never hesitating to employ his full range of skills and resources to get the job done.   1 Halfling Fighter Ombryn Metalfoot left Orar for money as farming was boring   was killed in the Xotl hideout after the Shatterbrand attacked. Ombryn was decapitated by Anvil while being clutched by SOssari who had taken the form of a giant scorpion. 212
Current Location
Aligned Organization