Romulan Mustafic, Oligarch of Sirocco

Oligarch Romulan Mustafic

Romulan Mustafic, Oligarch of Kadin, is a towering and formidable figure, both in stature and influence. Born into poverty in the unforgiving expanse of the Caluan Desert, Romulan clawed his way to the pinnacle of power, forging an empire built on the backs of the workers he ruthlessly drives to exhaustion on the Salt Flats. His empire extends beyond the arid sands of Kadin, with storefronts in Calua concealing his illicit storehouses and a network of opulent mansions that serve as the nerve centers of his vast criminal enterprises. A self-made man, Romulan lives by the mantra "no birthright," a reflection of his belief that status must be earned through strength and cunning.   In public, Romulan is the financial face of the Caluan Hierarch, wielding the vast resources of the Merchant Magnate Guild to cement his authority. But in the shadows, he is the desert's undisputed mob boss, orchestrating a web of criminal activities through an underground network of thugs, brigands, and cursed magic learned during his youth at the Pirate Cove known as the Gallow's Sway. He is a collector of creatures and sentient beings, forcing them to fight in his secret arenas, and a master of manipulation, using his wealth and power to control everything from the shadows.   Romulan's armor, an ancient relic from the old Sirocco, exudes intimidation, further bolstered by his mastery of desert magic. His closest ally is his fraternal twin, Yemenos, the Khazar of the Tarkantry, whom Romulan has effectively transformed into his private army. However, beneath his unyielding exterior lies a deep-seated ambition to reclaim the throne from his distant cousin, the young Tombking Viumu Scrawl, who once bested Romulan and left him with a lasting injury. While publicly, Romulan has conceded to Viumu, he secretly plots to seize the mantle of power, using every resource at his disposal to achieve his goal.   Romulan's reach extends beyond the Caluan Desert, with ties to the Highking Regent, Silvar Tung, in the Gaulan Plains capital of Skygarde. His influence is vast, his power unparalleled, and his ambition limitless—Romulan Mustafic is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his ends, a true kingpin of the desert.         Lives in Kadin   Has multiple storefronts in Calua that shroud his illegal storehouse and mansion.   Mob-boss of the desert.   Collects creatures and sentient races for the Pit.   Seriously injured by Viumu Scrawl when Romulan tried to take the throne.   When he was young he stayed in the Pirate cove known as the Gallow's Sway. Here he learned about various magic and curses that he would utilize to benefit his businesses, usually not succumbing to the effects of the curses as he would use his lackies to deal with the aftermath.   He is the Oligarch in charge of the Hierarch commanding his Merchant Magnate Guild  



Fraternal Twin

Towards Romulan Mustafic, Oligarch of Sirocco


Romulan Mustafic, Oligarch of Sirocco

Fraternal Twin

Towards Yemenos


Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Yemenos (Fraternal Twin)
Aligned Organization