Rootfather Birchbreaker


Grew up alongside his best friends; Snakeroot and Belle. Birchbreaker's mom died in the largest fire the Incantum Forest had ever suffered. His father was never around. Rumour is that his father was a Giant. Birchbreaker has very little Wood Elf abilities. Birchbreaker cannot perform any magic, an oddity among elves.  
by Brad Malott
by Brad Malott
  The brute known as Birchbreaker grew up in the Forest of Incantation. Rumoured to be the son of a giant and a wood elf, Birchbreaker is actually a gentle soul; only using his force when needed to protect his loved ones. Most wood elves have a certain skill at magic wielding, Birchbreaker does not. What he lacks in magic, well, he makes by using his bone-shattering hammer swing, seems like a fair trade. Just like all his kind, Birchbreaker heals when his skin becomes exposed to sunlight. The brutish elf is smart on the battlefield and an unfair advantage in a brawl. When any friend is in need, Birchbreaker will be there as much needed back-up.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Minor Chloroheal Giantsblood Heavy Swing

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Let his best friend leave the forest to seek adventure.   Went towards the coast because he could not scale the Firefang Jags. Birchbreaker was greeted by a frail man named Hannibal who was in charge of the fishing town Osthollow. There were reports of fishermen going missing so Birchbreaker decided to investigate. Discovered Hannibal was sacrificing people to a giant spider known as Taraculus. Birchbreaker confronted Hannibal and was attacked. Birchbreaker followed the map in Hannibal's journal to the nest and left Hannibal for the spider.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Heavy Weapons

Vices & Personality flaws

Magic Impaired
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
184 AHM 28 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 8"
315 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elven, Common
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: by Brad Malott