Tykren Blackcherry, Kandle of the Forest

Tykren Blackcherry carried the weight of his past like an anchor, each step in the procession through Grovesend a reminder of the burdens that had shaped his life. His broad shoulders and solemn expression bore the mark of years spent as a warrior—first as a member of the Mooncrest Marauders, and now as the protector of the Hiasynth Aelves. The memories of Snowpeak haunted him still, the screams of innocents and the sight of villages burning seared into his mind. It was there that he had realized the true horror of the Church of Dhara's command, and it was there that his conscience had first begun to rebel against the atrocities committed in the name of divine prophecy.
  Now, sixteen years later, Tykren found himself in the service of the Hiasynth Aelves, a strange and reclusive tribe who communicated through song and hymn. The valley they called home, nestled deep within the Firefang Jags, was a sanctuary of peace and melody—a far cry from the chaos and bloodshed of his past. Though he did not share their musical gifts, Tykren had dedicated himself to their protection, finding solace in the simplicity of his duty. He was not one of them, and yet he had earned their trust, serving as a steadfast guardian to the Conductress and her people as they traveled to Eleyond for the Conveyance.
  The Hiasynth Aelves were a peculiar folk, awkward and insular, with little regard for the customs of other races. They found the music of others grating, their diets of fruits and insects unappealing to outsiders, and their social interactions often required Tykren's intervention. But Tykren had seen far worse in his time—worse than mere social discomfort or dietary oddities—and he had grown protective of these strange, gentle beings. They had accepted him when he had no one else, and for that, he would ensure their safety with his life.
  As the procession moved forward, Tykren's eyes scanned the crowd, ever watchful for threats. His brother, Barren, had long since faded from his life, their paths diverging after Snowpeak, but the lessons learned from those days of war and betrayal remained. Tykren was no longer the man who had marched alongside the Church of Dhara, blind to the cruelty of their cause. He was a protector now, not just of the Hiasynth Aelves, but of the fragile peace he had found within himself. And though the road ahead was fraught with danger, Tykren Blackcherry would face it head-on, driven by the hope that perhaps, in safeguarding others, he might finally redeem his soul.
  The journey with the Royal Procession had been marked by tension, but nothing could have prepared Tykren Blackcherry for the chaos that erupted when the fire broke out. The flames consumed everything in their path, threatening to tear apart not just the physical procession but the fragile alliances and friendships it carried. Amidst the inferno, Tykren's instincts took over. He fought through the smoke and the heat, his only focus on saving the lives of those who depended on him. When he found Betula and her young son, Birchbreaker, trapped and terrified, he didn't hesitate. With a strength that belied his years of weary burden, Tykren carried them to safety as the husband Halduur held up the house. Before it collapsed, Tykren vowed to Halduur that he would protect them both, no matter the cost.
  True to his word, Tykren continued to check in on Betula and Birchbreaker, even as the boy grew into a strong and capable member of the Vespin Elves. Though Birch no longer needed his protection, the bond they had formed after the fire persisted. Tykren watched with quiet pride as the boy became a man, finding solace in knowing that his actions had helped ensure a future for the family.
  Eventually, Tykren found himself settling in the Incantum Forest, drawn to the tranquil beauty and deep magic of Sylari. There, he reluctantly took on the role of leader, a position he had never sought but one that his people insisted he fill. Sylari was a town of tranquility, but Tykren knew that peace was a fragile thing, easily shattered by the chaos of the world beyond the forest's borders. He remained ever-vigilant, ready to draw steel once more if the safety of his people demanded it.
  Though the scars of his past still weighed heavily on him, Tykren had found a measure of peace in Sylari, a place where he could finally put down roots and focus on the future instead of being haunted by the past. But even in this new life, the warrior in him remained, always ready, always watchful, determined to protect the home and the people he had come to care for.
  Younger brother of Barren Blackcherry, fought in Snowpeak, member of church of Dhara and the Mooncrest marauders
  Protector of the Conductress and her people.
  You have worked for many years trying to settle your conscience as you protect the Courtship of the Hyasinth Elves. They lives in a protected valley inside the Firefang Jags. They migrated here many moons ago due to the safety and the acoustics of the surrounding. These elves communicate with each other in song and hymns. You are not a singer per se, but you have a duty to protect elves because of your troubled past. You are aware that all 5 other Courts of Wood Elves do not get along well with your selected tribe. They are a strange folk, eating fruits and bugs as protein. They do not sing to other races, as they consider all other forms of music other than their own terrible to listen to. They are socially awkward and when traveling with one you will see that they might need help when getting through a social interaction.

  You would have basically received a call to arms from the Highking and in turn that meant the Church of Dhara. You were part of your brothers faction who helped protect the Mooncrest region from mostly werewolf threats and turned a blind eye to any cruelty against the lycans because in your mind they were simply beasts. Once you arrived on the shores of Snowpeak you realized there was no standing army to fight against. You were sent there to destroy families and villages as the Church sought one baby who it was foretold would end the Church of Dhara. You watched as the three leaders argued about tactics as the High Guard and Mooncrest Marauders started on their assault. The Third and smallest faction known as the Merkaynian Enclave turned against the Church's army and protected the elves. You were with your brother when they destroyed villages and your conscience weighs heavy to this day 16 years later


Tykren Blackcherry, Kandle of the Forest


Towards Barren Blackcherry


Barren Blackcherry


Towards Tykren Blackcherry, Kandle of the Forest


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Year of Birth
155 AHM 57 Years old
Barren Blackcherry (Brother)
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