Tibur Knackle

Tibur Knackle, once the elder of his village and the owner of the beloved local tavern in Nak, was a stern and respected figure in his community. He worked with the sages to keep the illusion around the town, his people living in hiding for generations at the behest of an old Eastking. This was to keep a dangerous artifact safe in their town well.
  Known for his wisdom and the warmth of his tavern, which served as a gathering place for the people of Nak, Tibur was a cornerstone of his town. His life was tragically cut short when his son Chris, driven by dark impulses, murdered him. Tibur’s death not only marked the beginning of the Knackle family's downfall but also left a void in Nak, where the laughter and camaraderie of his tavern would never be the same. Some of the Forest gnomes began to flee, beginning to think Nak was no longer safe. Once the sages left, the magic that hid the town began to wane.
  Fought with his son Chris and was accidentally killed by him. Owned an inn and tavern that didn't get much business as Nak is very hard to find. Tibur ran the town and knew of the location of the Dragon Lance
  After the illusion faded, the Kingfishers found the dragon slaying weapon hidden in their village.
Current Location
Year of Death
210 AHM
Circumstances of Death
Killed in an altercation with Christopher Knackle
Place of Death
Aligned Organization