Christopher Knackle

killed his father   left and was arrested   met a group of prisoners who escaped the Styx when it was attacked   adventured with this group for a while   4E, 211. Aridheat You are in the island nation of Pacura. There are 10 islands that have been in a cold war for about 30 years as tensions grow. Each island is ruled by a Stormblood, descendants each with equal claim to the great ancestral throne of the Ocean King. The party was on a prison ship when a battle broke out. All of you were imprisoned on a ship carrying criminals to The Pit, the prison of Pacura. You met Cortez and took over the Styx during the confusion of a raid. Party won a naval battle and first worked as a team. After successfully defeating the Hearthen raid, your ship crashed on the first island in your adventure. Eidon was the island of farmers. Here you met Diggory the Stormblood. You learn that his son had been kidnapped a few weeks prior. The farmers can bring you to Kyra aboard a turtle ship named the Tortuga. Diggory has offered you to stay for the feast and then be brought to Kyra in two days’ time. Got some mud from Miles the Mud Man. Traded for three mysterious pearls at the merchant in Eidon.   Sossari and Nuada got split up in the darkness of the forest. Sossori met Snerz, a batgoblin whose family all was taken by cultists. He could not fly as he had holes in his wings. Cortez did not die by the hands of some wild boar, he survived but was angry with the party. Christopher was the only one who helped. Christopher, Cortez and Henri find Sossari and Snerz. Located the turtle boat, the Tortuga. You find a clearing with a Mayan-esque temple and a ton of cultists in masks. Eelisma was at the top of the pyramid throwing batgoblin sacrifices into a pit of fire. Party interrupted ritual, attacked Eelisma and then ran. Fish-eyed woman shoots a life-draining beam and almost killed some people. Made it back to Eidon, informed Diggory, and went back to the clearing with 15 mud guards. Beat up some cultists and stopped some ritual drummers. Jumped into a fire portal to the underworld.     Fought some Grimlocks, found a desecrate statue of Sootha with imposter written on it. Defeated some kuo-toa. After making their way through they found Eelisma at the end, she activated an old totem using the Pearls of the Stormblood that Sossori had been collecting and released the sea goddess from her sleep. As they made it to the surface, a large hurricane was beginning to form in the distance.   Diggory and his people had been slaughtered by a new adversary. Lord Thormund, Stormblood of Typhon, the island with the largest army. As Thormund firebombed the island, the party ran to Diggory's Tortuga. They were then attacked by a goblin pirate by the name of Captain Scruffybeard. After a short fight and snap of the captain's neck, the party took the ship and dubbed it the Gobsnapper. Cortez took this moment to flip off the party, not join them and take the Tortuga as his own. Had a goblin death match to decide who would stay on in their ship crew. Dickard and Martholomew won and stayed as shiphands.   The crew then made it to Kyra, the ship building island. Their ship got impounded and due to the party ignoring the guards, some of your crew was taken to the gallows. You meandered around town meeting some magical shopkeeps. Two Eyes and Boris Silverstaff. Two Eyes gave you a prophecy of “Beware the Basilisk”. Captain Dublin called Iona ugly. Two-Eyes runs an enchantery named Wizbops but is threatened by the new man Boris Silverstaff. Boris is the cousin of the legendary Remus and Boto Silverstaff. Boris is an undercover member of the Seekers and is close with his cousin. Christopher gets some work done by the Ordum, the Halfling that owns the Obvious Blacksmith.   You meet Quinn for the first time as she announces the public execution of Mart and Dikard. You distract them in time to save Dikard the goblin. Due to some evil machinations and lying to Captain Dublin, Iona accidentally caused the arrests of Two-Eyes and Boris. Christopher loots Boris’ shop and finds the Sword of the Seekers. Boris was wearing Seeker garbs when he was taken down to the gallows. The two wizards were hung in front of the town. Iona had a kill order placed on her head by her old faction for her misdeeds.   Henri learned from Quinn, the Stormblood of Kyra, that 30 years ago the strong nations teamed up against the weak and took up a fascist control of the islands.   A young sailor named Mortimer started a revolution, the Great Mutiny to rally the weak to defeat the strong. Quinn told that her mother died in that war. Talk to Jonathan McIncharge who is the Marina Chief, it gets you nowhere and you discuss stealing the Golden Fleece, Quinn’s mother’s legendary ship that fought in the Great Mutiny. After some shenanigans (such as putting gunpowder in all the guards’ pockets) and finding your ship being upgraded in the auction yard, the party breaks their ship out of an auction yard with a ship builder by the name of Mako.   During the battle Snerz got roped up on the docks. A drowning guard pushed a flaming barrel in front of the escaping Gobsnapper. Snerz picked up a cannonball and jumped into the water to neutralize the gunpowder. The remaining guards took aim on the Gobsnapper and aimed the mortars. As the ship was about to be fired upon, Snerz revealed that he had retained the teachings of Sossori and wild shaped his way into the hearts of the party. He was their best friend. They traveled back to Mako's island of Hydri, the island of the wayfarers.   As they arrived the hurricane storm that started as they left Eidon was getting worse. A tsunami could be seen on the horizon. Mako ran off to find his mother who lived outside the village. You met Mother Maggie who fed you while the winds picked up. The Stormblood and his son, Magnus and Maximus helped seal people home from the storm with an ancient Pacuran rune. Magnus, the Stormblood of Hydri, sacrificed himself to seal the catacombs as the tsunami crashed into the city, saving the party and his son, Maximus.     You explore the catacombs to discover that this is the resting place of the Ocean King. As you enter the record room of the catacombs, you find the gravekeeper murdered and the bones of the ancient ruler taken. Chris finds the Hydri Book of the Dead and Henri finds a history of the Fleet of the Stormblood and the beginnings of the Mutiny. You encounter a specter and a gelatinous cube. Sossori’s body is starting to be pulled back to the realm of her god. Eelisma took the bones to Milos to perform another ritual. Diggory’s son did not have a strong enough bond with the sea goddess. The specter was the angry spirit of Oceanus Tempest, the Ocean King. The spirit disappeared when his bonse left the tomb. As Hydri's new ruler, Maximus asked you to retrieve the bones of his great ancestor. Max reveals that the prophetic Stormblood Kricia of Milos is almost due with his unborn child. He fears Eelisma will sacrifice his child to try and bring Sootha back. He offers you riches once he becomes the Ocean King to protect his unborn baby and his fiancée Kricia. You prepare to head to Milos, the island of seamstresses and sail-weavers. Kricia and Maximus’ child would have the strongest blood connection to the claim of the Ocean Throne. The old lines of 30 years previous were drawn, the weak nations decide to rally against the strong once more. Typhon had the largest army, Zephyr had the largest fleet and Gyaron had the best fighters. All 3 were called to arms when the sea goddess awoke, even though all 3 leader had ulterior motives than just serving the sea goddess.     You are sling-shotted by Maximus' ship, the Howling Porpoise through the gusts of the hurricane. The Gobsnapper is more or less wrecked but you make it through mostly intact, Henri lost an eye. You arrive to find the baby has been born and Eelisma was trying to transfer the sea goddess into the baby atop a black ivory tower in the centre of Milos. You learn how the sea goddess and Ocean King were in love, having 9 children centuries ago. As Sootha grew more crazed, Oceanus Tempest had to kill his wife. Unbeknownst to him, she was with child. Their 10th child became the grotesque Eelisma and she spent ages plotting how to bring her mother back. You have an honor fight with Tayne, Stormblood of Gyaron, which Sossori wins by turning into a bear and he concedes what he is doing is not honorable. He pulls his Viking horde from the battle. After an obelisk puzzle and a battle atop the spire, the party embarrasses Lord Thormund using a charm spell. A Zephyr soldier takes the baby in a carriage and rides for the docks. Henri kills Eelisma as Sossori and Chris race to retrieve the baby girl. Using some wild shape trickery, Sossori as a jaguar with Chris on her back take out the carriage and save the baby. They jump on the nearest ship which is the legendary Blackfly, the brig of Lord Thormund. All of this death caused Sossori’s body to begin to dissipate. She fell to the ground as Chris tried to steer the ship to protect the baby. Sossori was plucked back into the heavens by her Goddess Danara. Danara being the patron deity of motherhood rewarded Sossori for her actions. The goddess gifted the group with some boons to help them in her absence. As a last ditch effort, the remaining energy of Sootha called upon a Leviathan to attack the Blackfly. Christopher had the baby as he watched Sossori begin to turn into blue dust. As the monster neared the ship, Sossori sacrificed herself and jumped into the leviathan’s mouth. She exploded in magical energy causing severe damage to the beast. She drifted up in the god's realm. Essence energy surged through him as Sossori gifted Christopher with a potion of giantblood. A 50 ft. Chris took down the whale like monster in a fist fight that shook the ocean. Through the power of Sossori's death, Henri and Moira were teleported onto the Blackfly. Max sailed by with his fiancée alongside him and took his daughter. He sailed off saying the mutiny will stay strong and take the islands back from Thormund and Borigan. The sun sets as you see an armada of large, Zephyrn ships sailing towards you from the horizon.     You outran the Zephyrn Fleet and got a new team member from Tayne, he decided that this dragonborn named Arygos was most likely innocent of his crime. You defeated the Fearful Bident ship and escaped through the narrow rivers of a nearby swampy island. After a tight squeeze you came upon a raging waterfall. One of you made a leap across to the treeline shore, the other 3 all went over the cliff. Arygos landed directly on the shore but brushed it off. Christopher tarzanned his way into ropeburn as he held on for his life. Henri fell and almost died. Moira made the jump to shore. After a medicine treatment, everyone was at least conscious as you got ready for the night. Christopher found some rum, Henri used riversight to see a settlement up ahead, Arygos and Moira set up camp. You took watch duty as you rest through the night.   The party made its way into town after seeing an inebriated group of townsfolk drunkenly skinny dip on their watch that night. As you made your way into the city you were greeted by a multicultural marketplace with many wares and good from foreign lands. You spent a good time conversing with Borno the Mine Dwarf blacksmith. He was also an aspiring artist who made his own trading cards. You split up as some of you visited the former High Guard soldier Grai Cross selling weapons, one of you went to Sol the Blacksun elf who ran the Arcanian Bookshop and one of you got nowhere with the Yergralffe fur trader because you tried to trade him Borno cards. Merdock the happy go lucky mayor of this settlement greets you. He explains how this town is for the workers at the lumber mill in the river. Also it works as a staging point for planned supply drops out of the swamp. Merdock is bold in saying that he hates Zephyr and Typhon and actively aims to undermine their bullying control. Before you know it, a Zephyrn ambush occurs and Merdock gets stabbed while the other townsfolk are attacked. You helped defend them off with the heroic help of Borno who sadly fell to a raider’s blade. After you dealt with half the invasion the cavalry arrived with the mighty ship The Kraken. It is captained by a grim man named Ivan. All of you quickly dispatch the rest of the attackers as Ivan drags two barely alive assailants into the war room. Merdock clutching his stab wound pulls another raider. They invite you in. As they tie the guards up, Ivan turns to you and offers you a job. He needs paid muscle on his next supply drop in Kinaros. Then he will drop you off wherever you need to go.     The party was recovering and resting in The Kraken's Nest. You mourned the death of your friend Borno while also stealing from his corpse. Spent time getting asking questions to the locals, Chris bought a Caluan Cookbook. Watched as Ivan killed an old blind man who sold out the location to Lord Borigan. Merdock decided to invite you to his guilty pleasure, beast fights. You bet money as the Flail Snail defeated the basilisk, the redcap and the jaculus. You finished off buying provisions and boarded The Kraken. You investigated the steel room in the bottom of the ship to no avail. You meet the crew. Moriarty the chef is dipping raw chickens in tar, Nocturna reveals that Ivan has another reason to go to Kinaros besides the supply drop. His old second mate Cortez was rumoured to have gone mad at sea and ended up on the fishing island. Moira takes Nocturna’s wedding band to give it to Cortez if they find him. On the horizon after a long rest you see a Zephyrn blockade circling Kinaros.     While aboard The Kraken you defeated one of the blockade ships that Ivan sent a warning shot at. You fought a battle against some Zephyrn Sailors, Sparrow and Condor, Ivan’s twin sons assisted in the fight as Dove, their sister captained her father’s ship. You won and sailed towards the blockade. Ivan loaded you guys up into a steel encased room at the front of the ship. He ignited a wick and you shot out like a torpedo towards the shore. Dove steered the ship away and pulled members of the blockade with her. You hide from some guards and then explore town. Ivan goes incognito and tells you to meet him at sunset. You go to the Dharan healer and then meet Garvin outside, a down on his luck beggar who wants to trade food for information. Before even offering this, you guys supply him with gold and food, then bring him with you to try and haggle for a house boat for him to live in. He inform you Maximus, now being dubbed as the Ocean Prince, has put a bounty on any dark elf spy found on Kinaros. Lord Borigan has hired members of The Triade to infiltrate and destabilize his enemy nations. You try intimidating the frail owner of the boathouse but his whimpering makes you second guess your tactics. You spook him and tell him that he is getting a roommate. You leave and tell Garvin to bunk up, he does. Chris buys some hunting gear and camps out.     You fight a patrol of Zephyr guards and Blacksun Elf spies at the campground where you landed on the islands. Ivan awaits the supply drop as his son Sparrow rows the boat all the way from deep water. A signal is sent out from one of the cottages and the blockade is warned. The Zephyr ship launches a fireball, destroying homes and people as well as setting the supplies and Sparrow ablaze. Moira find a cypher on the dark elves and learns some secret information Chris and Ivan swim out to the oil burning water to save Ivan’s son, both receiving burn damage as they do. Moira meets Vultara, a member of The Triade (a rival of the Seekers) and the person who sent the signal to warn the blockade. Moira learned her old faction was on the island and the ongoing war was less relevant to them. Both The Triade and the Seekers were after some kind of ancient artifact that could grant immortality. Moira offers to work with The Triade to further her own means. Made deal to find a report Vultara knew about hidden in the Sawtooth Manor. This is the home of the senile Stormblood Lady Winella, a paranoid angry old woman. Moira does not tell Vultara any of her plan besides they were going to get Ivan to declare a parlay to steal the document. The dead boat owner was seen in Tenttown wearing Garvin’s old clothes. Moira and crew brought the body of the boat house owner and told Ivan that this was the person who sent the signal to the fleet, almost killing his son. Everyone rested as Moira explained the plan to use both magic factions against each other to find the artifact. The artifact is in a history of magic book that Moira bought, the supposed artifact is the Phylactery of the Magelord. Met a recovering Sparrow in the morning, he said his father headed into Fishrot Hollow after a tip that a man matching Cortez’ description was seen there not too long ago. The party needs Ivan to declare Stormblood Parlay to enter Lady Winella’s home to find the report on the location of the artifact. Wave the blue flag. Met with Triade in the morning, introducing yourselves to Izill and Skalden, Triade members here in secret from Lord Borigan. They are going to wait in the wing around the Manor for when you get back with Ivan. Enter the cave and defeat the sahuagin attackers as the cave fills with water. Leaves the magical glowing slacks behind. Arygos was still passed out drunk from the night with Hugh the dead black sun elf.     Arygos met up with the party as Henri ghosted away through the floor. Arygos fought a shark in one on one combat. You snaked your way through a tunnel system, Chris could fit on the small route, Arygos and Moira went to the full size route. Clicking could be heard in the walls. Mushroom and moss was growing all over the inside of a forgotten tomb. Arygos and Moira set fire to the tomb they are in, on escape, Arygos causes a cave-in where Moira takes some smoke and fire damage. Chris comes to help but causes another cave-in on the small tunnel. Arygos digs out Moira and they move a coffin to see the mushroom growth has eaten a path through the cave. Chris loots some chests. Not a rogue though. Moira and Arygos move down the large tunnel continuing to hear things in the wall. Another cave in happens after Arygos trips. They run to a clearing where the small tunnel Chris was in meets up. There are some chests here and the group is attacked by Dogmoles They attack and discover a passage upwards by removing a large fungal growth. They reach the top to discover a Dogmole Juggernaut and they run down a corridor. The party just makes it through a crawl space as the juggernaut rams its head into the wall. You find yourselves in a large web of blue tendrils that are set up like a neuron in a brain. they solve this puzzle as they fight numerous myconids throughout. Moira more or less just jumps for it down the 80 ft. depth They get passed that as they enter a small dark room with glowing red mushrooms. The center of the room has an orb of darkness. They solve the chest puzzle and defeat the Hook Horror.   Escaped from cave, Moira concussed herself by trying to jump the spiky rocks at the bottom of the cliff, fails and then hits water. Arygos has to save her from drowning. Henri visited Garvin who has started a seemingly successful fishing company based out of the house boat you guys got him. Bought a diving bell and everything. Henri and Chris had a fishing montage. Scouted Seekers camp to see that Remus Silverstaff is on the island. This can only mean that he believes the artifact is located on Kinaros. Chris uses his wand of smiles while sneaking up on Ivan, I made Ivan smile but he saw Henri running off. Entered Sawtooth under blue flag of Parlay, risking Ivan's freedom. Winella turned mean and imprisoned Ivan on the Zephyr Galleon docked to the south of the island. You were able to locate the report from 30 years ago that Vultara mentioned. It doesn’t have much but it lists an Eastern fisherman reporting a friendly merelf named Deway as well as burying a body Deway brought to shore. Winny was mentioned a relative of Lady Winella. Chris wants to talk to Moira about breaking in. Moira wants to enlist help of Triade.     Participate in a magic ping pong tournament with the three undisciplined members of The Triade. Tell The Triade to go and cause a distraction. Meet a blind Eastern fishermen named Antiguo, you receive a journal entry that the dying man from 30 years ago wanted him to have. (22). Borrow Garvin’s diving bell to go meet Antiguo’s friend Deway who hasn’t visited in some time. Sailed to the merelf village. Arygos and Moira dropped underwater. Henri and Chris fought some crabs, Chris is allergic. Went to the unmarked grave of Flint Lancashire. You are led by Deway, he agreed to help after you gave his wife a healing potion. The coffin is empty but another journal was preserved by the water sealing rune that Deway put on the box 30 years previous. (23) Head back to town, which is on fire because The Triade members were causing a distraction. Decided in the chaos to save Ivan from the Zephyr Galleon. Successfully do that. Got things from chests, lit the Zephyr Galleon up after saving some Kinarosian guards.   You enter this session with the timbers of the Zephyr galleon mixing with the ashes that were the markets of Kinaros. Skalden of the Triade set some of the city on fire to distract from you guys discovering information nowhere near the city. Flint was known as a sort of Benedict Arnold around Pacura. He gained trust in the rebels only to betray them to gain favor with the Typhon army. He then turned on Typhon years later to steal the Phylactery of the Magelord. This item of immortality is what the ongoing strife in the islands is all about. 1. Thormund of Typhon seeks ultimate power in which his father was too weak to control. 2. Lord Borigan has hired the Triade of the Fallen Night to help him secure the artifact. Motive unknown. 3. The Triade of the Fallen Night has sent its own emissaries to retrieve the item because they believe it is the key to defeating death. 4. The enemies of the Triade are the Seekers. They also search for the phylactery so they can lock it away in their vaults in Westmoor so only the chosen wizards can use such grand magic. The key to its location seems to be in the story of Flint Lancashire. After finding a few of his journals you followed a mystery that lead to his unmarked grave. Flint's body had been moved and the location of the artifact is at a dead end. • You know the Triade does not have it because they asked for your help. • You know civilians in this town have been replaced with Triade shapeshifters. • You know Remus Silverstaff is accompanying his wizards to try and find the item. • You know Kinaros is in flames. • You know what you've learned from the journals You head to the work camp because Moira found a document saying Winella had been replaced. You watched as Remus used a Silence Magic spell on the work camp to then send his men in to kill the remaining Triade members on Kinaros. Found 2 journal entries on the bodies of the Seekers, learn that they are moving out to another island after learning new information. The young boy Ulrick does not know anything further.(01, 04) Chris saved Winella but because he popped out of the shadows, she thinks he is a demon. Henri, Arygos and Moira killed the young last Seekers after getting his name and where his father lived. Moira took an igneous rock ring of the boy named Ulrich as well as a lock of his hair. Seekers were supposed to denounce all connection to their former life. Created a lynch mob as they arrived to the smoldering town and gathered anyone on the streets to raze the Sawtooth Manor with the black sun elf spies taking residence. After a long battle and cowboy shootout, with Winella riding on Arygos’ back, you killed the imposter. The real Lady Winella is about to hang the three Triade members who set her town on fire as the Zephyr blockade is destroyed by a large armada of ships bearing a new flag, The Royal Navy. Led by Dove on the Kraken, Maximus on the Howling Porpoise and Quinn on the Golden Fleece. They scare off the southern side of the blockade and bring supplies to their new apply in the Royal Navy, Lady Winella of Kinaros. Towing behind their ships is a repaired Gobsnapper. Knowing you have a ship again you tell Winella to stop the execution. You induct Vultara, Izill and Skalden into the crew of the Gobsnapper Max and Kricia introduce you to their daughter Illia, the future princess of Pacura. Kricia, the prophet gives each of you a clam shell with a letter written in it. She even gives you one for Sossori, which you decide to read out loud as a team. Kinaros, Hydri, Milos, Kyra and Eidon in spirit fight against the tyranny of Typhon and Zephyr, with Gyaron being in a gray area on where they stand. To finish up business on Kinaros, you head to the Seeker camp. You find one last seeker loading up the final cart before heading to the northern dock. You kill him and find another journal entry saying that Flint hid journals in the Pit on Gyaron. Ride after the boat to see it set sail heading for Gyaron, confirming your next stop.       You enter this session with the timbers of the Zephyr galleon mixing with the ashes that were the markets of Kinaros. Skalden of the Triade set some of the city on fire to distract from you guys discovering information nowhere near the city. Flint was known as a sort of Benedict Arnold around Pacura. He gained trust in the rebels only to betray them to gain favor with the Typhon army. He then turned on Typhon years later to steal the Phylactery of the Magelord. This item of immortality is what the ongoing strife in the islands is all about. 1. Thormund of Typhon seeks ultimate power in which his father was too weak to control. 2. Lord Borigan has hired the Triade of the Fallen Night to help him secure the artifact. Motive unknown. 3. The Triade of the Fallen Night has sent its own emissaries to retrieve the item because they believe it is the key to defeating death. 4. The enemies of the Triade are the Seekers. They also search for the phylactery so they can lock it away in their vaults in Westmoor so only the chosen wizards can use such grand magic. The key to its location seems to be in the story of Flint Lancashire. After finding a few of his journals you followed a mystery that lead to his unmarked grave. Flint's body had been moved and the location of the artifact is at a dead end. • You know the Triade does not have it because they asked for your help. • You know civilians in this town have been replaced with Triade shapeshifters. • You know Remus Silverstaff is accompanying his wizards to try and find the item. • You know Kinaros is in flames. • You know what you've learned from the journals You head to the work camp because Moira found a document saying Winella had been replaced. You watched as Remus used a Silence Magic spell on the work camp to then send his men in to kill the remaining Triade members on Kinaros. Found 2 journal entries on the bodies of the Seekers, learn that they are moving out to another island after learning new information. The young boy Ulrick does not know anything further.(01, 04) Chris saved Winella but because he popped out of the shadows, she thinks he is a demon. Henri, Arygos and Moira killed the young last Seekers after getting his name and where his father lived. Moira took an igneous rock ring of the boy named Ulrich as well as a lock of his hair. Seekers were supposed to denounce all connection to their former life. Created a lynch mob as they arrived to the smoldering town and gathered anyone on the streets to raze the Sawtooth Manor with the black sun elf spies taking residence. After a long battle and cowboy shootout, with Winella riding on Arygos’ back, you killed the imposter. The real Lady Winella is about to hang the three Triade members who set her town on fire as the Zephyr blockade is destroyed by a large armada of ships bearing a new flag, The Royal Navy. Led by Dove on the Kraken, Maximus on the Howling Porpoise and Quinn on the Golden Fleece. They scare off the southern side of the blockade and bring supplies to their new apply in the Royal Navy, Lady Winella of Kinaros. Towing behind their ships is a repaired Gobsnapper. Knowing you have a ship again you tell Winella to stop the execution. You induct Vultara, Izill and Skalden into the crew of the Gobsnapper Max and Kricia introduce you to their daughter Illia, the future princess of Pacura. Kricia, the prophet gives each of you a clam shell with a letter written in it. She even gives you one for Sossori, which you decide to read out loud as a team. Kinaros, Hydri, Milos, Kyra and Eidon in spirit fight against the tyranny of Typhon and Zephyr, with Gyaron being in a gray area on where they stand. To finish up business on Kinaros, you head to the Seeker camp. You find one last seeker loading up the final cart before heading to the northern dock. You kill him and find another journal entry saying that Flint hid journals in the Pit on Gyaron. Ride after the boat to see it set sail heading for Gyaron, confirming your next stop.   After the long journey to free Kinaros you decide to let loose at the local tavern. Arygos and Moira get people dancing and singing. Chris leaves to catch fish and find berries. Henri hangs out in the room with your new shipmates Vultara, Skalden and Izill. During the festivities you meet a happy-go-lucky cripple named Stefan and a recent widow named Francisca. Chris and Fransisca go and bake in the kitchen during the party. In that time two gnome traders come in to see what the commotion was. Moira drunkenly informs them of Chris' identity and they inform then that they wish to kill Chris. The brothers names are Jonah and Oliver. Chris is their older brother who killed their father. his brother found him and wanted revenge for his brother Arygos accidentally sets the tavern ablaze, he then kidnaps the unimposing gnomes. Around here is when Moira uses a potion of diminution on Oliver. Chris and Fransisca escape but not before enjoying a room to themselves. Henri and the shiphands partook in some yandu that Skalden had with him. Them being mostly incoherent made Chris have to help then from the burning building. All the crew, which now included Fransisca and Stefan, escapes back to the Gobsnapper. Moira and Arygos begin interrogating Oliver and Jonah. A fight ensues between Chris and Arygos because Arygos harms Jonah. Chris almost kills the dragonborn. To calm the situation Chris offers Arygos a potion of healing, little did he know that Arygos gave him that a while back as a prank and it was actually a potion of poison. After many failed attempts, the tied up Jonah offered his poison kit and that cured him. Oddly enough, Arygos still wanted to murder the brothers and in that distraction, Moira took the Oliver and threw him into her bag of holding. After the scuffle settled down everyone agreed Oliver must have escaped the ship. Arygos killed his brother thinking this was to save Chris Jonah's hatred for his brother, mourning the death of his father, lead the younger brother to take Henri's offer of a knife and stab his older brother. Another fight ensued with Jonah eventually being launched off the boat. Chris jumped in to save him after he repeatedly told his friends he did not want his brother harmed.   Chris swims away.     Chris left in anger that he would do that, at least alive he could have resolved his issues with his kin   Remus stands up and burns through the poison. The poison that was seemingly killing him was purged as it was never enough to hold back the magic of such a powerful wizard. Talk about family ties and the only person he loved was Iona's mother. She was acting against him and his interests and for that, even though he did see her as a daughter, she was now more an obstacle. He time held everyone, slowly walked over and stabbed you all when frozen. The searing pain of your necks being slashed was hel in that moment as you began to pass out. Remus took the location of the temple and teleported away from your dying bodies, he tossed the flint letters he had found as his next target was more of interest to him. A single ship neared the shore. You wake up on the ocean on Grek's new shipping boat to realize his two employees are the remaining knackle brothers.   After recovering an angry Arygos who Valda almost killed, you board the Gobsnapper to find a package from Christopher Knackle. In it is a note saying he wished it ended better, as well as his adventuring gear. He is for the moment retiring and focusing on rebuilding his family.
  Chris - finds out about his brother and that Arygos ruined his family. Joins up with the resurging Kingfishers and climbs the ladder as a hunter. Red Heron         A more important looking soldier rides a bandersnatch, a cat like creature that has purple fur and glowing swirls over its body. The leader does some crazy maneuvers and kills the large dragon singlehandedly the. rides off. The other knights introduce themselves as the kingfishers. They are members of an ancient chaste of knights that kills the beasts that used to rain chaos on their lands. The kingfishers have been recruiting anyone that is willing to fight and has had their lives destroyed by dragons           Chris joined the Kingfishers and stole the Finite Lance from his home. Unbeknownst to him, the Kingfishers and a draken woman fought and torched Nak after he left.     Learn about the kingfishers. Retell the part about the staff, not in use but covered in vines, the rose gold tip barely poking out. Vulture with flaming wing.   Wander the woods, enter the tree tunnel. Find dead bramble dwarves thicket watch. Small girl covered in ash crying, holding a blue stufffed unicorn Tabby. Daughter of Oliver and Ebee Knackle. Uncles were visiting home after their job didnt come through. Town (Nak) is being destroyed by a Red Hag. Along with 2 kobolds and 2 drakes. Groups of civilians are being killed. Dragons do not understand draconic.     Walk to Arboran to see the siege beginning. Arygos stays in the outskirts because night is about to fall. The others find a way through a cave into the Hedgespire. Talk down some wolves. Meet Maven Grimbind, Wegelia and Addikus Windslayer. 1 hour until sundown and Triss attacks the enemy troops, starting the siege early. The Red Herons army was already attacking before Blackcherry arrived. They all fought off the battle as Sossari charged up totems with electricity to create a barrier around the castle. Arygos, Dex and Bedlam held back Blackcherry's army once it arrived. Sossari and Trss used magic to defend the walls. Arygos and Bedlam defeated Blackcherry as Dex took out his army Triss fended off the Red Herons attack at the loss of the remaining Thistlewatch. The Red Heron retreated as they brought the dragonlance to the pillar at Hedgespire. Windslayer ranted on how gods meddle too much, he traces the corrupted Synapsid symbol into his castle using Sossari's totems. The symbol froze the party as Maven released the magic months to neutralize the partys magic. Windslayer took the dragonlance and destroyed the egg. Black flame surged into Arygos and white into bedlam. Causing some discoloration. They awoke still feeling paralyzed from the spell. They are in the cell beneath Hedgespire. The Red Heron walks down and says how dragons are evil and the Kingfishers will bring order back to the world. He tosses you a white crystal and tells you this is the last time he saves you. Reveals himself to be Chris. Bedlam can use the crystal against Arygos. A spectral Pathos appears, the last soul sucked into Arygos by his axe. Pathos breaks the chains of the door.     You are in the jail cell and feel very malnourished. It has been longer than a day since you were betrayed. Christopher offered you his assistance 6 days after you were caught in the blast that killed Synapsid. After revealing himself, he promised that the next time he sees the team, he will treat them as an enemy. Sossari tries heat metal, bedlam breaks her own wrist, arygos is knocked out, triss blasts a fire bolt at Joseph's chain, after a couple failed attempts Sossari just turns into a mouse to escape. After Chris walks up the stairs, you feel a rumble shake the entire structure. Rocks begin to crumble from the ceiling. The stairs get blocked by rubble. As the shake settles you see green acid flowing through the cracks in the rocks.             Chris fought his old friends the Shatterbrand at Barakek. Chris was killed atop the central tower after Incinerin tried to bring Vlox into his true form.   Iona appeared after the carnage to attached a chain of Vlox onto Incinerin. He then erupted in green fire and brought back many of the dead as Harrowed. Incinerin is now the Harbinger of Vlox with Knackle as one of his soldiers.


Oliver Knackle


Towards Christopher Knackle


Christopher Knackle


Towards Oliver Knackle


Jonah Knackle


Towards Christopher Knackle


Christopher Knackle


Towards Jonah Knackle


Current Location
Year of Death
211 AHM
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Triss in the Destruction of Barakek. Brought back Harrowed after Iona attached the chain of Vlox to Incinerin
Place of Death
Oliver Knackle (Brother)
Jonah Knackle (Brother)
Aligned Organization