Tishre Culdris

Tishre Culdris is a striking figure with bright purple skin that stands out even in the darkest of alleys. She has piercing golden eyes that seem to always be assessing her surroundings, and a wicked smile that suggests she enjoys her work a bit too much. She is tall and lean, with long limbs that make her movements seem almost serpentine.   Tishre's clothing is practical, designed to allow her to move quietly and quickly. She wears dark leather armor that has been expertly crafted to fit her form, and a hooded cloak that helps her blend into the shadows. Her weapons of choice are a pair of gleaming daggers, each one honed to a razor-sharp edge.   Tishre is deeply devoted to Sparato, the god of greed. She believes that wealth and power are the only things worth pursuing in life, and that the ends justify the means when it comes to achieving those goals. She is unapologetically ruthless in pursuit of her own success, and has little regard for the lives of others.   Tishre's affiliation with the Green Xotls is purely a matter of business. She recognizes the value of working with a well-organized and well-funded group, and the Xotls are known to pay handsomely for their services. Tishre has no particular loyalty to the group, but she does take pride in her work and always strives to carry out her missions with precision and skill.   In addition to her assassin's skills, Tishre is also skilled in the use of the rare toxin that the Green Xotls rely on for their work. She has spent many years studying the properties of axolotl venom, and knows how to use it to deadly effect. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty, and is willing to use any means necessary to achieve her goals.   Tishre Culdris is a purple skin tiefling. She is a follower of Sparato, the god of Greed. She is a Green Xotl assassin because it pays well.   1 Ornir Assassin Tishre Culdris purple skinned, follower of Sparato, in it for the money   tried to flee the destruction of her faction but Sossari had webbed the exit before their ambush. Tishre was killed by Dex and Gnarl. 212
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