Tombking Anubane Rhytyn V

Tombking Anubane Rhytyn V

Father of Dius Scrawl, Viumu Scrawl and Cerith Scrawl
  The fifth sibling, Anubane Rhytyn V, was a renowned diplomat known for his ability to forge alliances and navigate political intrigues. His attire often included elaborate symbols and amulets representing various desert deities. His death occurred under suspicious circumstances during a diplomatic mission, which led to increased tension between the Rhytyn family and neighboring factions, further intensifying the mystery surrounding the family.
  Good friends with Amir Kraal.
  The sandstone hallway was dark, and wet. The boy was used to the dry weather of the Charmsand Desert, making the dampness uncomfortable to him. As the Royal Guards led him into the inner chambers of the palace, the young prince became incredibly frightened. Sweat dripped from his forehead onto his nose and then trickled its way down onto his leather robes. The royal guards did not acknowledge that their prince was frightened; they just continued pressing him further into the depths of his father's palace. A slow beating could be heard, followed by a chilling howl. Prince Anubane frantically looked around for the source of the commotion.
  The sound echoed through the walls of the cavern like a string vibrates on a harp. The beat was getting louder and faster. Anubane wanted to run, but his legs were frozen with fear of what might have been lying ahead. When the guards entered the chamber they joined the ranks around the walls of the room, and carried on with the boom, boom, thud. The guards were stomping loudly twice then kicking their legs back to create the 'thud' against the sandstone walls. In the middle of the dark chamber was Anubane’s father standing straight up with bloody, tattered robes. As soon as the young prince took his first step into the torchlight, the beat stopped. Behind the tombking were two giant statues of ancient gods resembling werewolves. They were poised upright in a watchful stance, and in each of the statues hands were a massive scimitar and a spear that reached from floor to ceiling. Anubane cautiously walked forwards to meet his father, his hands trembling with fear.
  "Please father, I'm frightened. May I please go back to my quarters…"
  The boy pleaded, his bottom lip quivering. The boy's father said nothing; he simply made a smooth hand gesture towards the guards. The guards stalked forwards, grabbing Anubane with force before taking him to a large, cold slab of stone. The prince squirmed to try and break free, but couldn't over power the burly guards. With his hands and feet now tied down, Anubane couldn’t budge. The reigning tombking, Anubane's father, walked over to his son with a malicious look in his eye.
  "Son, every generation our people must make a tribute to the desert gods; the tribute must be a member of the royal bloodline. Since you are my only child, you must be sacrificed. When I was a boy, my father showed me his true colors and his true weakness, compassion. A great tombking must look past the petty needs of himself, and look out for what is best for his kingdom. My father put himself on the tribunal slab instead of me or my brothers; I will not make the same petty mistake."
  The beat started again, after each rhythm the bone chilling howl could be heard. Anubane now realized that the howl was the Gods answering to the tribute. As the noises became deafening, a blue crescent moon carving on the ceiling began to shine brightly. Anubane was so entranced in the moon on the ceiling that he didn't realize that the blue crescent was being imprinted on his chest. A burst of strength entered the young boy, a strength that was most definitely not human.
  "No! This isn't what is supposed to happen!" Anubane's father screamed. The prince was breaking the constraints.
  The prince stood up on the slab, looking into the terrified faces of the guards. For the first time, Anubane felt power beyond the kind that he was born into. He felt power because these men feared him, and he embraced it. As Anubane's muscles started to bulge, his bones were breaking and mending themselves, through some twisted magic the prince's body was deforming from a human and becoming something more, something terrifying. As the body settled into a stable mass, what was once a boy was now a towering blue beast. With the head of a dog-like creature and the body of a furred man, the creature stood above the cowering guards. The creature had pointed ears and its body was covered in silky blue fur, its snout was large, his nose was wet, hands and feet were very disproportionate for a human, but seemed to fit this beast. The jewelery Anubane wore still remained; the studded earrings still in the pointy ears and the gold bands, though stretched, still around the beast's forearms. The Werewolf stalked towards its father, with the same malicious look in its eye that its father had given him earlier.
  "I accept your tribute, father." the animal growled.
  Anubane was thought to have been possessed by the Gods but no, he embraced and controlled them. Anubane killed his father with one swift swipe from his massive claws. Anubane turned away from the fearful men to rip the massive scimitars from both of the statues stone grips. The monstrosity turned back towards the guards, and smirked.
  "Who are you pointing your puny little spears at?" Anubane snarled, the bones started to once again break and mend, the blue fur retracted into the body, and Anubane stood in front of the guards, transformed into an adult mirror of himself through some dark magic.
  "Stand down! I wouldn't start on my bad side at the beginning of my reign as the new Tombking." Anubane declared this as he walked triumphantly through the group of guards, just before leaving he turned back to the befuddled guards. The Tombking pretended to howl and then laughed to himself as all of the guards flinched in fear.
  "And now you all know how unpleasant my bad side is. Keep that in mind."
  Killed by Ug-Col'Ek.


Tombking Anubane Rhytyn V


Towards Elinor Skytracer


Elinor Skytracer


Towards Tombking Anubane Rhytyn V


Tombking Anubane Rhytyn V


Towards Ysus Scrawl


Ysus Scrawl


Towards Tombking Anubane Rhytyn V


Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
136 AHM 207 AHM 71 years old
Ysus Scrawl (Lover)
Dark brown (human), Blue (lycan)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned (human), light blue (lycan)
Aligned Organization