Valtor Blackwood

Valtor Blackwood, was desperate for success and riches, and so he sought out the Dread Crescent to aid him in his quest.   At first, it seemed as if Valtor had made a wise decision. His ship sailed faster than any other, leaving the competition in its wake. But as time passed, misfortune plagued the crew. Storms raged, waves crashed, and sickness spread throughout the ship. The crew knew something was wrong, but they could not pinpoint the cause.   It wasn't until they stumbled upon an ancient sea tome that they learned the truth about the Dread Crescent. The spirit was not a benevolent being, but a malevolent one, cursing ships with bad luck until all but the cursed sailor died. And in that sailor's grief, the Dread Crescent fed, until there were no more spirits left to consume.   Valtor was now cursed for life. Every ship he sailed on would suffer misfortune until it eventually met its doom. His once loyal crew abandoned him, unwilling to risk their lives on another doomed voyage. Valtor sailed alone, driven mad by the constant whispers of the Dread Crescent in his ear, taunting him with promises of riches and power.   No one knows what became of Valtor Blackwood, but some say that his cursed ship still sails the seas, haunted by the Dread Crescent and its twisted face, with only the cursed captain left to suffer its torment.   He sailed the Salty Siren. Blackwood died and the spirit found Captain Klabaut.
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
His son Rictor tried to take the Dread Crescent for himself, unwittingly killing Valtor