
Medium town in Gadafoss   Zalbana is a small, subdued town nestled in the heart of a snowy, cold desert in the Gadafoss province of Valhedge. Its population is mostly made up of Yergralffe, who revere the Spirit Oasis. The town exudes a quiet solemnity, as if it is always in mourning. The Margrave of this place is Krisstofr Wolfbrand, a reserved and austere figure who is rarely seen outside of his fortified manor. The windswept streets of Zalbana are empty and quiet, and there is a feeling of isolation that pervades the town. A wooden sign hangs from a post at the edge of the town, its faded letters barely visible, as if it is a relic from a bygone era. There is a sense that the spirits of the tundra are always watching, waiting for someone to disturb their slumber.
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