Crowsfeet's Story

  • 207 AHM

    7 Rainfall

    The Syndicate
    Life, Milestone

    Crowsfeet gets contract to break into Skygarde with Cryptkeep   Chapter 3 - The Thieves' Den   As Crowsfeet removed the sewer lid with the Syndicate's symbol brushstroked onto it, the fumes of the forgotten sewers filled his beak. As the ravenheart climbed down, the rotting rope ladder broke under him. After the crashing impact from the sewer floor he realized how he had made some poor choices in his life. Any other featherblood would have spread his wings and gently floated to the cement below; but not Crowsfeet. After dropping out of military training and swindling his commanding officer out of a family heirloom, Crowsfeet never took to the skies again. The air is controlled by the Windriders, an elite featherblood militant group who Crowsfeet had a high notoriety with. Crowsfeet got up, dusted himself off and with a small grunt carried on down the darkening tunnel. The last torch passed by and Crowsfeet placed his talon on the brickwork. One, two, three... three hundred four, three hundred five, three hundred six. Crowsfeet stopped, reached down into the darkness and picked up a key, placing the key into the keyhole of the three hundred and sixth brick past the last torch. A small click was heard and Crowsfeet moved to the side, avoiding the collapsing wall. As the dust cleared there was now a doorway into the torch-lit sanctum. Crowsfeet walked into the sanctum to the sight of a beautiful red-haired woman who's face was half covered by a pure white glass mask.   "Well, I'm here Tamara. What's the big score?" Crowsfeet asked while sitting down on a nearby bench.   "Oh, believe me Crowsfeet, you're gonna enjoy this one. Ever broken into the Skygarde castle?" The beautiful thief asked while grinning wide.   "Dozens of times" Crowsfeet answered smuggly.   "What about King Skytracer's living quarters?" she asked.   A look of intrigue emerged on the winged rogue's face, Tamara handed him the contract.   "Oh yeah, Cryptkeep's coming along." Tamara quickly said as she walked away.   "No. I work alone." Crowsfeet was offended.   "It wasn't a question. the buyer wanted two, you; an expert thief and an expert lockpicker; Cryptkeep." She waved goodbye as she entered her quarters.   Crowsfeet went and found Cryptkeep, he was a frail, skinny gnome who had enormous glasses and wore keys around his neck. The two thieves set off west down the dark tunnel, the direction of the Skygarde sewer systems.

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    9 Rainfall

    The Heist

    Crow and Cryptkeep break into castle, Stephanio awakes and kills Cryptkeep. Skytracer astounded and pleased   Chapter 9 - The Heist   Crowsfeet had easily made it into the Skygarde castle before, his job was a bit more difficult this time because the clumsy Cryptkeep was about as stealthy as a raging bull. The reason Cryptkeep was even in the Syndicate was because he could pick any lock imaginable and was a useful asset to the thieves. The unfortunate part about the gnome was that he usually got caught mid-lockpick and got thrown in jail. The very fortunate thing is that there is no jail with a door Cryptkeep cannot break out of. The night of the heist was abnormally windy, which highly benefited the thieves; as the wind howling kept their footsteps muffled. The moon was only a sliver and the lighting was perfect, the darkness enveloped the dark clothes of Crowsfeet and Cryptkeep. The contract Tamara had given them was for the king's greatsword, an artifact that had been in the royal family since the age of man began. The two thieves stood at the end of the hallway leading into the king's chambers, all that was in the hall was a trophy case right outside the final room, some paintings on the wall and a storage closet just before the king's room. The two crept along wall making no noise, Cryptkeep stopped and checked out the locked trophy case. Inside was a unique blade with a jagged-edged and orange and purple ribbons threaded around the handle. Crowsfeet whispered at the gnome.   "What are you doing? That's not what we are here for, just stay on target." Crowsfeet was annoyed at his greedy cohert.   "Come on Crowsfeet, you gotta stray from the plan a bit, have a little fun ya know? " Cryptkeep quietly joked at Crowsfeet as the expert locksmith fiddled with the trophy case.   Click. Cryptkeep easily opened the case.   "Listen gnome, it's not in the contract and I'm not getting caught for your stupidity." Crowsfeet backed up against the wall to let Cryptkeep finish his extra thieving.   "We're not gonna get caught, do all featherblood's whine this much?" Cryptkeep mumbled as he delicately picked up the blade. He twirled it around triumphantly. Almost like it was a gurantee, the clumsy gnome dropped the knife. Crowsfeet stretched his winged arms and lept towards Cryptkeep, pushing off the wall to start his glide. The avian thief outstretched his arm and grabbed the dagger just before it hit the ground, with a quick push from his wings Crowsfeet was upright and face to face with Cryptkeep. Both were silent as Crowsfeet stared intently at the clumsy fool, holding the blade to Crypkeep's neck. After a few moments of Crowsfeet deciding if he wanted to stab the gnome or not, the featherblood flicked his wrist and quickly spun the blade; expertly catching the bladed end without cutting himself.   "Put it back." Crowsfeet shoved the handle of the knife at Cryptkeep's chest. The gnome had nothing to say.   "Idiot." Crowsfeet said as he leaned against the wall, the gnome said nothing back and took the insult. Cryptkeep gently put the knife back and turned towards the door, he began trying to pick the king's lock.   Stephanio awoke abruptly from his sleep, he somehow knew that someone had touch the knife just outside his room. Stephanio's chamber was just beside the king's, it was origanally a storage closet but King Skytracer had it converted into a small bedroom for his court jester.   Cryptkeep had just about finished with the lock as Crowsfeet saw the storage closet doorknob slowly being turned, he was not close enough to warn his partner. Crowsfeet sank into the darkness just as Cryptkeep had entered the room closing the door behind him. Stephanio quietly stepped out of the room, peeked his head out from inside, then entered the hallway very alert. The clown looked left and right and paced towards where Crowsfeet was hiding. Stephanio stopped, slowly turning his head towards the trophy case. Crowsfeet saw a maniacal smile spread across the court jester's face. Stephanio crouched down and investigated the lock which had remained opened. With a small squeak, the jester opened the trophy case and gripped the dagger, he looked relieved that he could finally hold the blade that taunted him everyday. With a quick gesture, Stephanio tossed the blade into the air and caught it by balancing the jagged knife on one finger. Stephanio seemed to have an odd mastery of this locked away dagger. With one final motion, Stephanio sheathed the blade and looked down the hall. He seemed to be looking directly at Crowsfeet. Was the expert thief shadowy hiding place not as dark as he thought? Crowsfeet's heart was working hard and it felt as though the beating could be heard echoing through the entire castle. Stephanio continued to stare at Crowsfeet, keeping eye contact. The maniacal grin spread even farther across the clown's face and his eyes looked unnatural; wide open and piercing towards Crowsfeet.   "Naughty, naughty thief." The clown talked in a dark, scratchy voice.   Stephanio shook his head in disregard as he backed away from Crowsfeet; eye contact was never broken as the jester moved towards the king's room. Stephanio turned and quietly opened the door, Crowsfeet finally breathed as he sat in the shadows. The clown entered the room to see the back of a small, frail gnome rummaging through King Skytracer's chest. The king was rolling around in his bed, he was having trouble sleeping. Cryptkeep had finally pulled the greatsword out of the chest but a loud gust of wind spooked him, he dropped the sword. The clanking was heard by Crowsfeet outside the room, he mumbled to himself "Poor clumsy fool", Crowsfeet started to eave the hallway. The loud noise awoke the king, but before his eyes could adjust he felt something heavy fall onto his feet, soaking the blanket in blood. Skytracer turned and lit his bedside candle to see Stephanio standing there over the dead body of a gnome holding the royal greatsword. Stephanio had slit the thief's neck from behind, Cryptkeep never even saw it coming. Stephanio turned to his master, the menacing smile had dissapeared.   "Sorry about the mess my lord, this bad man was standing over your body with a sword, he was about to stab you while you slept." Stephanio's voice did not have a dark tone to it anymore, it sounded like his normal, childish self.   "Stephanio, you saved me, this assassin was so close to ending my life and you killed him. Thank you Stephanio!" The king stood and shook his servant's hand.   "You're a hero, my friend!" King Skytracer walked Stephanio out of his room and the two of them went down towards the main hall. Crowsfeet had found a better hiding spot in an actual storage closet, he peeked through the lock to watch the King and Stephanio walk past the door. For an instant, Stephanio looked away from his king and glanced towards the closet, Crowsfeet felt the clown's gaze and for a brief second, the thief saw the twisted look Stephanio had before going to kill Cryptkeep. The featherblood thief accepted that he was not going to complete this contract. Crowsfeet is good at what he does but not good enough to deal with a murderous, psychotic clown who has multiple personalities.

  • 207 AHM

    12 Rainfall


    Crow is given new contract by Watcher, sent to steal the Heap King's crown

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    24 Rainfall


    Fights Goblins when he reached Mooncrest Woods

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    32 Rainfall


    Traps a Swampstalker on his way to the Goblin village

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    36 Rainfall


    Crow fights Goblins, defeated by Heap King. Spared life for new contract. Sent to steal Kronimane's staff

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  • 207 AHM

    48 Rainfall


    Crow takes flight for the first time in years, Captures by Windriders half way to Mizyak Island, taken to Nesthaven

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    50 Rainfall


    Windriders offer freedom to Crow if they can have Kronimane's staff once it is obtained. Syndicate break Crow out of Nesthaven

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    51 Rainfall


    The Windriders request an audience with the Syndicate Windriders ask Syndicate to join them in attacking the northern Darkshadow island to stop Kronimane and shut down the Courtyard

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    53 Rainfall


    Windriders and Syndicate enter Black Sun Elf territory, no Necromancers. Malstrom arrives and joins Crow

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  • 207 AHM

    1 Newbloom


    Crow and Malstrom are told that Kronimane was last seen heading towards the Wasteland, Malstrom heads there, Crow is still on contract so he follows

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  • 207 AHM

    6 Newbloom


    Malstrom and Crow enter the Wasteland, attacked by the reborn Jungle Warrior, Malstrom defeats it and senses that the Warrior was out of place

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  • 207 AHM

    7 Newbloom


    Orcs attack Malstrom and Crow, Crow is killed, Malstrom defeats the Orcs. Orc Chieftain tells Malstrom that Kronimane can's die until all his reborn die

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