Highking Orion Skytracer

Highking of Galfin

Highking Orion Skytracer

Highking of Skygarde, ranking member of the High Guard, son of the great Hector Fortcrusher, leader of men. Orion Skytracer has brought upon an era of prosperity to his kingdom. With his throne room overlooking the Great Plateau, he witnesses the troubles that the Dunwich people have to endure, and he is proud. He is proud because he knows that the stronghold he maintains keeps his citizens safe. Orion's father died when he was just a boy, the noble Highking took charge at the young age of 15. A swift swordsman and a people's king, Skytracer spent his early reign trying to protect the people within his walls, unfortunately with his spending to fortify the walls, taxes increased. The citizens of Skygarde who could not pay the increase in taxes formed a smaller colony just outside of Skygarde known to the nobles as the Forgotten Slums. Orion did not wish to have his people leave the safety of his walls but Skygarde became a paradise for the wealthy, and he soaked in the prosperity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The castle was quiet, but the storm was not. As the rain poured onto the slate roof, a young Orion sat in his chambers, hiding under his blanket. He was not supposed to be scared of a simple act of nature but he could not help it, a few days previous he almost drowned in the river outside the castle grounds. Orion and Mortimer got caught in the Woods that brandish his father Hector's namesake. As the flash floods rose the water dangerously quick as Captain Nikolas and their older sister Ruby came searching for them. The young boy witnessed his older sister being overwhelmed by the mighty current, the prince would have been killed as well if Sir Nikolas Heartstring; captain of the High Guard hadn't grabbed the boy and brought him back from the brink of death. As the boy crawled out of bed, the floor creaked. Silently opening his door he crept through the many halls of the Skygarde castle. Yelling could be heard from the barracks, it was Orion's father. Hector Skytracer, famously nicknamed Fortcrusher, was not a happy man. The young prince could not hear the words but knew his father was angered. As Orion heard quick footsteps moving towards him, he hid behind some of the decorative quilts hanging from the wall. As he peeked out he saw Nikolas walking passed him, looking infuriated. The next day Highking Hector announced that Sir Nikolas had been forcefully removed from his title of captain after he failed to save the king's beloved daughter. It was announced that Sir Morokin would take his place as captain for his expertise with both magic and daggers. The younger captain had trained with the great wizard Boto and mastered his swordsmanship with his noble father. The rest of Orion's life as a prince was a blur, as the heir to the throne he studies and trained in the art of politics and warfare. The teenage prince found his father bloody and barely breathing in the royal bed chamber. Orion held his father's wounds as he screamed for help, no one would come. In his last breathe, Hector told his son that it was the fiendish Sir Morokin that attempted to assassinate the Highking. Orion's father asked one thing of his son.   "Protect our home."   Orion felt his father's last breathe leave his body. Highking Orion Skytracer was the youngest ruler to ever command the great city of Skygarde but quickly became one of the greatest. Orion cast out the traitor and requested that Nikolas be reinstated, the ex-captain politely refused.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Leadership, charismatic, passionate, defender, loyal.

Vices & Personality flaws

Prejudice, vain,


Religious Views

Worships Dhara. Practices with Church of Dhara.


Ruby Skytracer


Towards Highking Orion Skytracer


Highking Orion Skytracer


Towards Ruby Skytracer


Highking Orion Skytracer


Towards Aquilla Seraphim


Aquilla Seraphim


Towards Highking Orion Skytracer


Highking Orion Skytracer


Towards Captain Morty


Captain Morty


Towards Highking Orion Skytracer


Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
137 AHM 210 AHM 73 years old
Circumstances of Death
Beheaded after a long battle against the Laird Teyranus in the centre of Skygarde. He was defeated during the Hearthic Invasion.
Captain Morty (Brother)
Current Residence
Chestnut Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10"
205 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven