Orion Skytracer's Story

  • 135 AHM

    5 Firstfrost

    Orion Skytracer
    Life, Birth

    Highking Hector has his second child Orion.

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  • 139 AHM

    Mortimer Skytracer
    Life, Birth
  • 144 AHM

    Ruby Skytracer
    Life, Death

    During a storm surge, Nikolas Heartstring let Ruby out of his sight while he tried to grab Mortimer. She was swept away and killed by the storm

  • 157 AHM

    Coronation of Highking Orion Skytracer
    Political event

    Orion Skytracer succeeds his father Hector as Highking of Galfin. His father was on his deathbed succumbing to the stagnant repercussion of being afflicted during the Black Fog.

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  • 158 AHM

    Hector “Fortcrusher” Skytracer
    Life, Death

    Hector watched from his bedroom as his last child was crowned Highking. He then fought strongly until the next year until the remaining Fogholt Plague symptoms took his life. He died surrounded by his family and soldiers.

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  • 163 AHM

    End of the Black Fog
    Discovery, Exploration

    In the year 163 of the 5E, two young brothers travelled into the poisoned city of Fogholt with a woman who was a historical expert on the layout of the city. Boto and Remus Silverstaff as well as their guide Alma of Clarion used the Silverstaff's late father theories to make their way into the tiered city and find the source of the plague. They avoided cursed spirits as they sneaked around. Inside they found an ancient artifact of evil machinations was planted within the lowest tier of the city to spread the plague around the commoners. The brothers combined their magical knowledge to deactivate the device and reverse engineer the magic it used to find a cure for the Plague 135 years after it began

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  • 207 AHM

    5 Rainfall

    The Annoying Mistake

    Stephanio sells crown for meat, sent to room with Yacobius   Chapter 6 - The Annoying Mistake In the great castle of Skygarde, the Court Jester had an important job; amuse the king and serve the Kingdom. The local Blacksmith requested a glass replica crown to be picked up for the King. Stephanio the Jester was sent to retrieve the valuable item. With the relic in hand, Stephanio wandered past a traveling cart that sold meat and other hunted products. The smell of the freshly killed prey wafted through the air, Stephanio couldn't resist taking a look. After walking aimlessly around the cart for minutes, Stephanio stopped and asked for a mutton-chop   "That will be three gold pieces my good Sir."   "I don't have any coin, Butcher" Stephanio replied.   "Well, that crown you're carrying looks rather valuable, maybe a trade is in order?"   The Clown pondered this trade for a good length of time.   "Clown, you did what?!"   King Skytracer was furious with his servant   "Ma..Mmm..Master, I'm dreadfully sorry but I...I just had to trade the crown for the kill." The Clown quivered as he talked   "And what idiotic whim could have led you to doing such a stupid act?" The King's blood pressure raised with his voice   "I sensed death, Sire.."   The King didn't know what to say, he sat in his luxurious throne thinking to himself. Skytracer opened his mouth but nothing came out, he couldn't find the words to say. Finally, King Skytracer turned to one of the royal guards, whispered something in his ear and sent him away.   "Begone Jester, I need to think some things over. Go see if Yacobius Hrothgar needs any assistance."   Stephanio went to his quarters; right beside the King's royal quarters. On the way to his room, there is a tightly locked display case housing a jagged dagger with a purple glint to it, Stephanio has always been drawn to it but is forbidden to touch. Whenever the Court Jester asks about the blade, the King smiles and simply says "The Blade is a trophy taken from a great foe, it represents what Boto and I managed to stop." Stephanio had only met the Master Wizard Boto Silverstaff a few times, but Stephanio knew that Boto has fought many evil doers and the blade must have belonged to someone truly powerful.   Stephanio walked past the blade, packed his things and headed towards the towering headquarters of the High Guard, home of Yacobius Hrothgar the Battle Priest.

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  • 207 AHM

    9 Rainfall

    The Heist

    Crow and Cryptkeep break into castle, Stephanio awakes and kills Cryptkeep. Skytracer astounded and pleased   Chapter 9 - The Heist   Crowsfeet had easily made it into the Skygarde castle before, his job was a bit more difficult this time because the clumsy Cryptkeep was about as stealthy as a raging bull. The reason Cryptkeep was even in the Syndicate was because he could pick any lock imaginable and was a useful asset to the thieves. The unfortunate part about the gnome was that he usually got caught mid-lockpick and got thrown in jail. The very fortunate thing is that there is no jail with a door Cryptkeep cannot break out of. The night of the heist was abnormally windy, which highly benefited the thieves; as the wind howling kept their footsteps muffled. The moon was only a sliver and the lighting was perfect, the darkness enveloped the dark clothes of Crowsfeet and Cryptkeep. The contract Tamara had given them was for the king's greatsword, an artifact that had been in the royal family since the age of man began. The two thieves stood at the end of the hallway leading into the king's chambers, all that was in the hall was a trophy case right outside the final room, some paintings on the wall and a storage closet just before the king's room. The two crept along wall making no noise, Cryptkeep stopped and checked out the locked trophy case. Inside was a unique blade with a jagged-edged and orange and purple ribbons threaded around the handle. Crowsfeet whispered at the gnome.   "What are you doing? That's not what we are here for, just stay on target." Crowsfeet was annoyed at his greedy cohert.   "Come on Crowsfeet, you gotta stray from the plan a bit, have a little fun ya know? " Cryptkeep quietly joked at Crowsfeet as the expert locksmith fiddled with the trophy case.   Click. Cryptkeep easily opened the case.   "Listen gnome, it's not in the contract and I'm not getting caught for your stupidity." Crowsfeet backed up against the wall to let Cryptkeep finish his extra thieving.   "We're not gonna get caught, do all featherblood's whine this much?" Cryptkeep mumbled as he delicately picked up the blade. He twirled it around triumphantly. Almost like it was a gurantee, the clumsy gnome dropped the knife. Crowsfeet stretched his winged arms and lept towards Cryptkeep, pushing off the wall to start his glide. The avian thief outstretched his arm and grabbed the dagger just before it hit the ground, with a quick push from his wings Crowsfeet was upright and face to face with Cryptkeep. Both were silent as Crowsfeet stared intently at the clumsy fool, holding the blade to Crypkeep's neck. After a few moments of Crowsfeet deciding if he wanted to stab the gnome or not, the featherblood flicked his wrist and quickly spun the blade; expertly catching the bladed end without cutting himself.   "Put it back." Crowsfeet shoved the handle of the knife at Cryptkeep's chest. The gnome had nothing to say.   "Idiot." Crowsfeet said as he leaned against the wall, the gnome said nothing back and took the insult. Cryptkeep gently put the knife back and turned towards the door, he began trying to pick the king's lock.   Stephanio awoke abruptly from his sleep, he somehow knew that someone had touch the knife just outside his room. Stephanio's chamber was just beside the king's, it was origanally a storage closet but King Skytracer had it converted into a small bedroom for his court jester.   Cryptkeep had just about finished with the lock as Crowsfeet saw the storage closet doorknob slowly being turned, he was not close enough to warn his partner. Crowsfeet sank into the darkness just as Cryptkeep had entered the room closing the door behind him. Stephanio quietly stepped out of the room, peeked his head out from inside, then entered the hallway very alert. The clown looked left and right and paced towards where Crowsfeet was hiding. Stephanio stopped, slowly turning his head towards the trophy case. Crowsfeet saw a maniacal smile spread across the court jester's face. Stephanio crouched down and investigated the lock which had remained opened. With a small squeak, the jester opened the trophy case and gripped the dagger, he looked relieved that he could finally hold the blade that taunted him everyday. With a quick gesture, Stephanio tossed the blade into the air and caught it by balancing the jagged knife on one finger. Stephanio seemed to have an odd mastery of this locked away dagger. With one final motion, Stephanio sheathed the blade and looked down the hall. He seemed to be looking directly at Crowsfeet. Was the expert thief shadowy hiding place not as dark as he thought? Crowsfeet's heart was working hard and it felt as though the beating could be heard echoing through the entire castle. Stephanio continued to stare at Crowsfeet, keeping eye contact. The maniacal grin spread even farther across the clown's face and his eyes looked unnatural; wide open and piercing towards Crowsfeet.   "Naughty, naughty thief." The clown talked in a dark, scratchy voice.   Stephanio shook his head in disregard as he backed away from Crowsfeet; eye contact was never broken as the jester moved towards the king's room. Stephanio turned and quietly opened the door, Crowsfeet finally breathed as he sat in the shadows. The clown entered the room to see the back of a small, frail gnome rummaging through King Skytracer's chest. The king was rolling around in his bed, he was having trouble sleeping. Cryptkeep had finally pulled the greatsword out of the chest but a loud gust of wind spooked him, he dropped the sword. The clanking was heard by Crowsfeet outside the room, he mumbled to himself "Poor clumsy fool", Crowsfeet started to eave the hallway. The loud noise awoke the king, but before his eyes could adjust he felt something heavy fall onto his feet, soaking the blanket in blood. Skytracer turned and lit his bedside candle to see Stephanio standing there over the dead body of a gnome holding the royal greatsword. Stephanio had slit the thief's neck from behind, Cryptkeep never even saw it coming. Stephanio turned to his master, the menacing smile had dissapeared.   "Sorry about the mess my lord, this bad man was standing over your body with a sword, he was about to stab you while you slept." Stephanio's voice did not have a dark tone to it anymore, it sounded like his normal, childish self.   "Stephanio, you saved me, this assassin was so close to ending my life and you killed him. Thank you Stephanio!" The king stood and shook his servant's hand.   "You're a hero, my friend!" King Skytracer walked Stephanio out of his room and the two of them went down towards the main hall. Crowsfeet had found a better hiding spot in an actual storage closet, he peeked through the lock to watch the King and Stephanio walk past the door. For an instant, Stephanio looked away from his king and glanced towards the closet, Crowsfeet felt the clown's gaze and for a brief second, the thief saw the twisted look Stephanio had before going to kill Cryptkeep. The featherblood thief accepted that he was not going to complete this contract. Crowsfeet is good at what he does but not good enough to deal with a murderous, psychotic clown who has multiple personalities.

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  • 207 AHM

    11 Rainfall

    The Promotion

    Dinner thrown in Stephanio's honor, Stephanio is promoted to a secret bodyguard.   Chapter 10 The streets of Skygarde were full and loud. The king was throwing a festival for Stephanio. No one in the kingdom knew why a party was being thrown in celebration of the court jester. The day previous, Stephanio was cast out of the thrown room by the king and today he was being treated like a war hero. Even though the sky was darkening, the entire commonwealth of the great city continued partying and eating together. Yacobius Hrothgar sat at the long dinner table with all the thanes and stewards of the castle. He had not seen a ceremony this large since Yacobius Hrothgar himself returned from the great battle of Snowpeak. After the festivities were over, Stephanio and Arch King Skytracer sat alone in the great hall. The king spoke to his jester.   "My friend, your potential is much greater than I had expected, the mishap must not have been an utter failure." The king the mumbled the last part of his words to himself. The clown was confused.   "What mishap?" Stephanio questioned. The king was quick to cut the question off.   "Never mind that. It almost as though your memories remain locked in the dark but your skills are shining through." The king was wistfully thinking out loud.   "My lord. Please. Do you know why I cannot remember my life before I was your servant? Please sire, I must know." Stephanio was desperate, he always wondered how he came to this castle but the king was always very tight lipped. He was told that an assassin tried to take the clown's life, causing a cave-in at the mine. Stephanio apparently lost his memories when the rocks hit his head.

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  • 207 AHM

    16 Rainfall

    Kronimane's Message

    A Necromancer kills Patrollers and walks into throne room, Stephanio kills the invader

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  • 207 AHM

    17 Rainfall

    The Slip Up

    Yacobius is worried about Necromancy, also questions Stephanio's ability, Skytracer tells that Boto had something to do with it

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  • 207 AHM

    23 Rainfall

    Reinforcements Around Skygarde

    Skytracer puts all Patrollers and Dharan Priests around the border of the city walls

  • 207 AHM

    7 Newbloom

    Change in Tactics

    Boto tells Skytracer to stop worrying about UgColEk and head to Charmsand Desert with an army

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  • 207 AHM

    22 Newbloom

    The Army Enters the Sand

    King Skytracer and his army enter the Charmsand Desert heading for the lost temple

  • 207 AHM

    23 Newbloom

    Blood in the Sand

    King Skytracer's army is defeated by the Necromancers, remnants scatter Snakeroot's group meet leftovers of Skytracer's army and join up Jaggedforge killed by Statuelurks, Snakeroot discovers Jaggedforge was a Statuelurk

    Mara Ayay
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  • 207 AHM

    24 Newbloom

    Fall of Kronimane
    Life, Death

    Kronimane activates the guardian Statuelurks, Finds Relic of Guiltloss (every life taken gains taker power) Charison and UgcolEk's army arrive to fight Statuelurk, King Skytracer's dead army reborn and joined army starts to lose   Snakeroot tells Charison that Jaggedforge was a Statuelurk. Charison knows magic won't defeat the Statuelurks   Penoir arrives with Mine Dwarves, Swarm attack the Statuelurks   Arrive on scene to witness the carnage ensuing, Kronimane announces that he gains power for ever life he has taken and that he cannot die until all reborn have also died   Kronimane kills all common soldiers, even his own Necromancers   Malstrom tells Kronimane of the Jungle Warrior's death. No reborn left. Boto readies himself   Boto and Kronimane start to battle, Boto starts to lose, Charison and Malstrom help Boto   Boto Silverstaff weakened Kronimane the Necromancer enough that the unstable court jester Stephanie was able to kill the dark wizard with his knife.   Stephanio gets final stab in the back, Skytracer see that Stephanio is with Yacobius, he is incredibly furious   The Charmsand Cloaks think Stephanio is a hero and give the Relic of Guiltloss to Stephanio. Stephanio regains memories of killing   Boto tries mind wipe spell again, Stephanio is too powerful, Boto's mind is wiped instead   UgcolEk convinces Stephanio that the Cloaks gave him the Relic as a gift from the reigning Tombking, Stephanio agrees to stand down

  • 207 AHM

    34 Newbloom

    Taking the Torch

    Yacobius is fired from captain of the High Guard

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  • 207 AHM

    41 Newbloom

    A War with Dynastes

    Grai Cross, new leader of the High Guard (Former head of the Flatland Militia), is demanded by pastors of the church (actually the Conduit) to occupy Ourellia

  • 207 AHM

    46 Newbloom

    A King Leaves His Home

    King Skytracer abruptly leaves Skygarde, does not want to enter a war due to one necromancer

  • 208 AHM

    18 Coolbreeze

    The Vagrant King

    King Skytracer ends up on a trade ship to Anchorbridge

  • 208 AHM

    39 Coolbreeze

    A Tale of Home
    Gathering / Conference

    Skytracer and Charison meet up, Charison learns that Fire Elves have taken refuge in depths of Firefang Jags (rumor)

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  • 208 AHM

    41 Coolbreeze

    Gaining Traction

    Anchorbridge is now the southern continent. Becoming trade city, Garrett the Squire joins Pirates from Outsiders

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  • 208 AHM

    42 Coolbreeze

    Gathering the Locals
    Life, Career

    Charison sets up trade routes with the native Salamance, Skytracer is the embassador

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  • 208 AHM

    45 Coolbreeze

    The Pirates Sets Sail

    Skytracer and Charison take Pirates of Anchorbridge to defend the Fire Elves from the undead menace

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  • 208 AHM

    21 Firstfrost

    Returning to Anchorbridge

    Skytracer returns to Anchorbridge to run trading company

  • 208 AHM

    32 Firstfrost

    A Force for Good

    Skytracer is contacted by Boto, joins Lifebringers in Cottonbreeze

  • 208 AHM

    35 Firstfrost

    Terrormaw's Rampage

    Battle ensues on Great Plateau, Terrorfist defeats Lifebringers, Donni battles Terrorfist, Viumu kills Stephanio Boto and Donni defeat Terrorfist, Undead dissapear, UgColEk retreats, Baboa Skaar and other monks return to rebuild Saint's Congress. Skytracer leaves Fortcrusher for death, reclaims throne, Yacobius captain again

  • 209 AHM

    44 Aridheat

    Defence of Cottonbreeze

    Scorn marches an army onto Cottonbreeze, Pigeon warns King Skytracer, Skytracers mother lives there which makes him more furious, Skytracer cares for sick wife Skytracer reluctantly asks Church to lead his assault on Scorn, his army is still recovering from Kronimane

  • 209 AHM

    45 Aridheat

    Scorn's Scorn

    The King recieves a letter from Captain Burnout, Scorn has lost it, preparing to kill the Dharans. Anchorbridge is in a struggle of control

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  • 209 AHM

    47 Aridheat

    The King's Vengeance - Battle for Skygarde

    Scorn attacks Skygarde. High Guard and Church defend. Fire Elf Army destroyed by guards, Scorn tries to run, Takes an arrow to the knee then killed by Skytracer. Skytracer is much more violent, Fire Elf and Dharans at breaking point. Smog has control of Fire Elves, works with Owendu to fix Anchorbridge   Quake breaches the Skygarde tunnels and plans for assault with his rebels.   The rebels arise in Skygarde and start to take over, Quake confronts Skytracer. The Elves will rise again   Quake frees Bogdan, Farwit talks to Oli.   Albion is defeated by Farwit, Bogdan takes Olivander and Farwit with him   The struggle continues as the High Guard tries to stop the rebels. Sir Kristoff and Sir Barney and Yacobius are the current leaders of the High Guard   Skytracer kills Quake,Yacobius questions his actions, argument "I dont fight for the church, I fight for my divine lord" Yacobius goes to join Saint's Congress, Skytracer not the same after son's death

  • 209 AHM

    48 Aridheat

    Elven Prejudice

    Skytracer is angry at elves for attacking, his wife dies. Closes Skygarde gates.

  • 209 AHM

    54 Firstfrost

    Xenophobia Grows

    Skytracer is becoming more and more paranoid, elves are the enemy

  • 210 AHM

    16 Newbloom

    Church and State

    Skytracer gives the Church full control of Skygarde. High Guard men stripped of titles.

  • 210 AHM

    7 Aridheat

    Church Over State

    Skytracer is brought into depths of the Church, see Carrion Warriors and realizes that the Church is twisted, held captive Skytracer meets the Conduit, predicts future and changes it for benefit of the Church. Skytracer wife killed to give church power.

  • 210 AHM

    9 Aridheat

    Breaking Out

    Albion , Skytracer and Jako make a plan to get out.

  • 210 AHM

    25 Aridheat

    Gathering / Conference

    Yacobius, Baboa , Sir Kristoff, Sir Barney, Jaibaird and Boto enter Skygarde. No one is outside only priests.   Yacobius, Baboa, Boto, Malstrom, Kristoff, Barney, Penoir and Dominik form alliance ready to take down church of Dhara, Oli is kept in Wizard's Guild   While UgColEk Storms the castle, The group explore the church to find their friends All watch as the Conduit rises from the Church depths.   The gang meet up with the Elves, Charison apoligizes to Skytracer for Scorn, Skytracer breaks down and begs for forgiveness   UgColEk channels Foulrot as the Pastor explains that the Conduit is also channeling Dhara. An epic battle ensues and the Conduit kills UgColEk

  • 210 AHM

    26 Aridheat

    The Conduit's Rise and Fall
    Religious event

    The Priests are defeated by the heroes and then they turn to Conduit Yacobius prays and the Conduit freaks out. Declares that he is God. Dominik realizes where he has seen Yacobius before, the genocide Jako and Boto unleash on the Conduit while others take cover. Find the old Pastor. Tells that Dominik is supposed to be the true son of Dhara, the church couldn't allow an elf be the harbinger of their religion. Conduit demanded the Snowpoint Genocide. Penoir flips out on the Pastor for his wife and son's death. The brave dwarf decides to end it. Penoir charges from behind and tackles the Conduit. Conduit blasts Penoir off of him as Dominik closes in. Conduit is stricken by the prophecised Frost Elf and lets the true Son of Dhara get too close Dominik Heartstring puts a ice spike through the Conduits heart. Ending the terror. Charison says goodbye to Penoir as he passes away. "Elf...cough...cough...I'm proud of what you've become..." Penoir's eyes closed with a smile on his face, he was at peace.

  • 210 AHM

    34 Aridheat

    A New God in Town

    Yacobius gets Saints Congress back into Skygarde. Skaar is the leader of the church as Skytracer is put back in charge. Elf-Human relations is eased due to Dominik.

  • 210 AHM

    38 Aridheat

    A New Kingsguard

    Sir Kristoff, Sir Barney, Yacobius, Skaar and Baboa make up the Elite Guard designated by Skytracer. If Skytracer falls they are in charge, also advisors Yacobius declines the Elite Guard offer but accepts the advisor. Retires his hammer

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  • 210 AHM

    18 Coolbreeze

    Festival of Hope

    Skytracer has a festival to celebrate all that the Kingdom has overcome.

  • 210 AHM

    12 Firstfrost

    An Army Approaches

    Yacobius warns Skytracer, a curfew is set.

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  • 210 AHM

    17 Firstfrost

    A Neighbour in Need

    Sandstriders take refuge in skygarde

  • 210 AHM

    30 Firstfrost

    The Siege of Skygarde

    Gabriella, Donnich, Willard and Teyranus storm Skygarde Rhytyn's, Kristoff, Barney, biskus, Antoine, Zane, ducard, Tamara, Zinid, Derikus defend castle Skytracer gets in a long battle with Teyranus, skytracer beheaded.