Shatterbrand's Story

  • 211 AHM

    3 Aridheat
    211 AHM

    21 Aridheat 02:00

    Season 1

  • 211 AHM

    4 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 0 01

    All of you were imprisoned on a ship carrying criminals to the Pit, the prison of Pacura.

  • 211 AHM

    5 Aridheat

    Season 01 Session 00 02

    You met Cortez and took over the Styx during the confusion of a raid. Party won a naval battle and first worked as a team. After successfully defeating the Hearthen raid, your ship crashed on the first island in your adventure. Eidon was the island of farmers. Here you met Diggory the Stormblood. You learn that his son had been kidnapped a few weeks prior. The farmers can bring you to Kyra aboard a turtle ship named the Tortuga. Diggory has offered you to stay for the feast and then be brought to Kyra in two days’ time. Got some mud from Miles the Mud Man. Traded for three mysterious pearls at the merchant in Eidon.

  • 211 AHM

    6 Aridheat 01:00

    Season 1 Session 1

    Exploring the island they found a statue to the sea goddess Sootha in a clearing. Cortez is almost killed by crocodiles and boars as the party opts not to help him. On the beach some of the party finds the decrepit body of Diggory's son, sacrificed at a driftwood sculpture resembling a terrifying version of the sea goddess. A fish eyed lady known later only as Eelisma swam away into the ocean. Sossarri found another pearl on the boy’s body.

  • 211 AHM

    6 Aridheat 02:00

    Season 01 Session 02 01

    Sossari and Nuada got split up in the darkness of the forest. Sossori met Snerz, a batgoblin whose family all was taken by cultists. He could not fly as he had holes in his wings. Cortez did not die by the hands of some wild boar, he survived but was angry with the party. Christopher was the only one who helped. Christopher and Cortez met Henry the Ghost Pirate on the Eastern Shore (near the burnt down statue where Diggory's son was found). Christopher, Cortez and Henri find Sossari and Snerz. Located the turtle boat, the Tortuga. You find a clearing with a Mayan-esque temple and a ton of cultists in masks. Eelisma was at the top of the pyramid throwing batgoblin sacrifices into a pit of fire. Party interrupted ritual, attacked Eelisma and then ran. Fish-eyed woman shoots a life-draining beam and almost killed some people.

  • 211 AHM

    6 Aridheat 03:00

    Season 1 Session 2 02

    Made it back to Eidon, informed Diggory, and went back to the clearing with 15 mud guards. Beat up some cultists and stopped some ritual drummers. Jumped into a fire portal to the underworld.

  • 211 AHM

    7 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 3 01

    Fought some Grimlocks, found a desecrate statue of Sootha with imposter written on it Defeated some kuo-toa After making their way through they found Eelisma at the end, she activated an old totem using the Pearls of the Stormblood that Sossori had been collecting and released the sea goddess from her sleep. As they made it to the surface, a large hurricane was beginning to form in the distance. Diggory and his people had been slaughtered by a new adversary. Lord Thormund, Stormblood of Typhon, the island with the largest army. As Thormund firebombed the island, the party ran to Diggory's Tortuga.

  • 211 AHM

    9 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 3

    They were then attacked by a goblin pirate by the name of Captain Scruffybeard. After a short fight and snap of the captain's neck, the party took the ship and dubbed it the Gobsnapper. Cortez took this moment to flip off the party, not join them and take the Tortuga as his own. Had a goblin death match to decide who would stay on in their ship crew. Dickard and Martholomew won and stayed as shiphands.

  • 211 AHM

    10 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 4

    The crew then made it to Kyra, the ship building island. Their ship got impounded and due to the party ignoring the guards, some of your crew was taken to the gallows. You meandered around town meeting some magical shopkeeps. Two Eyes and Boris Silverstaff. Two Eyes gave you a prophecy of “Beware the Basilisk”. Captain Dublin called Iona ugly. Two-Eyes runs an enchantery named Wizbops but is threatened by the new man Boris Silverstaff. Boris is the cousin of the legendary Remus and Boto Silverstaff. Boris is an undercover member of the Seekers and is close with his cousin. Christopher gets some work done by the Ordum, the Halfling that owns the Obvious Blacksmith.

  • 211 AHM

    11 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 5

    Henri closed his eyes and tried to let his memories lead him. He met a lovely couple named Iggy and Azalea, Iggy once sailed for the Kyra on a Dhow ship but after his crew turned on him, he settled down to focus on his Delicious Iguana Jam. This was a disappointing discovery to the initials D.I.J carved into the Gobsnapper. You meet Quinn for the first time as she announces the public execution of Mart and Dikard. You distract them in time to save Dikard the goblin. Due to some evil machinations and lying to Captain Dublin, Iona accidentally caused the arrests of Two-Eyes and Boris. Christopher loots Boris’ shop and finds the Sword of the Seekers Boris was wearing Seeker garbs when he was taken down to the gallows. The two wizards were hung in front of the town. Iona had a kill order placed on her head by her old faction for her misdeeds

  • 211 AHM

    12 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 6

    Iona made a pact with Terrowmaw, the god of mischief to alter her face. All she needed was to make a sacrifice at an altar of an ogre, goblin or orc. Any foulspawn. Her face was forever changed and she began going by Moira Henri learned from Quinn, the stormblood of Kyra, that 30 years ago the strong nations teamed up against the weak and took up a fascist control of the islands. A young sailor named Mortimer started a revolution, the Great Mutiny to rally the weak to defeat the strong. Quinn told that her mother died in that war. Talk to Jonathan McIncharge who is the Marina Chief, it gets you nowhere and you discuss stealing the Golden Fleece, Quinn’s mother’s legendary ship that fought in the Great Mutiny. After some shenanigans (such as putting gunpowder in all the guards’ pockets) and finding your ship being upgraded in the auction yard, the party breaks their ship out of an auction yard with a ship builder by the name of Mako.

  • 211 AHM

    12 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 7 01

    After some shenanigans (such as putting gunpowder in all the guards’ pockets) and finding your ship being upgraded in the auction yard, the party breaks their ship out of an auction yard with a ship builder by the name of Mako. During the battle Snerz got roped up on the docks. A drowning guard pushed a flaming barrel in front of the escaping Gobsnapper. Snerz picked up a cannonball and jumped into the water to neutralize the gunpowder. The remaining guards took aim on the Gobsnapper and aimed the mortars. As the ship was about to be fired upon, Snerz revealed that he had retained the teachings of Sossori and wild shaped his way into the hearts of the party. He was their best friend.

  • 211 AHM

    15 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 7 02

    They traveled back to Mako's island of Hydri, the island of the wayfarers. Before they got back Moira and Sossori decided to hook up with the handsome Mako in the bottom of the boat. Snerz was unconscious within 10 feet of them.

  • 211 AHM

    16 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 7 03

    Rested at Mother Maggie's As they awoke the hurricane storm that started as they left Eidon was getting worse. A tsunami could be seen on the horizon. Mako ran off to find his mother who lived outside the village. You met Mother Maggie who fed you while the winds picked up. The Stormblood and his son, Magnus and Maximus helped seal people home from the storm with an ancient Pacuran rune. Magnus, the Stormblood of Hydri, sacrificed himself to seal the catacombs as the tsunami crashed into the city, saving the party and his son, Maximus. Rest in the gravekeepers room

  • 211 AHM

    17 Aridheat

    Season 1 Session 8

    You explore the catacombs to discover that this is the resting place of the Ocean King. As you enter the record room of the catacombs, you find the gravekeeper murdered and the bones of the ancient ruler taken. Chris finds the Hydri Book of the Dead and Henri finds a history of the Fleet of the Stormblood and the beginnings of the Mutiny. You encounter a specter and a gelatinous cube. The gelatinous cube was hiding in 2 feet of water where most of th eparty almost drowned while playing in the "water" Sossori’s body is starting to be pulled back to the realm of her god. Eelisma took the bones to Milos to perform another ritual. Diggory’s son did not have a strong enough bond with the sea goddess. The specter was the angry spirit of Oceanus Tempest, the Ocean King. The spirit disappeared when his bonse left the tomb. As Hydri's new ruler, Maximus asked you to retrieve the bones of his great ancestor. Max reveals that the prophetic Stormblood Kricia of Milos is almost due with his unborn child. He fears Eelisma will sacrifice his child to try and bring Sootha back. He offers you riches once he becomes the Ocean King to protect his unborn baby and his fiancée Kricia. You prepare to head to Milos, the island of seamstresses and sail-weavers. Kricia and Maximus’ child would have the strongest blood connection to the claim of the Ocean Throne. The old lines of 30 years previous were drawn, the weak nations decide to rally against the strong once more. Typhon had the largest army, Zephyr had the largest fleet and Gyaron had the best fighters. All 3 were called to arms when the sea goddess awoke, even though all 3 leader had ulterior motives than just serving the sea goddess.

  • 211 AHM

    20 Aridheat 01:00

    Season 1 Session 9

    You are sling-shotted by Maximus' ship, the Howling Porpoise through the gusts of the hurricane. The Gobsnapper is more or less wrecked but you make it through mostly intact, Henri lost an eye. You arrive to find the baby has been born and Eelisma was trying to transfer the sea goddess into the baby atop a black ivory tower in the centre of Milos. You learn how the sea goddess and Ocean King were in love, having 9 children centuries ago. As Sootha grew more crazed, Oceanus Tempest had to kill his wife. Unbeknownst to him, she was with child. Their 10th child became the grotesque Eelisma and she spent ages plotting how to bring her mother back. You have an honor fight with Tayne, Stormblood of Gyaron, which Sossori wins by turning into a bear and he concedes what he is doing is not honorable. He pulls his Viking horde from the battle. After an obelisk puzzle and a battle atop the spire, the party embarrasses Lord Thormund using a charm spell. A Zephyr soldier takes the baby in a carriage and rides for the docks.. Moira needed to finish her pact or her soul would be lost for eternity, Moira kills Snerz as the battle with Eelisma nears its end. He still thought of the group as his best friends and family. Henri kills Eelisma as Sossori and Chris race to retrieve the baby girl. Using some wild shape trickery, Sossori as a jaguar with Chris on her back take out the carriage and save the baby. They jump on the nearest ship which is the legendary Blackfly, the brig of Lord Thormund. All of this death caused Sossori’s body to begin to dissipate. She fell to the ground as Chris tried to steer the ship to protect the baby. Sossori was plucked back into the heavens by her Goddess Danara. Danara being the patron deity of motherhood rewarded Sossori for her actions. The goddess gifted the group with some boons to help them in her absence. As a last ditch effort, the remaining energy of Sootha called upon a Leviathan to attack the Blackfly. Christopher had the baby as he watched Sossori begin to turn into blue dust. As the monster neared the ship, Sossori sacrificed herself and jumped into the leviathan’s mouth. She exploded in magical energy causing severe damage to the beast. She drifted up in the god's realm. Essence energy surged through him as Sossori gifted Christopher with a potion of giantblood. A 50 ft. Chris took down the whale like monster in a fist fight that shook the ocean. Through the power of Sossori's death, Henri and Moira were teleported onto the Blackfly. Max sailed by with his fiancée alongside him and took his daughter. He sailed off saying the mutiny will stay strong and take the islands back from Thormund and Borigan. The sun sets as you see an armada of large, Zephyrn ships sailing towards you from the horizon.

  • 211 AHM

    20 Aridheat 02:00

    Season 2

  • 211 AHM

    21 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 0 01

    You outran the Zephyrn fleet and got a new team member from Tayne, he decided that this dragonborn named Arygos was most likely innocent of his crime. You defeated the Fearful Trident ship and escaped through the narrow rivers of a nearby swampy island.

  • 211 AHM

    23 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 0 02

    After a tight squeeze you came upon a raging waterfall. One of you made a leap across to the treeline shore, the other 3 all went over the cliff. Arygos landed directly on the shore but brushed it off. Christopher tarzanned his way into ropeburn as he held on for his life. Henri fell and almost died. Moira made the jump to shore. After a medicine treatment, everyone was at least conscious as you got ready for the night. Christopher found some rum, Henri used riversight to see a settlement up ahead, Arygos and Moira set up camp. You took watch duty as you rest through the night.

  • 211 AHM

    24 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 1

    The party made its way into town after seeing an inebriated group of townsfolk drunkenly skinny dip on their watch that night. As you made your way into the city you were greeted by a multicultural marketplace with many wares and good from foreign lands. You spent a good time conversing with Borno the Mine Dwarf blacksmith. He was also an aspiring artist who made his own trading cards. You split up as some of you visited the former High Guard soldier Grai Cross selling weapons, one of you went to Sol the Blacksun elf who ran the Arcanian Bookshop and one of you got nowhere with the Yergralffe fur trader because you tried to trade him Borno cards. Merdock the happy go lucky mayor of this settlement greets you. He explains how this town is for the workers at the lumber mill in the river. Also it works as a staging point for planned supply drops out of the swamp. Merdock is bold in saying that he hates Zephyr and Typhon and actively aims to undermine their bullying control. Before you know it, a Zephyrn ambush occurs and Merdock gets stabbed while the other townsfolk are attacked. You helped defend them off with the heroic help of Borno who sadly fell to a raider’s blade. After you dealt with half the invasion the cavalry arrived with the mighty ship The Kraken. It is captained by a grim man named Ivan. All of you quickly dispatch the rest of the attackers as Ivan drags two barely alive assailants into the war room. Merdock clutching his stab wound pulls another raider. They invite you in. As they tie the guards up, Ivan turns to you and offers you a job. He needs paid muscle on his next supply drop in Kinaros. Then he will drop you off wherever you need to go.

  • 211 AHM

    25 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 2

    The party was recovering and resting in the Kraken's Nest. You mourned the death of your friend Borno while also stealing from his corpse. Spent time getting asking questions to the locals, Chris bought a Caluan Cookbook. Watched as Ivan killed an old blind man who sold out the location to Lord Borigan. Merdock decided to invite you to his guilty pleasure, beast fights. You bet money as the Flail Snail defeated the basilisk, the redcap and the jaculus. You finished off buying provisions and boarded the Kraken. You investigated the steel room in the bottom of the ship to no avail. You meet the crew. Moriarty the chef is dipping raw chickens in tar, Nocturna reveals that Ivan has another reason to go to Kinaros besides the supply drop. His old second mate Cortez was rumoured to have gone mad at sea and ended up on the fishing island. Moira takes Nocturna’s wedding band to give it to Cortez if they find him.

  • 211 AHM

    29 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 3 01

    On the horizon after a long rest you see a Zephyrn blockade circling Kinaros. While aboard the Kraken you defeated one of the blockade ships that Ivan sent a warning shot at. You fought a battle against some Zephyrn Sailors, Sparrow and Condor, Ivan’s twin sons assisted in the fight as Dove, their sister captained her father’s ship. You won and sailed towards the blockade. Ivan loaded you guys up into a steel encased room at the front of the ship. He ignited a wick and you shot out like a torpedo towards the shore. Dove steered the ship away and pulled members of the blockade with her. You hide from some guards and then explore town. Ivan goes incognito and tells you to meet him at sunset.

  • 211 AHM

    30 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 3 02

    You go to the Dharan healer and then meet Garvin outside, a down on his luck beggar who wants to trade food for information. Before even offering this, you guys supply him with gold and food, then bring him with you to try and haggle for a house boat for him to live in. He inform you Maximus, now being dubbed as the Ocean Prince, has put a bounty on any dark elf spy found on Kinaros. Lord Borigan has hired members of the Triade to infiltrate and destabilize his enemy nations. You try intimidating the frail owner of the boathouse but his whimpering makes you second guess your tactics. You spook him and tell him that he is getting a roommate. You leave and tell Garvin to bunk up, he does. Moira rests, Chris buys some hunting gear and camps out. Arygos drinks a lot and dances with Hugh and Donnal, two random patrons from the fishing sho/inn you are staying in. Henri follows Arygos to the boat house, Hugh comes along. Henrii goes in to spook the owner out but Hugh takes it too seriously, not knowing that it wasn't actually Garvin's home. Hugh throws the man into the water and then jumps onto him from the boat. Hugh drowns the whimpering man. Hugh is drunk and swallows too much water, he dies and it is revealed that he is one of the dark sun elves that Garvin was talking about. You return him for a bounty and head to bed so you can meet Ivan later.

  • 211 AHM

    31 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 4 01

    You fight a patrol of Zephyr guards and Blacksun Elf spies at the campground where you landed on the islands. Ivan awaits the supply drop as his son Sparrow rows the boat all the way from deep water. A signal is sent out from one of the cottages and the blockade is warned. The Zephyr ship launches a fireball, destroying homes and people as well as setting the supplies and Sparrow ablaze. Moira find a cypher on the dark elves and learns some secret information Chris and Ivan swim out to the oil burning water to save Ivan’s son, both receiving burn damage as they do.

  • 211 AHM

    32 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 02

    Moira meets Vultara, a member of the Triade (a rival of the Seekers) and the person who sent the signal to warn the blockade. Moira learned her old faction was on the island and the ongoing war was less relevant to them. Both the Triade and the Seekers were after some kind of ancient artifact that could grant immortality. Moira offers to work with the Triade to further her own means. Made deal to find a report Vultara knew about hidden in the Sawtooth Manor. This is the home of the senile Stormblood Lady Winella, a paranoid angry old woman. Moira does not tell Vultara any of her plan besides they were going to get Ivan to declare a parlay to steal the document. The dead boat owner was seen in Tenttown wearing Garvin’s old clothes. Moira and crew brought the body of the boat house owner and told Ivan that this was the person who sent the signal to the fleet, almost killing his son. Everyone rested as Moira explained the plan to use both magic factions against each other to find the artifact. The artifact is in a history of magic book that Moira bought, the supposed artifact is the Phylactery of the Magelord.

  • 211 AHM

    33 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 4 03

    Met a recovering Sparrow in the morning, he said his father headed into Fishrot Hollow after a tip that a man matching Cortez’ description was seen there not too long ago. The party needs Ivan to declare Stormblood Parlay to enter Lady Winella’s home to find the report on the location of the artifact. Wave the blue flag Met with Triade in the morning, introducing yourselves to Izill and Skalden, Triade members here in secret from Lord Borigan. They are going to wait in the wing around the Manor for when you get back with Ivan. Enter the cave and defeat the sahuagin attackers as the cave fills with water. Leaves the magical glowing slacks behind. Arygos was still passed out drunk from the night with Hugh the dead black sun elf.

  • 211 AHM

    34 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 5

    Arygos met up with the party as Henri ghosted away through the floor. Arygos fought a shark in one on one combat. You snaked your way through a tunnel system, Chris could fit on the small route, Arygos and Moira went to the full size route. Clicking could be heard in the walls. Mushroom and moss was growing all over the inside of a forgotten tomb. Arygos and Moira set fire to the tomb they are in, on escape, Arygos causes a cave-in where Moira takes some smoke and fire damage. Chris comes to help but causes another cave-in on the small tunnel. Arygos digs out Moira and they move a coffin to see the mushroom growth has eaten a path through the cave. Chris loots some chests. Not a rogue though. Moira and Arygos move down the large tunnel continuing to hear things in the wall. Another cave in happens after Arygos trips. They run to a clearing where the small tunnel Chris was in meets up. There are some chests here and the group is attacked by Dogmoles They attack and discover a passage upwards by removing a large fungal growth. They reach the top to discover a Dogmole Juggernaut and they run down a corridor. The party just makes it through a crawl space as the juggernaut rams its head into the wall. You find yourselves in a large web of blue tendrils that are set up like a neuron in a brain. they solve this puzzle as they fight numerous myconids throughout. Moira more or less just jumps for it down the 80 ft depth They get passed that as they enter a small dark room with glowing red mushrooms. The center of the room has an orb of darkness. They solve the chest puzzle and defeat the Hook Horror. Escaped from cave, Moira concussed herself by trying to jump the spiky rocks at the bottom of the cliff, fails and then hits water. Arygos has to save her from drowning. Rested in the cave and found the Myconid Sovereign Cortez.   Ivan agreed to meet Winella.

  • 211 AHM

    35 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 6

    Henri visited Garvin who has started a seemingly successful fishing company based out of the house boat you guys got him. Bought a diving bell and everything. Henri and Chris had a fishing montage. Scouted seekers camp to see that Remus Silverstaff is on the island. This can only mean that he believes the artifact is located on Kinaros. Chris uses his wand of smiles while sneaking up on Ivan, I made Ivan smile but he saw Henri running off. Entered Sawtooth under blue flag of Parlay, risking Ivan's freedom. Winella turned mean and imprisoned Ivan on the Zephyr Galleon docked to the south of the island. You were able to locate the report from 30 years ago that Vultara mentioned. It doesn’t have much but it lists an Eastern fisherman reporting a friendly merelf named Deway as well as burying a body Deway brought to shore. Winny was mentioned a relative of Lady Winella. Chris wants to talk to Moira about breaking in. Moira wants to enlist help of Triade.

  • 211 AHM

    36 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 7

    Participate in a magic ping pong tournament with the three undisciplined members of the Triade. Tell the Triade to go and cause a distraction Meet a blind Eastern fishermen named Antiguo, you receive a journal entry that the dying man from 30 years ago wanted him to have. (22) Borrow Garvin’s diving bell to go meet Antiguo’s friend Deway who hasn’t visited in some time. Sailed to the merelf village. Arygos and Moira dropped underwater. A random guard in the town recognizes Arygos as a dragonborn with some Dragon Eel in him. Arygos takes off his helmet which activates his old eel traits. Meet Deway and his sick wife Mooki, turns out these are the parent of Mako. Deway sensed the tsunami and saved his estranged wife without knowing Mako was even looking for her. Deway also had a journal entry. (02) Henri and Chris fought some crabs, Chris is allergic. Went to the unmarked grave of Flint Lancashire. You are led by Deway, he agreed to help after you gave his wife a healing potion. The coffin is empty but another journal was preserved by the water sealing rune that Deway put on the box 30 years previous. (23)

  • 211 AHM

    37 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 8 01

    Head back to town, which is on fire because the Triade members were causing a distraction. Decided in the chaos to save Ivan from the Zephyr Galleon. Successfully do that. Got things from chests, lit the Zephyr Galleon up after saving some Kinarosian guards. You enter this session with the timbers of the Zephyr galleon mixing with the ashes that were the markets of Kinaros. Skalden of the Triade set some of the city on fire to distract from you guys discovering information nowhere near the city. Flint was known as a sort of Benedict Arnold around Pacura. He gained trust in the rebels only to betray them to gain favor with the Typhon army. He then turned on Typhon years later to steal the Phylactery of the Magelord. This item of immortality is what the ongoing strife in the islands is all about. 1. Thormund of Typhon seeks ultimate power in which his father was too weak to control. 2. Lord Borigan has hired the Triade of the Fallen Night to help him secure the artifact. Motive unknown. 3. The Triade of the Fallen Night has sent its own emissaries to retrieve the item because they believe it is the key to defeating death. 4. The enemies of the Triade are the Seekers. They also search for the phylactery so they can lock it away in their vaults in Westmoor so only the chosen wizards can use such grand magic. The key to its location seems to be in the story of Flint Lancashire. After finding a few of his journals you followed a mystery that lead to his unmarked grave. Flint's body had been moved and the location of the artifact is at a dead end. • You know the Triade does not have it because they asked for your help. • You know civilians in this town have been replaced with Triade shapeshifters. • You know Remus Silverstaff is accompanying his wizards to try and find the item. • You know Kinaros is in flames. • You know what you've learned from the journals

  • 211 AHM

    38 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 8 02

    You head to the work camp because Moira found a document saying Winella had been replaced You watched as Remus used a Silence Magic spell on the work camp to then send his men in to kill the remaining Triade members on Kinaros. Found 2 journal entries on the bodies of the Seekers, learn that they are moving out to another island after learning new information. The young boy Ulrick does not know anything further.(01, 04) Chris saved Winella but because he popped out of the shadows, she thinks he is a demon. Henri, Arygos and Moira killed the young last Seekers after getting his name and where his father lived. Moira took an igneous rock ring of the boy named Ulrich as well as a lock of his hair. Seekers were supposed to denounce all connection to their former life. Created a lynch mob as they arrived to the smoldering town and gathered anyone on the streets to raze the Sawtooth Manor with the black sun elf spies taking residence. After a long battle and cowboy shootout, with Winella riding on Arygos’ back, you killed the imposter. The real Lady Winella is about to hang the three Triade members who set her town on fire as the Zephyr blockade is destroyed by a large armada of ships bearing a new flag, The Royal Navy. Led by Dove on the Kraken, Maximus on the Howling Porpoise and Quinn on the Golden Fleece. They scare off the southern side of the blockade and bring supplies to their new apply in the Royal Navy, Lady Winella of Kinaros. Towing behind their ships is a repaired Gobsnapper. Knowing you have a ship again you tell Winella to stop the execution. You induct Vultara, Izill and Skalden into the crew of the Gobsnapper Max and Kricia introduce you to their daughter Illia, the future princess of Pacura. Kricia, the prophet gives each of you a clam shell with a letter written in it. She even gives you one for Sossori, which you decide to read out loud as a team. Kinaros, Hydri, Milos, Kyra and Eidon in spirit fight against the tyranny of Typhon and Zephyr, with Gyaron being in a gray area on where they stand. To finish up business on Kinaros, you head to the Seeker camp. You find one last seeker loading up the final cart before heading to the northern dock. You kill him and find another journal entry saying that Flint hid journals in the Pit on Gyaron. Ride after the boat to see it set sail heading for Gyaron, confirming your next stop.

  • 211 AHM

    42 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 9 01

    After the long journey to free Kinaros you decide to let loose at the local tavern. Arygos and Moira get people dancing and singing. Chris leaves to catch fish and find berries. Henri hangs out in the room with your new shipmates Vultara, Skalden and Izill. During the festivities you meet a happy-go-lucky cripple named Stefan and a recent widow named Francisca. Chris and Fransisca go and bake in the kitchen during the party. In that time two gnome traders come in to see what the commotion was. Moira drunkenly informs them of Chris' identity and they inform then that they wish to kill Chris. The brothers names are Jonah and Oliver. Chris is their older brother who killed their father. Arygos accidentally sets the tavern ablaze, he then kidnaps the unimposing gnomes. Around here is when Moira uses a potion of diminution on Oliver. Chris and Fransisca escape but not before enjoying a room to themselves. Henri and the shiphands partook in some yandu that Skalden had with him. Them being mostly incoherent made Chris have to help then from the burning building. All the crew, which now included Fransisca and Stefan, escapes back to the Gobsnapper. Moira and Arygos begin interrogating Oliver and Jonah.

  • 211 AHM

    43 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 9 02

    A fight ensues between Chris and Arygos because Arygos harms Jonah. Chris almost kills the dragonborn. To calm the situation Chris offers Arygos a potion of healing, little did he know that Arygos gave him that a while back as a prank and it was actually a potion of poison. After many failed attempts, the tied up Jonah offered his poison kit and that cured him. Oddly enough, Arygos still wanted to murder the brothers and in that distraction, Moira took the Oliver and threw him into her bag of holding. After the scuffle settled down everyone agreed Oliver must have escaped the ship. Jonah's hatred for his brother, mourning the death of his father, lead the younger brother to take Henri's offer of a knife and stab his older brother. Another fight ensued with Jonah eventually being launched off the boat. Chris jumped in to save him after he repeatedly told his friends he did not want his brother harmed. Chris swims away

  • 211 AHM

    51 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 10 02

    Meet the historian sorcerer Triss Leave to make it to the main city. Learn of Rai'Zyr, an ogre who was cellmates with Flint in the pit

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    53 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 10 03

    Rest in mountains near Cult of Shoreez Find Rai'Zyr doing a twisted sacrifice to the goddess of life Shireez. Trick him to get by but his tribe just wanted to kill and slaughter and not be an cult to a goddess. The tribe attacks and brings out a malnourished bear to attack them. When the bear entered the sacrificial circle, shireez calls down and denounces the tribesman for desecrating her name She transfers a lost soul into the bear and sends her aasimar emissary to end the disrespectful ceremony. Sossori returns as a conduit to a new goddess.

  • 211 AHM

    54 Aridheat

    Season 2 Session 10 01

    Make it to Gyaron to a small village called Dias

  • 211 AHM

    1 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 11

    Entered Bismuth's Crossing

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    4 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 12

    Got by poison dart chests solved the labyrinth defeated the Trollkin Reaver made it from the beginning to the end of the labyrinth in Bismuth's Crossing “Merble” Henri is the InBestigator • Bismuth wrap up Solved the lava teeter totters Fought Bismuth and solved the lead leaf trap. Camped out atop the hillsides

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    6 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 13 01

    Leave the mountains for the lowlands A large wooden viking barricade with metal similar to the junk metal on the towers in Bismuth. Looking down the hill in front of you, you see a the winding road intersect with an opposite curved river, creating a helix structure end at the city gate. Each crossing has a stone carved bridge. Just before the city the road forks off to the northeast into the mountains. The city is circular in shape with a large space carved out of the middle, this is a Coliseum. The southern side is walled by water and jagged rocks. The house covered in metal only have thr protection on the northern side facing the mountain. The large wooden trunks are handcarved with animal totems climbing to the pointed tips, the base of most of those battlements are layered with the same junk metal.

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    10 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 13 02

    The seekers arrived a few days earlier, rumour is that Remus is friends with a warlord living in the mountain. Pyrus the Bone Ogre is a very powerful pyromancer who was a member of the Seekers. He left after his training which is quite rare. The theory goes that he was too volatile and his potential was too great for Remus to continue training him. He personally took Pyrus back to his family. They had a strong bond back then. In the years since, Pyrus has grown mad at the world and amassed a gathering of orcs in his volcanic outlook. Met a weapons shop owner who is racist towards elves. Blimbo Meet weird man in purple who has a yellow eye who runs the magic forge. Gives triss and eventually moira a blue puck with the seekers logo Meet Cap who has sailed Paul around. He wagers his Thunderbird on a beast battle.

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    11 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 13 03

    Tayne relays that remus and his followers went up into the mountains to meet his old protege Pyrus. Sossori wins beast battle.

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    12 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 14

    Tayne cannot not get someone into the pit, you must be charged with a crime to get through the front gate. Only a very powerful wizard could break the seal to allow you to enter and potentially leave.   This ancient metal is sacred to the people of Gyaron and the way to craft it has been lost to the ages. This metal is impervious to the hot lava that falls from the volcanoes. Tayne and his Yergrallfe wife Valda have 3 very young children. A 4 year old daughter named Brunhild and two twin boys age 2. Ichee and Tumble Sossori tried to hit on Valda, divides up some of the loot and reward from winning the beast fight. She also puts on a strange blue silk scarf as a ninja mask. Found burned buidling later learned that Pyrus destroyed it in a raid, he can melt the lava resistant metal on the houses. Blimbo plays the violin in secret, will finish Henri's blunderbuss by the next morning The Clothesarium wouldnt buy adams old clothes but sold him new fancy duds met the conspiracy theorist working at the Gyaron Gazette who thinks Tayne is a lizard man He is also looking for information on the Shipyard Strangler who has killed 6 (later found out to be much more) around town for the last few months Sossori visited the potion master Greck, a rock gnome. He liked his business and wanted to invest, during his searching around he found a shipping container from the Knackle Brothers. Greck was annoyed that his shipments were late, Henri convinced him that the serial killer must have killed them. Sossori invest 1000gp in Grek's business so he could by a boat and hire a crew to keep his business going and to ultimately make it cheaper to not outsource shipping. During this conversation, Henri tells Sossori what happened to Chris and then that leads to Sossori also questioning the dissapearance of Snerz. Henri told her he died at the battle on Milos. They cried together in the middle of the street. Everyone met back up at teh tavern while a pyromancing orc cooked them food. A sombre Blimbo revealed that his wife was murdered shortly after Henri left. The Wardens told him ot find somewhere else to stay while they investigate the crime. He is heading to Diaz to stay with his brother. He hands Henri his Bayonet Launching Blunderbuss as he wanted to finish all his ongoing orders before he left the city. Triss attuned to her venom dagger She then talked with the chef He revealed that Pyrus is a very powerful unhinged mage. He has a following of people that respect him for his power. The chef saw a lot of seekers here a few days before but what they didnt know was that high ranking members of the triade were here not long before that to arrange a partnership with Pyrus. He also revealed that there have been many more than the 6 murders, the serial killer has been killing folk for months and leaves them in the open, the killer seemingly knows the guard routes. You see Tayne's 3 kids causing ruckus in the bar, Brunhild, Itchee and Tumble. Triss goes to speak to Tayne, who happened to be leaving his house to get his runaway kids when Triss met him at the gate, the kids all scampered by. Triss parlayed with Tayne in hopes of getting access tot he Pit. Tayne says he has no dominion over the Pit, he can only get you in the first gate.

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    13 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 15

    Tayne cannot not get someone into the pit, you must be charged with a crime to get through the first level but Tayne could get you that far if you helped. Once the igneous rock has cooled then the people mine that material to build their city serial killer hunt for tayne to get access into the first level of the pit.   The team wakes up and enjoys breakfast together as Triss explains her plan to Moira. Catch the serial killer running amok and Tayne will get you into the first layer of the Pit. Moira scams Ikibad and learns what the Forge does. Ikibad dubs his last name Magicko so the Seekers will think he is of higher born lineage. He magically forges Moira some items. Met Reverand Archibald and he worshipped Sosarri after learning her patron deity is Shoreez, the Sky Goddess. Archibald looked at the stone carving Sossari did on the aquaduct statue and began carving other wooden representations of his deity to look like Sossari. Triss met Dex who was another half elf. He didn't have that green of skin but his ears were indistinguishable. He had a great conversation with Triss as he is studying ancient runes around the island. He had a very noticably charasmatic smile. Also in the church was an orc warden named Gorbashav. He eyed up the two outsiders Triss and Sossari. He had a white spider-web tattoo over his left eye. Blimbo was in the church as well, he lied about going to his brothers house in Dias. Reported findings to Tayne around noon, he was concerned why Blimbo did not leave. Blimbo is the number one suspect in his wife's slaying. Went to his house, Blimbo's wife was killed in the soundproof room where Blimbo played his violin. The killer kicked the door open from the inside. The shoe print was fairly small, seemingly much smaller than Blimbo's. Out back you find a shimmy from a thieves kit hiding in the grass. Caught Nikolaus the Pitboss of the Casino stealing from the register, you arrested him and searched his pockets. He had thieves tools missing the shimmy. He admitted to trying to steal from the blacksmith a few days earlier but the sounds of a dying bird scared him off. This was actually Blimbo playing his violin. His feet were much too large to match the murderer's footprint. He said he had suspicions og it being Ralf of the Gyaron Gazett because he had been reporting on murders before they were public knowledge. Moira did one last check upstairs where a skylight was pried open with a dagger. Ralf hinted Gorbashav was boasting about the heinous murders he discovered. The orc was excited about how the people were killed. Moira entertained his lizard man theory so Triss could take his boot to compare to shoe print at Blimbo's. On her way over the intimidating Gorbashav intercepted her as he was hanging around the crime scene. Triss went into the bookshop instead where she found a dead Gizomo. Triss looked around without disturbing the body and then left frightened, Gorboshav was waiting outside with a group of wardens. They arrested her as the Shipwreck Strangler. Moira cleared Ralf after he babbled on further by using a detect thoughts spell. Moira ran into Dex on her way to save Triss, he was weaving through the crowds watching Triss in handcuffs. Tayne interrogated and determined it was Triss. The argument of the shoe print fell through when Tayne pointed out that shoe size matched Triss. To prove her innocence Triss said she had correspondence with Reverand Archibald over the last few years. He had to mail letters to her address and he could prove she had been in Dias when the murders started. Tayne sent Gorbashav over to the Gizomo crime scene to investigate and lock down the scene. Moira used her Helm of Teleportation to get to crime scene of Gizomo first and find clues. Moira has Gizomo's notes on a serial killer pamphlet from the Gazette. Gorboshav entered and Moira switched on her invisibility after finding clues about the killer. A dagger pierced his back and it wasn't from a tall person. She was able to dance past the 3 guards while invisible. Tayne, 4 guards holding Triss and Moira met at the Church of Shoreez, where they found bloody wooden statues with carvings on the faces covered in blood. At the front altar, Archibald's head was crushed in and gray matter was spread on the pews. He was murdered minutes before due to his body heat. Tayne could not let Triss go but no longer believed it was her. Triss faints at the horror in front of her. Moira hookshots to the roof, Tayne handcuffs himself to Triss as she wakes up and they go searching through the city. Moira finds a hidden rosegold dagger with a gold blade within the tree of Shoreez. Triss and Tayne see Dex running along the Aquaduct. Moira chases after him and lightning whips Dex as he crosses the river. This surge of electricity knocks him out and scars his body from his feet to his chest. Tayne arrests him and clears Triss. Tayne informs you only a powerful wizard can get you past the first level of the pit and break the seal that would keep you there until your penance is done. He brings up the fact that Remus would be that wizard but he hasn't been heard from in days. A cart of dead Seekers arrives from a driverless carriage with a note from Pyrus, "A gift for Tayne."

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    16 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 16 01

    You awaken in the morning to find out the Lord Borigan has began an occupation of Gyaron. Claiming that Tayne must release Borigan's fiancee from the Pit or face his wrath. Borigan is dressed in a sailor lieutenant uniform. He has two distinct bodyguards at his side. A slim silver armored Triton brandishing a khopesh as well as a large black armored gall guard covered head to toe in armor. The large brute carried a kinalite war hammer. The party spent some time at Ikibod Magiko's Forge creating items. Learned from Tayne that he isnt afraid of his cousin and wouldn't let the fiancee go even if he had the power. Only a very powerful wizard could break the seal of the Pit. Leave the City for the Pit

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    19 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 16 02

    Along the path the party runs into the badger who was dying with its veins turned purple. Moira recognizes this as Remus’ familiar.

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    21 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 16 03

    spied on the witch docter, snuck through the camp, that didnt work battle with the witch doctor as reinforcement saved teh baby owl griffons from Ictic's experiments saw Pyrus talk to his captive then he saw all teh carnage, distracting the guards, you freed Remus after revealing you were iona Pyrus ignited the volcano and chased you with a laval snake ran into a cliff face and jumped to not be burned saw the Pit in the distance saw Lord Thormund rallying his army hidden on the eastern shore of the island. parent owl griffons saved you because you saved their babies remus says he loved moira (iona) like a daughter.

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    22 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 17 01

    Started at the base of the cliff with lava slowly streaming down the mountain. A frail Remus is being carried by Triss using her hill giant belt, still succumbing to the poison administered by the witch doctor Ictic. Arygos has a baby owl griffon who didn't leave with the adults. You walked through the forest north towards the Pit and began hearing the sound of the sea in the distance.

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    25 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 17 02

    2 bearmit crabs attacked the party but Moira was in a hurry and teleported the party to the entrance of the Pit. Due to a lack of teleportation experience, Henri grew up upon landing on solid ground. He accidentally threw up on a bearmit crab who had pinched Henri's butt before the teleport. Henri succeeded in befriending the animal and offered it food. The party looked through their bags to find any leftovers. Moira dumped out her bag of holding to discover that the dead body of Oliver, Chris' missing brother, had been hidden with his bag. Before anyone could even react to this, the bearmit crab eviscerated the body and then happily looked up at Henri while covered in blood. As you planned how you were going to get into the prison, a ship of prisoners arrived with Dex being chained up, he winks at Moira. Rest outside Pit and make plans.

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    26 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 17 03

    On the 8th level Triss met a blind man who spoke in heavy salt speech. A jumble of pirate, Pacuran, hear hearthic and gibberish. The other inmates were scared of him. It is revealed that this man is the former captain of the Kraken and hero to the great rebellion, Captain Mortimer. Triss asked about her old mentor Moasis and Morty reveals he was killed about twice weeks before. Dragged into the cage of the beast who even the guards are scared of. That cage is in the lowest level. Moira enters the icy domain of the lowest level, there are shelters built from rock and ice by the inmates who weren't frozen under the ice as penance. She enters the most isolated hut next to a large jail cell with banners and letters hung from the bars. It was letters of hundreds of criminals pledging loyalty to the beast within the cage, many of the banners had the symbol of the triad and dubbed this prisoner the new leader of the magical faction. Inside the hut Moira met Olivier, a good looking man with a clean shave and a ruffled shirt. He spoke about how his old roommate in the Pit, Moasis, who knew a lot about Flint whom Moira was asking about. It is revealed that Olivier is actually Borigan's fiancee who was jailed for stealing documents from Tayne. This was all a ruse as Olivier's main mission was to get into the Pit to find the same letters the party has been searching for. Borigan was supposed to get him out months ago but now he fears his love has moved on from him. Arygos is riding the lift with Virgil who tells the phony guard that he has been doing this job for 3000 years and has aspirations to become the judge and take Minos’ position. After some questioning, Arygos determines that Flint was allowed on the top level for good behaviour and was eventually recruited by Lord Thresh to work below deck on the legendary Onyx Stallion. Virgil also mentions being scared of only one prisoner, the beast, who Virgil had to go feed. On separate levels, Moira and Olivier, Triss and Morty all hear explosions coming from the upper levels. Triss is livid about Moasis and storms off with Morty to the 10th level. They run into Virgil and Arygos heading down. Morty has clout with the guards and gets Triss access. Moira at this point gets some of the Flint letters Olivier has been tasked to receive with a promise to help get him out when the escape. Olivier agrees because he does not know of Lord Thormund will appreciate the missions Borigan is running behind his back. All the trio and their new acquaintances meet on the lowest level. Arygos and Triss go see the cage, Triss begins yelling at the beast to a low chuckle in response. He roof explodes as ballistas shoot chains down from the floor above. Black and gold clad men slide down as the party can see inmates running towards the lifts and climbing. The prison gates have been broken open by Thormund. The collapsed ceiling knocks large chunks of rock in front of the large jail cell. Everyone piles into the lift as a loud thud is heard from behind the door. A large dark elf kicks open the cage and shatters the rocks. This is Jericho the Dark Sun Elf, known as the beast and the new leader of the Triad.

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    29 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 18

    left the prison, threw olivier into the bag of holding. blood pact with morty, he gave moira the last letter from flint and revealed flint was a dounble agent for the good guys. also gave you a black key and told you it was for his room on the Kraken. turned aygos and triss invisible to escape you jericho escaping moasis claire and dex teamed up against some wardens triss road the elevator with clair they were discovered by some blackguards sossori found the bag that was moasis that jericho threw henri darryl team up super slammed a seahorse join darryl insta kill triss got the attention of Jericho arygos during the battle went berserk moira super saiyan lightning javelin and then landed like featherly ironman black guards defeated as Claires ship sailed away with jericho and moasis and Dex fought beserk arygos, he almost killed darryl sossari shield darryl as moira strategically retreated triss realized what was up and sleeped arygos calm down triss read the moasis letter about a chronomancy temple remus stands up and burns through the poison talk about family ties and the only person he loved was iona's mother he time held, stabbed you all when frozen, took the location of the temple and teleported away from your dying bodies, he tossed the flint letters he had found as his next target was more of interest to him. a single ship neared the shore you wake up on the ocean on Greck's new shipping boat to realize his two employees are the remaining knackle brothers.

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    40 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 19 01

    Wake up at the Assimars Landing. Greck's new business out of a lighthouse on Gyaron. He has hired the Knackle brothers as employees. See Lyna's gravesite where it lists that she was killed by a traitor. Greck says Christopher left to check out a green ship that pulled into the harbour.

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    41 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 19 02

    Teleport to the outskirts of Gyaron and see the Gobsnapper docked behind the S.S. Tempest. Lord Borigan is in a tense shouting match with Tayne about the jailing of Borigan's fiancee Olivier. Tayne will not relent and Moira tells him they killed Olivier. Borigan has Davos, Pathos and Pyrus as bodyguards. Pyrus holds Itchee and Tumble hostage. Tayne throws he body of Olivier in front of Borigan and the tyrannical leader is unphased. Borigan stabs Tayne in the leg with his ice rapier and a fight ensues. Sossori treis to gust the attackers away as the crews breaks for the Gobsnapper. Tayne with a leg injury cannot hold his ground but Pathos can. Davos casts a water wall and covers Pathos. He removes his helmet to reveal a black dragonborn with blue tendrils coming out of the spaces in his scales. Pathos has electricity flow from his body to his kinalite warhammer as he bring it down on Taynes lower half. Shattering the ice covering his leg and stomach. Valda rushes in but cant get passed the water wall, arygos bursts through it to attack Pathos. Pyrus leaves on the Bone Rattler as Davos takes command of the Rosebud. Borigan helms his galleon as his cannoneers and mortars fire upon the people of Gyaron. After recovering an angry arygos who Valda almost killed, you board the Gobsnapper to find a package from Christopher Knackle. In it is a note saying he wished it ended better, as well as his adventuring gear. He is for the moment retiring and focussing on rebuilding his family. Sail the Gobsnapper to the Kraken's Nest on Ios. Bicker about who the captain is. Each crew member pick someone else. Moira makes a prayer to danara and a tune appears on some food Franny is preparing nearby Moira eats it then passes out

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    46 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 19 03

    A few days pass as you make it to Ios. You meet Ivan and Moira gives up Vultara for the injury of Sparrow. Crag and Moriarty arrest her. You discuss the black key and the steel room. Ivan allows you in but wont risk being eaten by Mortimers pet hydra Parsellax. You use the oily raw chicken to distract the beast. The are two abnormally large chicken legs that are possibly Vultara’s. Moira and Sossari make it into Mortimers office and find a clock and a letter. The second last journal entry and a official document from Mitchell the gravekeeper. A blinding pulse activates when the paper is lifted and the bird in the clock flies away with a locket and a letter in hand. A chase ensues but you can't keep up. Sossari at least sees that the clockwork bird is heading for Kyra. In the last entry you find at the bottom is 3 letters O L Y You remember that Mitchel was in charge of the Hydri Catacombs and immediately teleport there. You can't get inside because of an anti magic aura on the tomb but can get outside. Sossari water waterbends the team up the river and you enter the kings tomb. Morrin Silverstaff is also buried here. Push open statue to find Flint tomb and place the letters. Nothing happens Quinn shows up with a locket in hand and darryl is happily escorting her in. She reads a letter she got about her apparent father. Revealing his middle name to be Clifton They try and rearrange the letters to no avail. Typhon goons show up led by Claire, Dex, Dimitri and Fimbulwinter. Tensions rise as Claire and Quinn realize they have the same letter. Darryl greets Claire happily as well Massive amounts of cannon fire can be heard outside, all the leaders have gathered here to make a last stand. the battle rages as you try and prevent the Fleet of the Stormbloods to get the hands on the artifact. Sossari figures it out the flint oly Lancashire is an anagram for Henri Clifton sallya The tomb opens to reveal henri's bones covered in essence from the leaking phylactery Moira and arygos try to take the bones but this causes henri immense pain Sossari tells the ladies they are his daughter and Clair is furious because she hates him. Quinn is confused as she is captured by Claire. Claire threatens fimbulwinter on darryl so as he is running in the hidden crypt, henri shoots his pet to save him from pain and torture. Triss hides outside as the others try to negotiate their escape. Claire just wants the artifact for her boss. Henri touches the phylactery and feels it pulling him in. He cannot fight it and is siphoned back into his skeleton, leaving the party. Arygos stays in the tomb and the others leave. Once they are outside then arygos throws the artifact just short of the door. Triss hears someone else marching up the stairs. Arygos kicks the artifact out to moira as sossari makes an earth bubble around them. Fimbulwinter attacks arygos, but making him berserk and cursing him with lycanthropy. Claire covers behind two goldguards as dex misses Triss with his whip chain. Moiral and sossori can sense power in the artifact Arygos takes a beating for a while Dex takes the moment to betray claire and stab her in the back. He declares he is the son of captain Mortimer and is here to complete his father's mission The dirt bubble drops as the magic girls disintegrate the priest Dimitri. Borigan and Pathos arrive to see the devastation from the artifact Sosari thunder shocks arygos’ axe as he kills fimbulwinter, absorbing some of his soul into the axe. Joseph orders the goldguards back to the ship, as the highest ranking member of thormunds army they must obey even though he killed their captain. They leave Arygos falls to a blackguard as sossori attacks and misfires, hitting the dying arygos, tried and Joseph team up o. Claire who is injured and furious with Dex. Dex runs behind the statue and breaks a small gem on the back of the statue, this item was what was causing the magic block. Triss and moira turn to the Zephyrn stormblood and his bodyguard. Now both can enter the tomb and use magic Sossari runs to get in the way as the blackguard swings at arygos again. As she does this she feels an energy flow through as small buds bloom into leaves at her shoulder part of her wings. This slight transformation distracts the guard as a whip chain dagger carves through the attackers sternum. Joseph walks out from behind the Oceanus statue and pulls his dagger blade back. Moira waits for the phylactery to recharge as Borigan accepts they don't have control of this situation. Pathos now commands the retreating gold guards to stand against the party. Borigan and Pathos leave as the final two goldguards are fighting. They are quickly handled now that the party can use magic again. Arygos is revived as the group stand there in disbelief. Moira is holding the phylactery in her hand. The artifact recharges as Moira places it against her helmet, powering her Helm of Teleportation beyond it's normal limits. She looks to the group and begins to glow. A smile crosses her face as she begins to separate. “I killed Snerz” she says bluntly as she teleports away from the friends she had adventured with for months. An injured Claire begins walking towards the group, looks to them and tells then that she is tired of fighting. Sossari offers her a place on their team and she stops to consider it, Triss then informs her that she was just going to shoot her in the back. This confused Claire as the team was clearly in disagreement. She walked away from the party so Triss blasted her with a fireball in one shoulder as Joseph, looking to cover his betrayal, stabbed his whip dagger into her other shoulder. She fell to the ground.

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    47 Coolbreeze

    Season 2 Session 19 04

    Joseph Dexter Dundee is offered a place on the team.

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    50 Coolbreeze

    Season 3

  • 211 AHM

    1 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 0

    You were able to rally the troops and get many Stormbloods to join forces with the rebel Maximus who was already brandishing the nickname of the Ocean Prince from his fellow revolutionaries. As you fought inside the tomb, Max was leading his newly formed Pacuran Royal Navy against Borigan and Thormund's Fleet of the Stormblood. You won the day although one of your friends betrayed you in the end and stole the phylactery.   You killed Claire and listened as a loud shrieking roar came from outside.   You make your way outside the tomb to the bright light of the Pacuran sun beaming orange light upon the salty ground. On the shore are bodies and driftwood from the carnage of the battle that took place while you fought inside. Max's ship could be seen in the center of many allies you had made along the way. Your old friend Mako was aboard the Howling Porpoise, captained by the ocean prince Maximus. Mother Maggie the innkeeper was walking around mending the wounds of the injured wayfarers. Ivan and his family, as well as Merdock and the crew fought together on the Kraken. Along the starboard side of the large galleon, you could see a large hole punctured in the side of the ship with green acid pouring from the hull. This room was formerly home to the Venom Maw Hydra who was Morty's pet. Parsellax died in battle against Lord Borigan after the Zephyrn stormblood retreated from the fight for the phylactery. A red painted Drakaar (viking longship) bearing the emblem of a hammer forging handcuffs sailed next to the Kraken, dwarfed by its size but filled with just as many warriors. Valda led the Wardens and Stewards of Gyaron on board her late husband's ship the Red Dagger. The last she saw of her two boys Itchee and Tumble was when Lord Borigan ordered Pyrus to take them away. The boys were not in sight aboard any of the ships. Captain Gorbashav could be seen on this ship with a harpoon through his shoulder. Iggy the Delicious Iguana Jam salesman came out of retirement to be the second mate on the Golden Fleece, this was Quinn's ship. As the ships returned to the Hydri port, Iggy was steering Quinn's ship. Lady Winella of Kinaros could also seen aboard this ship. A ship you recognized as the Tortuga also sailed for the Pacuran Royal Navy. Although the ship was now covered in fungus as Cortez rallied his myconid minions from Fishrot Hollow to become his crew. Also on board was his wife Nocturna and oddly enough DIckard, the goblin whom Henri forced to do combat to become a member of the Gobsnapper. He was last seen jailed on Kyra so how he ended up with a spore growing on his shoulder and mindlessly following his sovereign Cortez' orders is beyond you. During your battle, Quinn was captured by Claire and sent back to Thormund's ship, somehow Quinn was able to not only escape her confinements but took over the Onyx Stallion, Thormund's father's ship that he commandeered after the party stole and crashed his brig known as the Blackfly. Thormund could be seen in handcuffs next to Quinn. All of his main recruits were killed by the party in the tomb. Dimitri the priest, Fimbulwinter the winter werewolf and Claire the captain of the goldguard. He also lost the serial killer Dex. The S. S. Tempest could been seen in the distance with a hole the size of an elephant carved through it's hull, the legendary ship was sinking to the bottom of the Arid Sea with steam coming from the wood. Lord Borigan was nowhere to be seen. In the vast distance you could see 3 ships sailing away. A large purple ship known the the Moonbreaker sailed towards the volcanic mountains of the Firefang Jags, the towering mountain range could be seen silhouetted above the clouds even on the island nation of Pacura. Jericho captained this ship with his rejuvenated Triade of the Fallen Night, Moasis was last seen in the clutches of Jericho. The bone decorated ship known as the Bone Rattler sailed East towards the distant nation of Hearthen, Itchee and Tumble were last seen with Pyrus. Finally the Rosebud, the ship once owned by Olivier before you murdered him by suffocation inside a bag of holding. This ship was captained by Davos, the Merelf fighting alongside Borigan and Pathos. The rosegold ship sailed towards the Caluan Desert province on the mainland. As the ships sail in, Quinn congratulates you on preventing Thormund and Borigan from obtaining the power of the phylactery. She questions you on where it is. She says that she hates her father for leaving but mostly for choosing to kill her mother Kindra. She says she will tell Maximus what happened and have the history of Henri Sallya corrected across the history books. Mako comes to talk to you about the battle. When all seemed lost, an ocean dragon leapt from the water and followed Max's lead. This confirmed to many onlookers that he was meant to unite the island nation. He speaks frank for a moment and confesses that in the moment Max was just as confused as anyone. Dragons of all types are a rarity within Galfin, most lay dormant and send their minions to do their bidding. He doesnt know why but that random dragon turned the tide of the battle. It scared the blackguard off of Thormund's ship which allowed Condor, Ivan's oldest son to swing across and free Quinn. Just as her mother did 30 years before, the Stormblood of Kyra faced against Thormund on the greatest sea battle in recorded history. She took his ship and captured the tyrant. At least his son will have a mother to raise him, Claire is a fierce fighter but also a loving woman.   Arygos reveals that Claire died fighting for the phylactery.   Borigan jumped from ship as the ocean dragon blasted a cone of scalding water at his galleon, destroying it in one blow. This was crucial as the Kraken had suffered a major blow with the loss of Parsellax. This battle is being dubbed as the Rising Tempest, as this will be the first time since Oceanus Tempest himself gave equal birthright to his 10 children that there will be an undisputed leader of the seas. A coronation was held on Hydri, the first home of Oceanus and where the King's Tomb is located. All the remaining Stormbloods gathered to bless the rise of a new Ocean King. Diggory of Eidon, as well as his only son were killed by Eelisma and Thormund. A few remaining citizens that lived through the hellfire as well as some of the mudguards arrived to bear witness. Miles the Mudman could be seen behind the crowd selling mud pies. Quinn of Kyra, assisted on her casted leg by Condor. She was wounded by the powerful Lord Thormund in the Battle of the Rising Tempest. Maximus of Hydri, wearing the ancient ceremonial armor of his ancestor. Next to his wife and child, Kricia and Illia. The soon to be crowned Ocean King. Kricia of Milos, is soon to be crowned the Ocean Queen so her younger sister Krysta becomes the new Stormblood. Krysta stood next to her older sister in awe of what had happened in a few short months. Ivan of Ios, Stormblood with his mainland wife Raven and their family. They had workers carefully lay Parsellax to rest on the hills of Hydri. Cortez was next to his old captain Ivan and being uncharacteristically quiet. Winella of Kinaros, accompanied by her granddaughter Winni. Both looked elegant as they represented two different generations of rulers of Pacura. Brunhild of Gyaron, holding the hand of her battle weary mother Valda. Brunhild is the oldest daughter of Tayne, she is clearly distraught as she holds her tears in check over her missing brothers and dead father. Eelisma of Basilika, killed by Henri Sallya is without an heir. Maximus will decide what to do with this island now that the war is over. Rumours are of a shrine honoring Sootha, something that should have been on all the islands as she was all the stormblood's great ancestor. Therakles of Typhon, a young 3 year old bears a heavy weight as he can see his father chained up for his crimes. He is quietly crying out for his mother. A caretaker holds his hand and comforts the boy. Borigan of Zephyr, escaped aboard the Rosebud towards the mainland, no living heir to dispute Maximus' claim. The Stormbloods walks up except Winella, she quietly passes the mantle of leader onto her 20 year old grandaughter, Winny. Winella places the blue flag into her heir's hand then the old woman places her hand on top of Winy's to close it gently. Each Stormblood brings their blue flag of parlay and places it at their king's feet, giving their loyalty to follow him as one nation. Each of the 6 remaining Stormbloods: Quinn, Winny, Krysta, Brunhild, and Therakles hold their blues flags emblazoned with the symbol of their individual nation. Conch shells blare as the new king is sworn in. Azalea, Iggy's wife from Kyra, is the designated keeper of the kings armor as well as his weapon. Her family has kept these treasures safe for generations. She gave him the armor when it was clear that his claim would not be contested by the overwhelming amount of stormbloods you helped gather on his side. As the conch songs settled, she approached him with a dark silver trident that had rosegold tips atop its spikes. She gifted him the Imperious Trident, a weapon his ancestor used to free the ancient men from oppression. He carefully takes it from the citizen of his nation and closes his eyes. He lifts the trident up as the new Ocean King. "All Pacurans are whole once more, for the first time in 10 generations our people unite under one Pacuran banner. Any who seek to seperate us will feel the wrath of the sea itself. I wear this armor to show I am here to defend my country. This trident is meant to show my power over the ones I rule. I am not Thormund, Borigan, Branahan or Thresh. You the people are my power for I would not be here without you. I promise to use the power you have given me to allow Pacura a seat in the hall of kings where we will receive our fair share within the High King's quarters. You the people are why I stand before you now. This weapon is a sacred piece of our history and I accept this gift" Maximus looks to Therakles, he then looks to his cousin Thormund. "You are charged with treason against your king and against your people, with the power given to me by my blood, the justice distributed to me through the 6 kings of Galfin, the heart you stole from the people of Eidon and the duty passed down through our great ancestor, I sentence you to death." Maximus stabs thormund through the chest. Three puncture wounds easily cut through Thormund's black and gold armor. Max picks up the blue flags of parlay, wipes the blood from his trident with the flag bearing the Typhon logo and hands it down to Therakles. Max leans down to the boy and says "In the name of Pacura, I grant you permission to live. For boys are not guilty of their fathers mistakes." He then walks around the circle and gives the flags back to their respective Stormbloods. The ceremony wraps up as Max makes his way over to the party. "My war is finished but i fear your's is not. I cannot thank you enough for the assistance you have given the people of Pacura. I hearby honor you by declaring you Heroes of the Rising Tempest. You are now honorary citizens of Pacara. If you ever need to sail and a Pacuran is aboard that ship, they will give you free passage to anywhere in the world you would like to go. I also task you with one more bounty, if you see Borigan as he runs from my wrath, if you capture him, I will pay you out 2000 gp each. As I said, my fight may be over but you four breed trouble. I hereby gift you the Imperius Trident as a thank you for what you have done for us. I'm sending the remaining mudguard back with you to Eidon, Mako will be waiting there for you, we have something special for you to see".   Before you set sail from Hydri, the remaining stormbloods catch up to you at the Gobsnapper, which Izil, Skalden, Franny and Stefan has sailed here from Ios after you guys teleported away. Each one of them thanks you for your heroic actions Kyra - Quinn kinalite hammer - arygos magnet boots - arygos Milos - Krysta cloud jumpers diplomatic seal - triss Ios - Ivan mortys broken cutlass - joseph book on the 10th generation of the 6 royal bloodlines - joe Kinaros - Winny caluan sand shield - triss bands of lost and found Gyaron - Brunhild rare magic item puck from ikibod's magic forge assassins mark - joe Typhon - Therakles ironshod trotters GSb Pet falcon and a necklace avian circlet, eagle lords glove GSB - sossari   You sail to Eidon with the mudguards. Miles is also your boat.   While you sail, a swarm of seagulls fly from pacura. They blot out the sun and begin falling to their death. These birds begin flaming a bright green burn when they strike anything. In the distance, before the far sight is blocked out, you see another ship coming towards you that is currently set on fire. You knock back some of the swarm but continue to get pelted. Suddenly the other ships accidentally rams into you and a trifling monk gets off the boat. An orb in her hand that contains two competing flames, a black and white flame spiraling around it self. The orb glows bright and fends off the swarm, all the birds fall dead into the water. Bedlam introduces herself and says she was lead to you by the orb. A cosmic shift has happened as of late and she felt compelled to follow the order to your team, who are somehow entwined in the webs of law and chaos.   You arrive on Eidon   You are greeted by Mako in front of some stone walls being built in the center of Diggory's village. around you see mudguards and native batgoblins that lost their home when thormund burned it. they were building the structure in front of you. this was being built as a staging point for the war but with peace now here Max has no more use of it. Mako handed each of you 3000 gp within sacks, this is the reward Maximus promised you for assisting in the peace brought to Pacura. Mako tells you that the Eidon Stronghold is now yours to do with as you wish. your crew as well as anyone you recruit for your settlement will live and work here. They will assists you on a ravens notice if you are far away. you can build better walls, new shops with discounts to you, you can store items here, customize your rooms, raise taxes, build fleets or capture enemies. Everything you may want can be purchased with your rewards. I'm going to go build a shrine in the area you designate the graveyard, I never found my mother's body after the tsunami but I hope i can honor her hear on my new home. a few patrons have already taken up camp here as they think of you as good people   Bedlam and Sossari begin talking to the batgoblins, bedlam introducing herself to each one and sossari asking who knew snerz You talk to nug who knows nothing and then suds who mentions merz still lives in the blindbat jungle. Then meet zom who left snerz to die in the forest, zom then tried to steal snerz girlfriend razzi only to be shot down. In anger zom sold her off to slavers, the leader with the last name of ahuud.   Triss tries to make Joseph apologize to blimbo but the wound is still fresh, blimbonis unable to disenchant athos axe as it was his sister in law who made that magic. He has no weapons yet and is just getting set up. He gets angry at the elves so triss casts charm person to calm him. They all leave and then Joseph sneaks back in.   Grek opened his third Aasimar's Landing potion shop with 50% discounts for your party   Iggy and Azalea moved to Eidon to help rebuild and start a new jam store that is also making other preservatives. Azalea has an iguana sanctuary that is open to take care of other animals you befriend along the way but don't want to have follow you   Blimbo has moved to your island now that his wife was buried, he couldn't go back to that shop. He plays his violin in the town square every other Incagur (monday) of each month, weather permitting. He runs a blacksmith shop where he provides discounts.   Sol the dark elf has moved his bookshop from Ios to here and set up a more permenant shop, he is beginning work on a new manuscript that will hopefully not be erased by someone who needs to copy some text.   Miles the Mudman has set up a mudshack and pottery booth.   the remaining batgoblins rides boars into the regrowing jungle and hunt crocodile to help feed the settlement.   Mother Maggie's sister Mildred has set up an inn and diner for any weary travellers, The back houses a Guzzler tavern run by Izill, Skalden works as a chef using his pyromancy at Mildred's diner.   Skalden also runs a yandu tent inside the forest where he hangs out with the batgoblins.   Franny opened a bakery to make treats for all your new citizens.   A Milosian sailweaver named Brandi moved to begin her clothes making career.   Merdock dropped of some of the fast growing sogwood bamboo that Ios was famous for arboring, it needs a swampy area to grow and the mud pits outside Eidon are just right, your builders can use this to build quickly.   Garvin's houseboat could be seen docked as he set up a fish market on the shore.   Brunhild provided some Wardens as both protection and efficient builders.   Antiguo, the blind old fisherman from Kinaros could be seen carving sculptures of commissioned pieces. One of Sootha, one of Diggory, one of Tayne, one of Snerz and one of Henri Sallya.   Sossari talks to grek and invests more into his business. Assaimars landing will be the first shop seen when people arrive on Eidon   A missionary who came from Gyaron named rogerio tried to hand out pamphlets pushing for hatred against the lizard people. Bedlam was asking him questions as he called sossari over.   The missionary explained that ralf of gyaron was recruiting people to take up the fight against dragons and their kind. The dragons that reawole on the mainland have been causing destruction and a group is trying to rally together to put an end to them. Sossari doesn't want this kind of garbage on her new island so calls arygos over. Rogerio is polite but insists that he wants to kills arygos for his dragon relation. They take one pamphlet and burn the rest. Arygos heaves the missionary off the cliff by aasimars landing . Sossari hands the pamphlet to grek and asks him to stop anyone coming into sidon with those. Grek plans to use the funds to hire some security   Joseph handed some smithy tools to zom to end the session

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    Season 3 Session 2

    3 wyrmling Arrived in Oakton Met Woxbood He doesnt believe in things he doesnt understand like jails, directions and books. He is a barkgrafter and can create new grown wooden limbs if a freshly severed wound is brought to him within 3 days of the detachment. He is looking for someone to pickup a package for him from Crinean, a 5 day straight walk. Or longer on the path. They meet a shopkeep that sells the useless stuff the bramble dwarves receive from Eastern King Addikus Windslayer Their town provides wood for Arboran and the eastking offers protection The thistle watch, dwarf amazons went missing a few days before hunting a forest monster The convince woxbood to accompany them to Crinean and sossari will learn some magic They went hunting in the woods to fight 2 owl bears. During the battle a white stag appeared and guided them deep into the forest. They ended at a long tunnel of trees that seems important. As a crimson army marched out of the burning grove. 80ish slayers marched past the hidden party. Bedlam covered arygos with a blanket for extra protection. The ground outside was littered with dragon corpses The leader of them rode a displacer beast (bandersnatch) and carried an ornate spear wrapped in vines

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    Season 3 Session 1

    This is your new stronghold and can be upgraded as you earn money. issues will arise where you may need someone to handle something but that would require an appointed official to run things when you aren't here. After they pick a representative that they feel will run their stronghold well, the can explore around.   Arygos goes to Blimbo's shop to find he is missing as well as some of his tools He then finds his body recently buried in the memorial garden Bedlam hires Wal'Du to begin work on an establishment. Joseph hangs out at the bar while Wal'Du is away. He meets a blind old man named Antiguo. Arygos comes to confront Dex but is greeted by the friendly Kinarosian man he has met before. Hey both head to the infirmary to check Blimbo's body. Triss spends the day working on the main parts homes. Replacing the shantys with actual homes. Sossari asks Grek who he can trust and is sent over to Garvin the houseboat owner. Sossari has never met him and interrupts Miles the mudman explaining blueberry muddies. Garvin is taken aback by sossari knowing about his past as a member of the high guard. Garvin was forced to retire after the public found out about the battle of snow peak and that it wasnt a battle to fight monsters, it was a church of dhara orchestrated genocide. Garvin cannot fight anymore but maybe knows some contacts of old high guard members out of work on the mainland. Grek also tells sossari he trusts blimbo the blacksmith so she heads over there, running into arygos and Joseph bickering over the dead body. Bedlam wanders over as well as she leaves the plans in the hand of the bone ogre bartender.   They begin arguing about what to do when Grek comes in to get then to sign off a new business permit. Zom the goblin wants to use his new tools to open a smithy. The team interrogate him and find he dodnt kill blimbo and was told by a shadowy figure that blacksmithing might just be his calling. Zom was given blimbos shop and began work on a gold ring for bedlam horn. Everyone in town is calling the leaders lordiness.   A loud noise is heard from the shore at aasimars landing.   They rush over to find a crater burst out of the ground and fancy dressed kobold elites attacking the lighthouse. A burger flies by them as they begin to attack. A young wind dragon almost kills triss after both her and arygos try and speak draconian to no avail.   They eventually defeat the monster and bedlam skins it. The grave it climbed out of had a swirling black and white mist at the bottom. They could see the rocks had what used to be fossils but had broken as the dragonkin had risen. This dragon grave had not been disturbed in thousands of years. Bedlam finds a small white rhombus inside the hole.   After this the Ocean King arrives to check on his new colony. Max commends them on killing a dragon and says that people on the mainland would pay well to dragon slayers. The dragons have been causing havoc all over. Because of that, an emergency meeting has been called in Arboran, the capital of Mooncrest and bastion of the East. Max is going to stay one night and sail out in the morning. He informs you that you can catch a ride with him but cannot leave without assigning a regent to lead the island in your absence. The group selects grek as bedlam awkwardly runs off covered in blood to go put her new loot her establishment. Triss and arygos invest in some warmer clothes as its getting a chilly on the mainland. Joseph goes to bed, Bedlam finds a barrel on the streets to sleep behind. Sossari and Maximus walk back to the new blacksmith shop, where sosarri saw Grek was hiding during the battle on the shore. The lordiness and the Ocean King inform Grek that he will be regent and he is very emotional about it. He thanks then and shakes sossori's hand, he is about to bow to max but reaches out his hand instead, max smirks and shakes it. On their way back, sossari and max see bedlam, the king carefully picks her up and takes her back to her new bed. Sossari rests as max goes to the tavern to meet his new constituents.     once you choose where to go, a seagull falls bloody and grayed onto your ship. then another, you looks up to see a swarm of birds flying away from something, all these birds are escaping pacura. above the waters and they all are beginning to drop from the sky and pelt the crew. the birds have an eeroe green glow to them. you look back to the distance of pacura when the light fades away. above you, blotting out the sun is an enormous mass of creatures taking up the entire sky, they look to be coming from the far east province of hearthen suddenly another ocean dragon breaches the ocean, and then another, as your eyes adjust and these leviathans take flight, you realize that the mass above is 1000s of dragons flying towards the mainland, you see them begin to fly off in all directions, breathing fire, lighting and acid on faroff fishing boats. they rains down chaos as you near the mainland. The Dragons have arrived. The Revenants of the Pit are unsealed. Adventure awaits you on the Galfin Mainland.

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    Season 3 Session 4

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    4 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 3

    Learn about the kingfishers. Retell the part about the staff, not in use but covered in vines, the rose gold tip barely poking out. Vulture with flaming wing Wander the woods, enter the tree tunnel   Find dead bramble dwarves thicket watch   Small girl covered in ash crying, holding a blue stufffed unicorn Tabby. Daughter of Oliver and Ebee Knackle . Uncles were visiting home after their job didnt come through.   Town (Nak) is being destroyed by a Red Hag. Along with 2 kobolds and 2 drakes.   Groups of civilians are being killed. Dragons do not understand draconic.   When a family is about to be roasted, 4 green tower shields block the flame. The Merkaynian Enclave has arrived. Wan, Tursin, Sarvin and Magdalyn.   Tabby’s family is dead, chirs was being recruited by the kingfishers, they purchased a prophet from the desert to help manipulate people into joining. For Chris they told him that Arygos killed his brother, fueling the flames on their recruits hatred of dragons. With more attacks happening its easier to gather new followers   Tursin turns into a bear in the day, has cape pants Magdalyn calls half elves halfies Sarvin in untrusting to the party Wan agrees to the terms to take the gnomes of Nak to Eidon   The Enclave cannot continue on their mission with the people dying. Wan thinks they should complete it and get paid and then they can peacekeeper. Sarvin tells how the people come first and they need to delay the mission. Wan offers you guys the contract from the Eastern King. They will take the gnomes to Turin where the Gobsnapper willl meet them Find the Dragonlance and bring it to Eastking Addikus Windslayer, the Kingfisher faction in Mooncrest took the lance, which opened up a crater where old creatures awoke and attacked the city. These creatures attacked the bramble dwarves asking the gnomes about the dragon attacks.

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    Season 3 Session 5

    Crinian - Vineyard out of the woods. Barrett offers a bottle of wine. The men working are brought in by an organization from Myst.   The party separated and went off on their own while leaving Woxbood sitting alone at the entrance. Woxbood is sad about the woman of the Thistle Watch dying.   Toldur is a human vineyard worker who lost his carpentry business in Skygarde to the banker dwarf Oxford Regalsmith. They possessed his home for 3200 gp and then his wife left 7 years ago with his 14 year old daughter. Bedlam gives Toldur rare iron bands that should cover the cost of his repossessed home.   Many people work in the purple fields or fish in this community of 1500 or so people.   Baker Bos (alan, slow, dead) Fisher Mungda (Canadian, oh ya bud) Weapon surplus Margot (low, talks about exes) Swirler (hands together, creepy) Gaffo (higher pitch, friendly) Fin de shaman (crazy) Toldur solemn Rinda library, quirky, limbs to exodect Cleatus, shifty Myreene , spooked Lethe, super friendly, defeat the demons Mr green, drunk Teacher is passive aggressive   Arygos Didnt sign application Bought books from the tax teacher Met the bird man, talked about wolf sex Helped Joseph steal a magic necklace Met FinDe and learned about his axe An act of true mercy will break the curse Witnessed the bakery explode Helped Joseph in rubble Went to see what the manor was Ran into an old coworker from his old faction Kleatus thought he was dead, says he'll be seeing arygos around. Says they deliver workers to he vineyard. Circles back to drink at the guzzler, bartended by Toldur on his second job.   Sossari Wandered around town until she made it to the fishing commune. Asked munna about rayne. He gets drunk at the guzzler every evening and visits the resort every morning. He lives in a camp in the woods and us hard to find there. Meets lathe at the resort. She is very cheerful. Tells you Wayne was already in and left. You scout out the guzzler until the bakery explodes Help Joseph mourn then continue drinking Asked toldur about rain Perceived he was drinking water not ale Detect magic to see the water and glaze over his eyes are magical. Get him a room at the inn   Triss Wandered town Watched bedlam kick a door Bought potions from shaman Bought a bag of holding that will take 3 days Bought goods from gaffo Ended at the library after signing the contract   Joseph Visited the rotting meat at the exodect shrine Stole a necklace with arygos Met Margot at the weapons surplus Failed to hit on her Went to bakery to discuss knives with bos Used the necklace to blow up the bakery Faked mourning. Stole +3 dagger, 15 throwing daggers Drank sorrows away at guzzler   Bedlam Went to the red torch district Met mr green Went into the essential oil store Was called pretty by myreene after threatening her Tried to get into warehouse, couldn't Bought a lantern for way too much money Lit the warehouse on fire to reveal a metal interior Scoped it out on the roof of the essential oils shop   Rayne is seemingly not an alcoholic. He visits Lethe's Resort everyday. He said he used to know Garvin he thinks and that he was sent here by his friend/former general Barren Blackcherry 2 years ago.   An old slaver buddy of Arygos recognizes him. Mentions how he got nabbed delivering a new shipment to Minyi. The boss had thought he was a goner. Rabin A Huud.   Arygos has moved on from that life and is trying to be a better person. Getting jailed let him find a way out of the scummy life.     Shaman in Crinian tells arygos that the curse must be broken by an act of true mercy. Murder clouds the mind

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    Season 3 Session 6

    Bedlam watched Kleatus kiss Myreene and then sneak through the hidden tunnel to the south. She told woxbood to stay on the roof as she investigated. Kleatus left as Woxbood made his noisy entrance. Bedlam had already slit Myreene's throat. Woxbood said that some men in red armor were in the metal warehouse across the street. She ran away and slept in a tree. Woxbood made a sod blanket and both went to bed. They woke up and began training, Woxbood sweats sap. Sossari and Arygos wake up to go and see what Lethe is doing at the resort for the veterans. They follow along when she mentions she is missing her mineral water from Myreene's Essential Oils store. Sossari offers arygos to go get the shipment. Lethe accepts because she thinks Myreene's new boyfriend Kleatus kept her up late.   Triss finishes up at the library to run into a sweaty bedlam and woxbood. She cleans them up as they discuss the dead oil lady. Woxbood comes out with his quilted bridge and tells how he thought he was scammed by a traveling salesman. Triss and Bedlam tell him to go work at the vineyard.   As Arygos makes his way across town, he runs into triss and bedlam. They discuss under a bridge about the mischievous deeds of last night. They make their way to the oil shop and retrieve bedlam rope. After arguing they make their way to the tunnel while triss has a smoke. They find Kleatus who used to work with Arygos.   Sossari charms Lethe and learns that these men were all sent here by the Warden of the Woods Barren Blackcherry. She just kept saying how these men were good soldiers whi needed to fight their demons. Sossari dispels the magic on Rayne. Other men in the circle have a shared tattoo with Rayne but he doesn't know who he is or who they are. Sossari sees that one of the men looks like Rayne. This is Grai Cross, a swordsman of the High Guard. His memory isnt quite as gone as he has only been here a couple months. After the Krakens Nest was destroyed, Grai went to visit his brother in the Aerie. His brother was said to have left for a retreat in Crinian 4 years earlier. The last thing Grai remembers is meeting with Barren Blackcherry. Sossari and the Cross brothers leave to go find their friends at the Essential Oil shop. They all meet up and plan to go and kill the slaver buddy of Arygos because they believe they are working with the Kingfishers. The throw the corpse of Kleatus' liver through the window and the slaver viciously attacks Arygos. A fight ensues and the good guys prevail after some self inflicted wounds and head devouring by a sabre toothed tiger. Kleatus calls out in his dying breath that he is glad they captured Arygos' Brother. Bedlam takes a key off of the slave leader and they make their way inside the warehouse. Inside there are cages of dead dragon wyrmlings tortured and slaughtered. Sossari casts light and the find a lone dragon in the corner cage. It is oozing black liquid from its scales. The cage is encrusted with black Crystal's opposite of the ones Bedlam found. The dying beast reacted positively to the crystal so Bedlam ded it to him. It began to speak in modern draconic.all the older dragons speak the lost language of Synapsi. That's why they cant understand but the younger wyrmlings know modern speak. The dragons name was Amethyst and revealed that the Kingfishers were using their stash of Crystal's to enrage the dragons and cause them pain. Amethyst mentioned that the leader of this province's Kingfishers was wielding the Dragonlance stolen from the Village of Nak.   Triss found one document left with any information in it, a food order for a displacer beast with special instructions to get it right. The reason why there was so much caution was the displacer beast was owned by Barren Blackcherry. Current leader of the Mooncrest Kingfishers and the Cardinalhood.         Fisherman/slavers/essential oil/ resort working to take memories of people. In particular any soldier who fought under Barren Blackcherry. He is trying to coerce up his war crimes. Has sent many vets here over the years and only once rayne started having nightmares did he choose to erase his old friend. Rayne will join the island once he is content with the cardinalhood is back on track.

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    Season 3 Session 7

    Fight guard investigating murders Kill them and torch oil shop Grai face is burned Bedlam is scared and runs. Given clothes by toldur Joseph meets drunk guy and learns of other police investigation at resort Triss goes to brothel and hooks up with a half orc Male and a human woman without protection Joseph meets shaman and is told the voices are something else. Kills her and go to resort. Sees lethe is dead and leaves Has vision of a Phoenix burning a city 6 silhouette and 1 glowing figure A old man with a mohawk   Arygos hired Toldur for Barrett He got rid slave barrett's vineyard A man in a cloak with a mohawk 6 shadows enlightened by 1 glowing figure Ask Woxbood to barkgraft Grai's face He does and Sossari watches Get shopping done Recruit Gaffo the ogre to Eidon All meet back up at camp A cloaked man is waiting The man in the hood is Addikus Windslayer He tells them the high king is dead And the prince The Kingfishers are destabilizing the east He wants to correct his ancestral mistake when Ivoris killed the last dragon, synapsid Mission is to get Warden of the Woods, Barren Blackcherry, butcherbird. He has the dragonlance Harrowing on Pacura Dragonkin were formed when Synapsid died.     outside of crinian, Addikus meets with them in secret and tells them stories of the ancient dragon Synapsid and those who worshipped him. They became the first dragon kin when the god fell to the 6 heroes of man, these were slaves freed by the attacking dragons. The story goes that Synapsid accepted his fate because he knew those 6 heroes would balance the world on their own without his meddling. He attacked them on a path along the Firefang Jags. He sent many of them crashing to their graves at the base of the mountain. The 6 heroes defeated the last dragon and it turned into the synapse to await another time when a little chaos was needed to balance the scales.   He then tells them that the High King Orion Skytracer and Prince Damarrus were killed when they left Arboran by a dragon that was enraged. Maximus is dealing with his own threat of animals attacking civilians as their skin burns emerald. The High throne of Galfin was empty for the first time in over 200 years.   Addikus asks the party to finish their contract the Merkaynians gave them and return the ancestral weapon to Addikus' home of Arboran. He says only in the village of Nak can he complete the ritual to bring back the God of order and chaos. Maybe then the world can settle back to peace.

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    10 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 8

    Buy a cart during the nudist festival at the fishing commune. A mixup in shipping had 3 bags of holding arrive at Trinkets and Terra Skews. Use the Bag of Tricks to summon a red river hog. The group named him Petr. Make your way to the Aerie but be cut off by the Red Heron's army. Use old sylvan to discover a fairy trail, these hidden crossings allow vast travel between various pathways hidden within the Mooncrest Woods. Cut through the forest and fight a hollow man who is the guardian of this crossing. Sossari gets the Harvester Scythe Once its defeated the white stag will appear and you will magically leave the forest at another location near Greywyn. See a town with caged werewolves being forced to work for the Kingfishers. The party sneaks around camp and executes the slayers. Find the work camp of werewolves being forced to mine metal for the Kingfisher army. Encounter the Fenris Tribe, led by the powerful Aero. The wolves are willing to help break into the encampment. Freed the wolves of Greywyn to gather allies to fight Barren Blackcherry.   His black smoking factory is not far within the forest the trees were cleared to make way for their building of war machines   Provides horses to get to the Aerie faster. Must detour and go through the village of Greywyn.   See that the werewolves are being forced to work the mines to make weapons for the Kingfishers.

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    13 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 9

    Start in Greywyn Go to rest until the afternoon after discussing the battle plan Arygos asks Aero about lycanthropy Told to speak to Crea The party rests but Bedlam decides to try and steal the cursed axe. Awaken to the axe being stolen and the village missing. Arygos begins raging as bedlam runs away. After all characters leave the circle, an unwitting Woxbood strolls into the village. Arygos slays the bramble dwarf with his greatsword. An argument happens where Arygos is livid about the axe. A lindwurm is attacking the village and controlled by a corrupted synapsid brand. Bedlam lodges the axe into the beast and arygos wrestles it to get his possession back. They fight and defeat the lindwurm Sossari contracts lindwurm fever Realize the Cross brothers are kissing Arygos confirms he will go feral in 3 nights They make a plan to make their way to the Kingfisher Factory They see drake sledges carrying many soldiers away from the factory. Arygos, Sossari and Bedlam break in and deal with some dumb dwarf guards The easily trick then to get a key and free a pseudodragon from the mind control He reveals there is a young black dragon and a black dragonborn located within the factory Aero scouts out the walls to reveal there are no guards along the wall. Triss and Joseph decode to infiltrate to let the group know something is amiss. They meet up in the great hall and find the other keys. Triss turns an armory into an oven and kills 4 of them while collecting some weapons. The party releases a dragon with the help of the Synapse and it blasts a hole through the ceiling. Finding another key amongst purple moths similar to the ones you found in Gyaron The last key is in the dwarven barracks where the Red Heron stayed. They find orders from the Red Heron to the Butcherbird telling them to mobilize their armies on the target. The party concurs that this must mean the Capitol of Arboran. The Kingfishers seek power and wish to take the East. The make their way into the room being used as a conduit to control the dragons. The purple glow corrupts a symbol of Synapsid. Arygos can take the lightning and destroys the totems as Bedlam gathers some more crystals. The party moves forward, sossai hiding back because she is exhausted from her fever. You enter a room used for experiments. You see the Cross brothers strapped to chairs and in bad shape. They have been tortured. As arygos frees the second brother, he hears a low grunt from the back. Attached to a chair by spikes is Pathos. His brother gives Arygos a necklace that was their mothers, it has the emblem of the Merkaynian Enclave. Rayne and Grai suggest the others should leave while commenting how they don't think they could do what Arygos has to do. Arygos gives back his brother hammer but Pathos immediately gives it back, as a gift this time. The brothers look into each others eyes as Pathos whispers, do it. Arygos kills his brother, doing so breaks the curse as he completed a true act of mercy. Arygos takes the axe and throws it into a molten metal flow nearby. Arygos walks out and declares they are going to kill the kingfishers. He breathes electricity as his kinalite hammer charges up and his boots glow lightning blue.       Barren Blackcherry's number one dragon slayer is the Red Heron.   Red Heron has marched his armies into Mooncrest with their prophet revealing people who have been harmed by dragons.   Enter the Kingfisher Stronghold   Fight some Kingfishers, Drakes, Dragons, Pseudodragons, Dwarfs, Wizards, Scientists   Find Pathos dying. Grai says he doesn't stand a chance. Recommends leaving Arygos to talk with his brother until he dies. Pathos refuses to die, giving Arygos the chance to kill him out of mercy. Gives a neckalce to Arygos that belonged to their mother, it is an emblem of the Merkaynian Enclave.   The Red Heron used the dragonlance. The tips is the black crystal and inflicted wounds he cannot heal from.

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    14 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 10

    Started in Greywyn. Sossari cures lindwyrm fever Needed to take a fairy trail Went backwards to Onaza Grimbind and he replicated Snerz using a memory swipe spell. He tells you how to get to Oakton through the trails. Fight a firestorm guardian centaur in a chess puzzle Arrive in Oakton and everyone is wearing cardigans Walk to Arboran to see the siege beginning Arygos stays in the outskirts because night is about to fall. The others find a way through a cave into the Hedgespire Talk down some wolves Meet Maven Grimbind, Wegelia and Addikus Windslayer. 1 hour until sundown and Triss attacks the enemy troops, starting the siege early. The Red Herons army was already attacking before Blackcherry arrived. They all fought off the battle as Sossari charged up totems with electricity to create a barrier around the castle. Arygos, Dex and Bedlam held back Blackcherry's army once it arrived. Sossari and Trss used magic to defend the walls Arygos and Bedlam defeated Blackcherry as Dex took out his army Triss fended off the Red Herons attack at the loss of the remaining Thistlewatch. The Red Heron retreated as they brought the dragonlance to the pillar at Hedgespire. Windslayer ranted on how gods meddle too much, he traces the corrupted Synapsid symbol into his castle using Sossari's totems. The symbol froze the party as Maven released the magic months to neutralize the partys magic. Windslayer took the dragonlance and destroyed the egg. Black flame surged into Arygos and white into bedlam. Causing some discoloration. They awoke still feeling paralyzed from the spell They are in the cell beneath Hedgespire The Red Heron walks down and says how dragons are evil and the Kingfishers will bring order back to the world. He tosses you a white crystal and tells you this is the last time he saves you. Reveals himself to be Chris. Bedlam can use the crystal against Arygos A spectral Pathos appears, the last soul sucked into Arygos by his axe. Pathos breaks the chains of the door

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    20 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 11

    You are in the jail cell and feel very malnourished. It has been longer than a day since you were betrayed. Christopher offered you his assistance 6 days after you were caught in the blast that killed Synapsid. After revealing himself, he promised that the next time he sees the team, he will treat them as an enemy. Sossari tries heat metal, bedlam breaks her own wrist, arygos is knocked out, triss blasts a fire bolt at Joseph's chain, after a couple failed attempts Sossari just turns into a mouse to escape.   After Chris walks up the stairs, you feel a rumble shake the entire structure. Rocks begin to crumble from the ceiling. The stairs get blocked by rubble. As the shake settles you see green acid flowing through the cracks in the rocks.   The party gets their things and finds Wegelia dead in the cell next to them. In her hand is a letter to her late husband Woxbood hoping she is buried in the ground so she can decompose and be one with nature. Sossari molds earth to find dirt and buries the bramble dwarf. The acid is filling the room. Sossari uses her Cape of flying and triss just runs through the acid.   Dex holding up Arygos and Bedlam find a chest of gold and items. After looting Triss uses her belt of hill giant strength to break a section of the wall attached to a drainage pipe. Sossari molds earth so Arygos can fit through.   The party finds a great cedar tree with purple orchids growing around it, this is the symbol of Shoreez. This tree has used this natural cavern to absorb water and the peak of its foliage to gather sunlight as it peaks through the surface. Sossari receives a vison from Shoreez. She is happy that her emissary is gathering a following but she needs her to destroy the Exodect statue in Crinian or a great calamity will befall Eidon.   The group climbs the tree as the acidic groundwater makes it's way behind them. Triss throws Arygos limp body up towards the ceiling twice. The first time he impacts the ceiling, damaging it. The second time he bursts through the ceiling and light shines down from the sky. The rest climb the tree.   After you make your way passed the acidic ground water, you enter the city of Arboran from a the hole in the surface. You see the adult black dragon circling the skies and melting the stone brickwork of the castle with its powerful acid breath.   You also see Aero storming the castle with the help of more werewolves. Aero takes out the rest of the grunt Kingfishers with the help of Bedlam and the Cross brothers. Aero set out a call in the night of the full two moons and the wolves expended their energy to rally to their Alpha. 6 days of travel and they made it here without a fae crossing.   The Cross brothers escaped when Addikus betrayed the team.   Rayne wants to reestablish the Cardinalhood but without the corruption Barren Blackcherry brought with him. Rayne seeks to invite Aero and his hunters to help him bring order back to the Mooncrest. He will help rebuild Greywyn and also wants to be officially affiliated with the Shatterbrand. Triss mentions they should rebrand from Blackcherry's team name.   Grai is a man without a home, he still seeks to fight even after his military record was forcibly ended years ago. Grai offers his sword to help lead the mercenaries of Eidon.   It is revealed that the Red Heron Christopher Knackle, the Mockingbird Addikus Windslayer and the Bloodhawk Maven Grimbind all escaped when the Fenris Tribe and black dragon stormed the castle. The trio was saved when Maven revealed herself to be a succubus and flew off with the leaders. They were aiming towards the Vargen Swamplands province.   Rayne fears that they are regrouping with their leader with the Capitol of Skygarde in their sights. The throne sits empty and all of Galfin now knows this.   Grai points out that he noticed Addikus had fang marks on his neck.   He reveals it has been 6 days since you were incarcerated. Aero was able to stop a transport wagon before the other kingfishers could escape.   Triss tasks Grai with searching the Eidon library for any hints on how to kill a succubus.   Triss and Bedlam decide to try and speak to the dragon sitting atop the melted Hedgespire.   Triss repeats some synapsi she has heard but the dragon does not respond. Bedlam unknowingly speaks its language as the ridges on her horn glow bright white. She can communicate with the dragon who reveals his name to be Blazareth.   It understands the Synapsi language. It will thank them for saving it by acknowledging their presence. He mentions how the Kingfishers are just a human reaction to the problem. The dragons were awoken to counteract something much more pressing. He is unaware of why but knows that dragons are immortal beings of chaos, they would only be used to balance an extreme shift in power and oppression. He is hesitant to say the reason for the reawakening is to fight the humans as they came into power because of the reawakening, the kingfishers did not cause it. Alas he no longer can hear Synapsid's murmurs within his mind. He can still sense remnants of the dragon god with the world as order and chaos rock the scales. He slightly gestures towards bedlam's horns. He informs you that he will fly north to the Firefang jags where the last dragon was slaughtered. It was a dragon safe haven and he hopes to rally his kind there.   At this point the world knows that the High King and his son were killed by dragons, this takes a more sinister turn when you realize that Addikus was the last person to see them alive and he commanded with the faction who could enrage dragons.   You take a long rest in Arboran. Over the next 6 days you travel by cart to Crinian without any resistance. Once you arrive you begin to resupply. Mundan has taken over Gaffo's shop he speaks very simple and thanks you for your patronage.   Triss and Joseph check out the magical Trinkets store and run into Swirler the raven folk. After some haggling and debate, he tells you that you two are terrible customers. As you bickered he noticed the Merkayne Brand on Joseph's forearm. Joseph slits his throat to hide the secret. Triss and Joseph take the items he was showing them and leave. Dex throws Swirler into the river.   Bedlam and Sossari are scoping out the courtyard with the statue Shoreez requested them to destroy. Ridra the goblin librarian is worshipping her deity there. The duo try and get her to leave but she confesses she has two things she lives by, her god and her library. At this point Triss and Joseph arrive and Triss asks for a book. The trio remaining at the statue begin setting up oil and barrels and step back. They toss a lantern as sossari ignites it mid air with produce flame. The statue ignites as the flame spreads to the barrels. The statue explodes violently, setting ablaze the church to exodect as well as the roof of the library that Triss is in.   Ridra heard this and runs out, screaming hysterically in sadness. Triss quickly finds an atlas of the Vargen Swamplands and escapes. Dex hides behind a building as bedlam and sossari jump in the river.

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    26 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 12

    Outside of Crinian another tree can be seen. Shoreez appears in the form of a spectral Sossari and tells the aasimar that the followers she is gaining will be needed in a war to come. Gods will be unseated as a sickness spreads through Galfin. Ahead in the swamp is a village. The goddess warns that it is in danger. Yelguk will be in need of some faith. Yelguk is a town known for creating poisons used by people all around Galfin. Triss found that out in her quick research.   You camp out and discuss your plans moving forward. At this point you are on the border of the Mooncrest and the Vargen Swamplands   Bedlam chased a squirrel to try and eat it. After a failed attempt she eventually caught and ate a live squirrel.   The swamps are full of exotic life. Giant leeches Breetlerots Alligators Lizard men Roaming ogres Giant bugs of all varieties Red squirrels   On your way to Yelguk you see a breetlerot grazing a mossy green pond. Behind it is a rock that looks mysteriously like a bird. Nothing else of note looks to be off with the scene. The party all investigates the strange rock to no avail. You continue walking and chatting about your plans. Suddenly a large boom can be heard from the distant sky. What you can see through the canopy of trees looks to be clear skies. You continue walking and find yourself upon another breetlerot grazing in the pond. Behind it is a rock that looks mysteriously like a bird. You try and figure out what happened by having me of the party try to cause a loop again. It does not work.   A yell is heard from the forest. You meet a young woman searching for a fancy metal called Maegon. It is used to forge a strong magic imbued weapons. She needs it gmfor her father. She is also confused as she thought she knew where she was going but got confused after a case of deja vu.   Her name is Ava. She lived near Rockmead but an army of red armored men occupied her village. Her father was very sick before the Kingfishers arrived. Everyone in town layed low and let the slayers have whatever they wanted. Two men came in and ate at their table while mocking her sick father. They had with them a third man of Caluan descent. An older gentleman with long flowing robes and artifacts hanging around his chains. He told Ava that he foresaw them meeting. Her father's medicine is no longer working as his body is fighting the meds. Pellets of a rare metal mixed with his water will allow his body the energy it needs to fight the infection. He told her that if she takes a letter to the Vargen Swamplands and delivers it to the half elf half human part dragon then she will be close to finding some Maegon. She said that the old man knew of her magical abilities which she hides from everyone. He told her that her natural light magic would lead me to the magical metal. She looks at Triss. Hands a letter that reads.     "My young learner, I do not have much time left in this world. My body grows weak as I am dragged across the country by Phoenix Incinerin and his brutes. The Kingfishers march to a town where a powerful element lies dormant. They wish to take the Capitol and seat themselves as the power over the innocents. I've seen them twist the dragons to their whim, I have seen them manipulate victims into joining them.   Alas, these are not your concerns. As the world burns there is only one thing you can do to stop the Kingfishers and the Darkness that is spreading. A Darkness that awoke the dragons.   You will seek the heir to the Skytracer bloodline.   The Harrowing cannot end until the true Highmonarch breaks the chains of oppression that are about to take control of this world.   You will help forge a blade made of rose gold shards.   With that blade, the Skytracer line will perish and the chain will break. (The Lifeline of Merkayne, corrupted by Virgil) But the Darkness will be extinguished.   In my visions I saw four people who will help you find the One.   A northman adorned in silver standing taller than most men. (anvil knows Morty left the Pit and spoke to Valda on where he was heading. Calua)   An honorable man dying surrounded by the High Guard.   A horned man wearing yellow and emerald destined to write the wrongs of his god. (Thought to be Sarvin but it will be Arygos who defeats Virgil and takes his place)   A ghost of questionable morals residing in the town of unquestionably bad morals. (Billiam Ducard and his child with Ruby Skytracer).   "   "My young learner, I do not have much time left in this world. My body grows weak as I am dragged across the country by Phoenix Incinerin and his brutes. The Kingfishers march to a town where a powerful element lies dormant. They wish to take the Capitol and seat themselves as the power over the innocents. I've seen them twist the dragons to their whim, I have seen them manipulate victims into joining them.   Alas, these are not your concerns. As the world burns there is only one thing you can do to stop the Kingfishers and the Darkness that is spreading. A Darkness that awoke the dragons.   You will seek the heir to the Skytracer bloodline.   The Harrowing cannot end until the true Highmonarch breaks the chains of oppression that are about to take control of this world.   You will help forge a blade made of rose gold shards.   With that blade, the Skytracer line will perish and the chain will break. But the Darkness will be extinguished.   In my visions I saw four people who will help you find the One.   A northman adorned in silver standing taller than most men.   An honorable man dying surrounded by the High Guard.   A horned man wearing yellow and emerald destined to write the wrongs of his god.   A ghost of questionable morals residing in the town of unquestionably bad morals.   Triss didn't show anyone else the letter   She offers to come with you as she has been lost and she can heal the party. Compliments Sossari's hair.   You notice an odd gust of wind pass by. Slowly, in front of you a smooth blue orb appears. The orb begins to glow as 4 green skinned ogres walk out of the orb. They look very confused and hesitant. They look to you and yell something in orcish. The leader wears a red and white striped tribal mask with various sticks protruding from the edge. The leader is beating a war drum with his spears.   The 4 orcs attack.   Once defeated they fade into a blue light, only the tribal mask remains on the ground. It is in fairly pristine condition.   Make it to Yelguk.   Yelguk is an ogre village that is covered in black flies. The residents do not worship Shoreez, they have statues to Exodect the beetle god of plague and sickness as well as a Church to Rezial and his wife Whither, the demons who govern death and decay. The people here seem happy and just carrying on with their normal lives. An older woman can be seen knitting, a few kids play a game called drop kick, where they boot a ball through the village and run through people's property to chase it for points, a group of ogres sit around drinking ale from a bubbling hole in the ground. Another woman is carefully removing honey from a giant beehive built as her roof. A family laughs as they make their way home from dinner at the local leech shack. They comment on the weird sense of deja vu.   You question them on their experience and the father slowly realizes Joe's brand.   Kingfishers meeting in a town with rare metal.   Kingfishers plan to take Skygarde with Addikus claiming his royal blood.   Finding the heir to stop the Harrowing.   The father of the family stops and looks at Dex, he asks if he broke out of the Pit. After Joseph's reaction, the man rolls up his sleeve to reveal the same marking. He introduces himself as Griz'Thyl, Griz for short.   A blood ogre has returned home from the Pit to see his family after 16 years. He bears the brand of Merkayne, just like Dex. Ava points out her father shares that same marking.   Dex seemed interested in who Ava's dad was.   Griz'Thyl is just trying to be a father and regrets the senseless fight he got in over something when he was young. He thought he was protecting his family but ended up leaving them. It wasn't worth losing the time with his kids.   There are racial tensions between the greenskinned and red skinned ogres. It wasnt that long ago that the yellowskins were wiped out by the mighty Blades. The reigning Blade Ogre war chief sent Griz to the pit for getting in a fight with the chief's son Ug-Col'Ek.   He is worried for his family now that the Red Heron has control of Vargen Swamplands teaming up with the Blade Ogres. The teenager Griz fought is now the acting war chief of the swamplands.   He mentions how almost everyone escaped when Lord Thromund broke the seal. He saw one blind man who chose to stay and finish off his sentence. The blood ogre tried to help him out but the man refused to leave. Griz wished he had that kind of fortitude but he ran with everyone else and now fears for what's coming for him. The ogre had 3 years left and mentions how the captain only had 1 month remaining.   Joesph seemed worried that Mortimer got out of prison   His daughter who is now a teen runs over and gives him curried guano soup. He offers some to the party.     After talking with him you are called over by the postman assuming you were the Shatterbrand.   A decent sized town with a PPPP. A letter is waiting for the party from Grek.   PPPP owner Hakim (optical)   You have a letter waiting for you from Grek.   "Grai made it back and has been training new mercenaries. He hit up Sol who is now the librarian and found some information on how to kill Succubus and the Undead. Any weapon can harm them but a magic weapon forged from Maegon metal can be particularly effective against zombies, vampires, succubi, incubi, skeletons and generally anything not living.   I am also doing some more tests with the ceremonial Trident that Oceanking Maximus presented you. My early findings show it might be made of the Maegon you seek."   Also mentions how he has taxes collected for the party but cant send it through mail. So once they make it back they can have it.   Hakim recognizes the mask on Sossari's back.   The party is taken to the Church of Rezial next to the Exodect shrine. They are told about the history of the different skinned ogres. The Blood Ogres are insulted that you insinuate the great settler Dwi'Thek was green skinned. They look at your mask and determine it was made from the now extinct wood of the Marshtomb tree. The wood seems to be not very old. Griz' wife Mar'Ghe is the resident expert on ancient relics and the town's mystic.   She proclaims her annoyance at blade ogres raiding in the south and a black skinned ogre causing a stir in Largie.   Outside the village is a large cedar tree with purple orchids that can be seen above the other trees.   Once over there Shoreez asks Sossari to kill all the nonbelievers so the evil 3 gods lose power. If the current events proceed and Sossari continues building her army then the evil gods could be unseated by events soon to happen. Death is the enemy and we will need all the help we can muster for the wars to come.   Sossari was seemingly okay with genocide in the name of her god.   Griz offers to put you up for the night free of charge.   Sossari tries to get the group to go talk near the tree so she can choose to attack or not but before a verdict can be met, Griz runs out of his house and rolls up his sleeve in terror, Dex does the same to reveal both of their bands are glowing green. The group and town are attacked by 3 Harrowers.

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    34 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 13

    They are all chained together with limbs and corpses trailing behind them. The harrowers make their way through village killing civilians and placing their limbs on their chains. The team split up to handle the problem. Bedlam shadow stepped Sossari formed a rock wall and set the statue on fire. She then went into the church and stole the mask and drum. Sossari the enlarged the bees nearby and had them kill civilians. Dex summoned three berserker spirits to kill the harrowers. Triss gained a vantage point while Arygos muscled his way through the enemies. The party eventually killed the bee as a harrowers surged his power trying to grab Joseph. Bedlam broke Sossari’s concentration and attacked another revenant.   After the battle bedlam asked sossari or the newer mask. She tossed it into the fire causing blue glowing smoke to take over the village. You witness the funeral of their great founder and see a divide begin to happen between the factions of ogres. The greens mad that he died in red territory. The mask is no where in sight. When you return you find both masks have disappeared.     After they are defeated, you can follow the chains to the shore where you find that these are scouts sent forward. They walked along the ocean floor and the chain leads all the way back to Pacura. The chains glow with green fire and out in the ocean you see the water is beginning to glow green that looks like algae from a far ways away. You notice it is slowly moving towards the mainland.   Ava wants to help stop the Harrowing so her father is not in danger.   As you head back to Yelguk, a new tall man adorned in silver is helping the injured. Sossari and Bedlam take turns trying to convince the villagers to repent. Triss discusses her prophecy with Ser Anvil.   Long rest and a lot of investment into Eidon.   Kingfishers were heading for the Clarion to gather with their leader Incinerin the Phoenix.

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    35 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 14

    Travel with Anvil and Ava to Largie, the cultural hub of the Ogres of Vargen. Fight some lizard folk on the way. Anvil protects Arygos   Sossari almost died from the lightning gecko   Arrive, Anvil goes to find shelter and rent a room. Ava goes with while the party explores.   Learn that Largie is the Cultural legacy of the ogres.   There are 5 Pillars of the ogres, a designated leader tasked to make sure certain aspects of their way of life are maintained.   “Who would you follow if forced to: a man with a book, a man with a banjo, a man with a quill, a man with a bow or a man with a legion of ogres behind him..”   Arygos goes up to explore the what DIJ is. Sossari and Triss go to the library and meet Mar’thuk. A handsome blade ogre wizard. Bedlam Sossari learns about the statues showing what each ethnicity believe Dwi’Thek to look like. Bloods believe he was Red skinned with green war paint and vice versa for the blades. Marthuk also mentions that the legendary mask is a family heirloom to YazGaMu the shaman. Marthuk can make books fly around his library. Triss learns about the royal lineages of the 6 Royal Families. She also researched the Record Book of the High Guard Captains. Learned of an uncle to Orion Skytracer, Armadi. Sir Nikolas Heartstring who retired after the Decimation of Skygarde which was his second term as Captain. Between his stints of leadership there was the battle priest Yacobius and Grai Cross until he briefly disappeared and left Nikolas back in charge. The current captain of the high guard is Andrea Cross.   They also learn there is a fire ban because the weather makes the swamp gas rise from the ground. This town utilizes explosive swamp water to make poisons and glass muskets. The War Pillar of this town makes a lot of money from the sail of guns.   Bedlam and Arygos wander into the orb shop. Here is easy going Shrike the bicardian birdfolk throwing an ever glowing orb into the air. He hits himself in the face. He complains about being stuck in this town being a great orb maker when he could have been doing so much more. Also he hates the humidity. He made enough for the town to hire him and get him to move there but he made them too good and his orbs never go out. He comments on how it was probably for the best that he left Skygarde because the college exploded 4 months after he left during the Decimation of Skygarde. Shrike narrowly avoided the Hearthic Invasion but is still bitter that his life has been thrown away on this island working his best years away. Bedlam sees all the glowing orbs and asks Shrike to replicate her lost friend Synapsid. Shrike admitted he hasn’t quite done an orb like that with the white and black flames but he will try. He gives a thumbs up as fire erupts from his thumb, he is clearly ignoring the fire ban. After some playing and frustration, he accidentally drops the orb and it looks like it is going to explode. It rolls over to Bedlam’s feet and it slowly stops shaking. She picks up the ball and runs out of the shop crying.   Arygos then invites the birdfolk mage to come to Eidon and run their magic shop.   Arygos, Sossari and Bedlam make their way to the Shaman’s house. A place where YazGaMu uses the swamp gas to create potions and elixirs. He is a wacky fellow that calls Sossari an uncultured swine and the refers to her as Sauce the rest of the chat.   The blade ogre reveals that his family has had the very mask the party dealt with last time since the day Dwi’Thek was killed in the Blood Ogre territory. Yaz will not let anyone touch the mask and it is protected by a magical barrier.   He also mentioned how he doesn’t think the time skip happened because it was from 2pm to 3pm and that’s when he takes his daily nap.   Says the Gyaron Gazette was screaming about the time skip a week back.   He also told you that the rundown residence next door was part of the current chieftain’s race attack 4 years back when UgColEk massacred the brute ogres. The War Pillar Krog’Nak is the right hand man to the genocidal chieftain who is in league with the Kingfishers. Red armoured men have been seen meeting with the War Pillar.   He threatens anyone who tries to steal the mask will have their hands join his necklace of skeletal hands.   After this meeting Sossari and Bedlam head over to the Gyaron Gazette to ask about the time skip. Arygos uses his magnet boots to investigate the shutdown district.   Calypso is a homely gaijin woman who is equally into the conspiracy theories as the Pacuran Ralf. She immediately asked you if you were part of the lizard folk and compared them to whales surfacing to air and then mentioned them being plants.   They relayed information about the time skip, she relayed that thanks to the Gazetteers recorded the exact time the skip took place and it was a ripple effect originating in the Caluan Desert. She scribbled all their information down about the Dwi’Thek encounter. She notes it all down and promises not to reveal them as the source until another time. She notes how she is friends with Mar’Ghe and the mask was never in the Rezial Church. Only the drum was ever in that church. The party contests that and shows her the drum. She is very hesitant to believe their story because even for her it’s too much. She said their story only works if when they interacted with the past ogres and the mask, they would have altered the timeline without anyone knowing.   Arygos finds someone has been living in the closed Brute ogre district. Inside the first building is rations and a line of faebread crumbs. The centre of this district has the statue of Dwi’Thek but it is painted yellow with no war paint. Inside another house Arygos finds two bone ogres hiding out. They are shocked because he is still masked as a Kingfisher from earlier. They act scared and confused. Arygos shows his face to tell them he didn’t belong here either. They ease up as he asks questions.They reveal they came here with Pyrus after he left. They were told to leave once he gained favour with the War Pillar. The house across the way was supposed to be for the with doctor Ictic. They confirm that their boss is in tight with the leader and they don’t have anywhere to go.   The group then gathers and discusses their plans. Triss reveals she must find the heir to the Skytracer line to eventually stop the Harrowing. In Triss’ prophecy from Moasis, it talks about reforming a powerful blade, the kingfishers being a symptom of the true problem, and 4 individuals who will be needed to find the true heir.   Dhara   A northman adorned in silver standing taller than most men.   An honorable man dying surrounded by the High Guard.   A horned man wearing yellow and emerald destined to write the wrongs of his god.   A ghost of questionable morals residing in the town of unquestionably bad morals.     In the meantime, while trying to find a way to end the eventual Harrowing, the Kingfishers are planning to take Skygarde and are meeting at a town with a reservoir of powerful metal with magical properties, The Red Heron is trying to buy Tayne’s son to get the backing of the Oceanking, They will use Addikus’ royal blood to seat him on the throne and take control of the mainland.

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    39 Firstfrost 01:00

    Season 3 Session 15

    Joseph has been in a trance all day having visions and migraines. Following the group but never chatting as he sorted through his thoughts. Morty met with him at the inn in Largie.   The group divides into two and arygos, ava and bedlam go to the jail to ask Andrak the jailer if he has seen two boys locked up. His shift ends and he is replaced by Leto who is a skinny gaijin. He is more willing to chat and tells them about Pyrus being an ambassador from the continent of Hearthen. Sossari, Anvil and Triss go to the Lore district and meet the wise JaGoMed This scholar tells what he can about dwithek and his old cottage. Also shows his prejudice when he advocates for how his son, the Warchief UgColEk slaughtered the yellow skinned ogres. JaGoMed was also very cultured in the partys history. Knew Sossari was a name used by the Shoreezian church.   He mentioned how the War Pillar KrogNak had his hand in a lot of businesses around town. Everyone met up outside the War Hall and planned their attack. Get in, get the boys, kill Pyrus. Bedlam snuck away to scout but got distracted by a blue light shimmering within the downtrodden cottage JaGoMed spoke of. Inside she saw a child bedroom with a rocking breetlerot chair and a main living room.   A time skip happened and Bedlam witnessed the previous lives in this house, in particular DwiThek and his wife.   Bedlam witnessed the blood ogre woman nursing her husband dwithek while their yellow skinned boy ran around. A resounding knock came to the door. It echoed through the house. A glowing being entered, obscured from Bedlam's view and greeted DwiThek as an old friend. DwiThek had clear respect for this tall humanoid. The wife put away the medical bandages and some paint brushes she had out. After some speak in orcish, the glowing being noted bedlams presence and began speaking in common. This was clearly just for the vision, DwiThek was still hearing everything in foultongue. The tall one congratulated dwithek on bringing the ogres together but he needed his instrument back. DwiThek hesitated at first but reluctantly agreed. He began unstring his drum, when he peeled back the sheep skin over the base, a blue light emanated from inside. Dwithek lifted with both hands the phylactery out of the drum and handed it back to its owner. The being began to leave but the childing orc ran up to him and hugged the towering man. The boy spoke in orcish but the last word out of his mouth was unmistakably "Dhara".   Bedlam then faded back into the modern day and continued on her mission to scout the War Hall. She found them having a casual community barbeque. She ran back to the party and explained the time stuff and how the back door is just open. No battle plan necessary.   The party entered and met KrogNak the War Pillar. He was very welcoming and a little boisterous. He Introduced everyone when bedlam came up and started talking about how arygos thinks DwiThek was a yellow skin. When KrogNak started to question their idea, looking a little mad, another ogre walked over to join the conversation. Everyone including the ogre realized at the same time that they were enemies as it was Pyrus who walked up. He had diplomatic immunity and when the party told KrogNak he was hanging out with a war criminal, KrogNak simply toasted that it takes one to know one.   After a tense argument, where Pyrus ignored the fire ban as the sparks crackled from his fingertips, him and arygos eyed each other up. Pyrus seemed to drop his guard when Pathos was brought up, he fought alongside Arygos' brother and thought of him as a friend even though he played it off that he didn't care that the dragonborn had died. Arygos struck Pyrus but the ogre was clearly holding back when sparks started coming from his hands but then settled, Bedlam then kicked him in the face as the party surrounded him. Pyrus kept looking around at the blade ogres who took him in, he clearly wanted to incinerate you up but not with the risk of destroying the town.   You confronted him and made him confess to sending the boys to the Ranch. He told you that the War pillar was the only one innocent in this sale of people that takes place at the Ranch. VayMekMu is the Hunt Pillar and should have been at this barbecue. She organizes the factions to come and spend money in Largie and visit the Cattle Sale. Her and the other 3 pillars support the Cattle sale. She is currently out of town visiting the Warchief, her husband.   Each Pillar knows about the cattle sale. An unfortunate thing but it brings money into largie. War Pillar is actually the only one who is unaware.   Arygos questions Pyrus what he knew about Pathos' mother. Pyrus said "he didn't care about some woman Pathos couldn't shut up about that lived in the desert."   Pyrus is then tossed into the middle of the hall for all the ogres to see. He stays down, embarrassed as his race honors strength. He was accepted as an ambassador because of his war record during the Hearthic Invasion.   The group then quickly hurries to the Hunt Hall. Inside they find a letter returned by Grit Bladescum, a notable eccentric living on a commune with other radical goblins. He had declined his invitation because he already has a Blarl planned. A goblin cage match.   The invitation reads “Password is the same as last time, unique to the person.”   On VayMekMu's desk Ava is able to read the orcish letter listing the mailing list for the third and final day of the Cattle sale.   Inside is a list of names.   Xavier Grimbind of the Brotherhood of the Bloodthirst (Accepted) Solomon of the Dharan Church (Accepted) Sir Davos of the Zephyrn Fleet (Accepted) Rayko of the Trade Union of Minyi (Accepted) Grit Bladescum of the Mooncrest Marauders (Pending) The Seagull of the Kingfishers (Accepted) Malakai of the Triade of the Fallen Night (Accepted) Remus Silverstaff of the Seekers, Due to him not replying to any of our mail, the invitation is also extended to his son Xarus Silverstaff (Accepted) Ratfink of the Scourge (Declined) Lead Tung of the Silverloan Collections Agency (Accepted) The Assistant to Oxford Regalsmith of the R.B.C. (Accepted) To Whomever killed the last leader and took charge of the Caluan Goldfists (Declined) Ra’Been A’Huud of the Myst Trader’s Union (Declined)   The party left for the inn to rest and get Dex.

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    39 Firstfrost 02:00

    Season 3 Session 16

    After reading the list out loud and leaving the Hunt Hall, Anvil mentions he has heard of one before.   Anvil says he knows the name Remus Silverstaff, he quickly draws a sketch that looks like a younger version of Remus, still with silver hair. He reveals that Remus and his brother Boto were born in Harfjörd before the Arctic Dwarves took it from Anvil's people. The blue skinned dwarves renamed it Orichlan to besmirch its history around 15 years ago. There is a statue of the brothers in the snowy Capitol. The Silverstaff parents moved north because the deadly Fogholt plague could not survive the cold.   The brothers had a noted history of disagreement but when the Boto was 32 and his younger brother 21, they put their heads together and found a cure for the Fogholt Plague. This was is the 163rd year of 5E.   The deadly sickness killed many people over the last 3 generations with surges of illness cropping up all around the world.   Remus reached out to his brother when his childhood love, a woman whom he had married had contracted the virus. His wife Zara unfortunately passed away shortly after the brothers found a cure for the inflicted, only slowing the decay of those currently carrying the disease. Remus was so sure he would save her that he didn't spend Zara's last months with her but instead in a laboratory working, even after the cure was discovered he was busy spreading the vaccine. He couldn't see her in such a late stage of the sickness. This left his newborn son to grow up without his mother and under the care paid caretakers. The regret of not saving his wife led Remus to focus on his work going forward, his purpose was now his research and he was a distant father.   The Silverstaff brothers went on an expedition to Fogholt with a historian from Clarion. These people descended from those who left the mountain kingdom before it was spiritually stagnated by Mountainking Deacon Oakhand.   Remus moved to Westmoor once he was grandfathered into the Seekers and Boto started the Spellstrung College and Magi Guild in Skygarde. Boto gathered those who were already researching a teaching magic and allowed them to join together in one place.   Dex joins the party after his migraines subsided.   They must hurry as the last night of the Cattle Sale is on tonight. Dex leaves for 1 day and now they are dealing in slaves.   They have an invitation to Grit but do not know his password. The invitation lists 4 total people are allowed in with their boss.   Ava says she is tired, not feeling well. As much as she wants to help she can feel her magic dwindling without a proper rest. She elects to stay at the inn while Anvil, Sossari, Joseph, Triss, Arygos and Bedlam head towards the swampy location listed on Vaymekmu's map to the Ranch.   The Shatterbrand plus Anvil head out down the road in the night.   Find a carriage broken down with the Kingfisher insignia on the outside. A phoenix with a dead snake around its neck.   Here you meet an odd fellow exclaiming to be the Seagull, he is clearly anxious of your questioning. You notice the armor he is wearing does not fit the small stature of the person wearing it.   Dex checks around back while Bedlam takes the new guys helmet. Yuri the bramble dwarf exclaims how the bodies were there when he got here. Joseph sees the Merkaynian brand on all 4 men and they have tears and gashes all over their bodies.   Dex recognizes the real Seagull as Thatch. Thormund's half brother who was in the Pit.   After this settles, Yuri reveals he was guided here by his goddess Kishar. He isn't sure what he is supposed to do but he is searching for the princess of the Autumn Moon Elves, Iris. (The white stag led him this far). The real Seagull and his men died from green skeletons with bat wings attacking his cart. (As the stag approached, the Harrowers left the scene repelled by the light.) Yuri took the Seagull's armor, invitation (for 4) and carriage.   Unfortunately the wheel fell off after a large bump and the horses scattered. The bodies of the Kingfishers are in the trunk as you wanted to bury them proper. You made haste when you realized they were on their way to an event. Possibly this is what your goddess wanted of you.   As the Shatterbrand casually mentions just taking the Kingfisher stuff, Yuri burns the card with the Seagull's password on it, ensuring they must work together if they would like to get into the Cattle Sale.   Yuri has one cash voucher that he found on the Seagull.   There is also letter telling you to return the Pacuran boys to the new Kingfisher settlement in Barakek. The Red Heron will then organize a meeting with the new Oceanking to gain his endorsement for the Kingfisher Addikus Windslayer to claim the High Throne.   This letter is attached to a locked box gifted from Addikus, Yuri tried to open it but they needed to hurry so he placed it away.   Anvil points out that Barakek was where the ship she was supposed to meet with the boys was going to dock (Valda sent Mako and the Gobsnapper (mispronounced Goobstooper) to retrieve the boys after he found his mother safe).   Sossari sends off her bird to try and contact Mako to tell him to avoid Barakek.   Arrive at the Ranch   Enter the main barn where each faction is standing away from one another.   Auxard the Auctioneer enters after Sossari convinces the lizardfolk bouncer that goblins actually look like rieslings so she can get in as Grit Bladescum.   Auxard is a Gaijin hustler bedazzled in shiny gatormail armor and numerous piercings.   He welcomes everyone and encourages you to mingle for the cocktail hour.   Dex goes over to the bar to speak with the spooky grey fellow with the long cape. He asks the Barkeep for the same drink and the barman cautiously clarifies. Joseph agrees and is brought over a viscous warm cup of goats blood. Xavier Grimbind, an odd man with a foreign accent hailing from the far north of Hollow Peak. They discuss what they do, Xavier explains him and his cohorts enjoy a good feast and he is here to pick up some fresh meat. He refers to them as "foodies". The conversation of Grit's plans come up and Dex plays coy about what the vampire is talking about to learn more.   Sossari and Bedlam go speak to Xarus (roughly 40 year old man with naturally silver hair). Xarus hates this kind of event but knows that magically innate children are often sold here. He believes the Seekers can help these kids. After some questioning, Xarus reveals he knows of Iona, she was one of his father's favourite students. Remus liked remorseless people like Pyrus and Iona. The last he heard Iona killed his uncle Boris and his father went to Pacura to hunt her down. Currently he is not communicating with anyone while searching for something in the Caluan Desert. Xarus explains that he has a duty as a Silverstaff to live up to his family name and that is why he won't leave the Seekers even though he is unhappy. He also mentions how he overheard Grit's schemes last Sale and that Sossari's Kingfishers have taken Barakek and are marching on Clarion as they speak. He says goodbye after commenting on how good hearted the two of you were for common goons.   At the same moment, Xavier and Xarus reveal that Grit yelled out "Death to the Heap King" As he entered the previous Cattle Sale.   Triss masquerades as Yuri's bodyguard and go talk with the Tung brothers. Silver does all the talking and makes jags at his larger brother the whole time. Informs you how they got in a scuffle when they were young and Silver ripped Lead's tongue out of his mouth with a kitchen fork. They reveal they do not know much about who is up for auction but they are mostly here for the beasts to add to their arena in Skygarde. Silver boasts how his brother is the current champion. Silver also mentions how he advises his cousin the Highking, now he helps things stay afloat now that Orion has died. After a line of questioning, Silver begins throwing shade at Oxford Regalsmith for apparently stealing their family heirloom. They describe it as a crystalline shard of ancient heritage. The assistant of Mr. Regalsmith is a former member of the Syndicate, a mine dwarf named Gabo Redlock.   Solomon of the Dharan Church. The right side of his face is seared from a burn beyond the point of healing.   Sir Davos of the Zephyrn Fleet A loyal soldier is here for his boss Lord Borigan. Arygos casually comes up to him ready to question him about his mother is Calua. Unfortunately for Arygos, Davos had his windpipe slit and was now unable to speak. Arygos tries to get what he can out of yes or no answers. Davos reveals Borigan did this to him and he is here for the Pacuran boys. The intent is for Borigan to have a bargaining chip to regain his lordship over Zephyr. Davos immediately recognized Arygos in the armor and touched his Trident when the dragonborn implied there would be a problem if Davos took the boys. Arygos learned that at least to Davos' knowledge, his and Pathos' mother was still alive and he didn't know what color she was nor anything about their father. Davos stopped speaking to Arygos after he insulted him.   Rayko of the Trade Union of Minyi   Grit Bladescum of the Mooncrest Marauders, learned that the marauders dont where an outfit and that Grit is planning a coup on the current Heap King of the Mound.   The Seagull of the Kingfisher was Thatch, half brother of Thormund. He was broken out of the Pit and invited to join the quickly moving organization of the Kingfishers.   There are too many to fight your way in, must get as far as you can with tact.   Must choose which "cattle" to save.   1000gp per bet, 1 voucher for each faction   Dex and Yuri both hold the vouchers.   Once the auction begins, you find the Seagull's and Grit's respective rooms.   Cattle Green dragon (4000gp, Silverloan) Mother and daughter(1000gp, Seekers) Goblin linguist (1000gp, Kingfishers) Orphans siblings Skuff and Maple (1000gp, Grit) Minotaur (3000gp, RBC) Old man stonemason (1000gp, Xavier) Itchee and tumble (265000gp, Grit)   Yuri recognized the goblin as the language teacher that Iris was with the moment before the dragons attacked.   Each member made their way to the collections room. They lined up in a queue while Auxard handed them their cards. The goblin's card reads Razzi the Linguist. Sossari remembered that was Snerz' girlfriend who Zom sold into slavery.   Tung and Silver Xarus Seagull Grit (Dex) Gabo Xavier Grit (Bedlam and Anvil)

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    40 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 17

    The line goes forward, taking a couple minutes each transaction. Make their way through the cattle sale. Avoided conflict. Bedlam. Inched her way out of the ambush using her gaseous form potion. Made your way through and attacked Auxard when he went to place things in the vault. Unbeknownst to Bedlam, the room and hoard was placed inside a gelatinous cube. The party stole the key ring and let everyone out except the old stonemason (Tarok) who was taken by Xavier. The dragons were both purchased by the Tung brothers. Gabo Redlock was beaten senseless by the female potionmaster minotaur (Stoma). The poor mother and daughter (Annica and Elen) as well as the rural kids were saved (Skuff and Maple). Xarus purchased the mother and daughter under a tip that the young was magically imbued, she was not and gave his purchase to you, along with Razzi, Itchee and Tumble.   Sossari's bird returns after they escape the ranch. It notifies them that it could not reach the Gobsnapper as there is a giant storm system forming near Eidon.   A large tree with purple flowers can be seen on the way to Largie. It tells Sossari that her disobedience in Yelguk will result in the deaths of people on Eidon. Yuri senses a strange feeling from the tree, it seems unnatural. You explain it being connected with your god. Yuri says that's not what he means, he places his hand on the tree and the outside withers away, revealing a decaying tree underneath with bark turning fleshy. In the middle was a symbol of a question mark inside a tilted cube. The ground beneath was stained with water and very salty.   Inside Yuri's box is a piece of the synapse. After Addikus destroyed the orb using his dragonlance, he sent a fifth of each shard to the highest ranking generals in the Kingfisher Skein. Collectively known as the Roost   They return through Largie to take the main road. Informed by the shop keep who opens his shop very early that Pyrus left in the night after refusing to fight and being embarrassed by the party.   Strife and Ragnar got caught in the rundown part of town, after the incident with Pyrus last night they are not welcome. As you enter the town, KrogNak is evicting them.   Joel Shopkeeperton sells you some lucrative goods because of his affiliation with Eidon.

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    41 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 18

    Awake in the morning, around noon to prepare for your next journey. Razi mentions she heard the princess Iris' voice leaving with the Kingfishers the day before you arrived. She did not see her in jail but it was unmistakably her voice. They were together when the dragons awoke and began attacking the elven city of Adrionne. Right after the dragons attacked, the kingfishers came in to save the people. The Queen Alyssum, Iris' aunt who is unable to bear children (hence why her niece is the princess) refused the fire elf's offer to join their cause. The last thing she Razi remembers is a great fire engulfing the village, more dragons must have returned. Iris wore an orange pinecone decal bracelet that protects the wearer from fire. She shielded me from the blast. I woke up in a cart and didn't see or hear from Iris until I heard her voice leaving with the Bloodhawk.   Iris also says she will not return to Eidon while Zom remains. He tricked her onto the ship that sold her to the Myst Trading company. You agree Zom can go when the mother chimes in saying she is an experienced smitty.   Stoma thanks you, she was under heavy sedation for many months while being passed around as a beast. She studied under the powder masters of Hearthen and was brought over a year ago with the Hearthic Invasion. She escaped from those brutes but was captured and sold into the cattle sales. She seeks to know your worth and challenges whoever is willing to a minotaur test of strength.   Maple and skuff are farmhands who lost their father recently. They tended to his farm before the dragon razed it.   JaGoMed mentions how he asked around town about your exploits. He is interested in what Sossari remembers from her past life before she died fighting Eelisma and preventing Sootha from being brought back. He reveals that her reincarnation is an oddity even with the magic connected with aasimar's.   Aasimar don't have the ability to retain memories from their past life, they come back as a blank slate.   Memory of KhenWhi being forced to leave town as his father is not there to protect. Seen as an outcast. Leaves with only his tall green shield as he is harrassed. Meets up with some Caluans on his spiteful walk out of town. Khenwai is Merkaynian   Ava is sick and thinks she has the same illness her father has. She spoke to JiGohMed and he says she is too unwell to travel. She needs to return home to him but asks for you to deliver the Maegon shrapnel to Rockmead when you can. JiGohMed is travelling with the other scholars and Mar'Thuk the librarian to celebrate the reopening of the Spellstrung College and Magi Guild in Skygarde. Since Boto Silverstaff died at the Decimation of Skygarde roughly a year ago, they have been rebuilding it ever since. They will take Ava home on their way.   Anvil leaves with the boys after telling the party what Valda told her. That Mortimer finished his sentence, spoke to Maximus and then headed off towards Turin, after that he planned on visiting the man who raised him in Skygarde. Ava questions why this is relevant. Anvil declares that Mortimer is the third child of Hector Skytracer, disowned at a young age and stricken from the history books. Mortimer did not like the responsibility of the crown. He is the last descendant and heir to the throne.   Leave toward your next destination. Barakek for you and Yelguk for your new friends. Due to flooding you are forced to use a less traveled crossing. You see a ship that tried to make it further into the mainland up the Vargen waterways, some of you recognize it as the wreck of S.S. Tempest.   The boat looks as though it was cut in half by a stream of fire. Sir Davos comes out without his voice and gets a kingfisher to ask for the boys. Atop a tower is the Albatross, a quiet general who is quite the marksmen.   Eventually when Yuri uses his spirit, it's a white stag. You realize that his spirit is that of Kishar, the nature goddess who chose you to find the village of Nak.   Sossari and Joseph took care of the outside while Yuri and Arygos took down Sir Davos. Bedlam was able to kill the Albatross after he critical failed some attacks.   Yuri got the final strike on Sir Davos, seeking him out because he wore the Pyrecone Bracelet which was owned by Iris.   You fought your way through the Kingfishers and defeated them. As the albatross fell dead, his helmet rolled off to reveal Lord Borigan.   Borigan has giant strength due to a belt gifted to him. Davos is wearing Iris' bracelet.   Davos is on the brink of death. Still without a voice, he can only answer a few of Arygos' questions.

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    43 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 19

    Arygos can ask 3 questions before Davos dies He asks if his mother is a dragonborn, if sir Davos knows anything about the Merkaynian enclave and yuri asks if princess Iris is in Barakek.   Kinda, no, yes   As you loot Borigan, you find he also had his voice box removed. The other kingfishers did not, only him and Davos. Upon further inspection, you find a symbol carved into his chest. A recognizable symbol of a green square question mark.   Razi now trusts yuri enough to let him know something she overheard a week before the dragons attacked. She was making her way through the vine covered walls and overheard a smooth voiced man talking aggressively to Autumn Queen Alyssum. This man wasn't yelling but being very direct with his intentions of wanting Alyssum to join his cause. He mentioned how a great calamity was about to happen and she would want to be part of his small but willful organization. She refused and asked him to leave. Razi could feel through the door the temperature raise for a moment before the man politely accepted her refusal and left out another door. Razi didn't think of it as anything but now that she witnessed the heroes that saved her home, the kingfishers, attack a travelling party with children. She now questions their motives.   Anvil heads off east towards Yelguk to keep the commoners safe.   The party heads north towards Barakek.   Find a burned down house along the main road in the swamp. There are clear signs of a quick getaway and some leftover kingfisher armor.   Inside the house is destroyed but a block behind the chimney has been revealed. In the centre of the room is a pedestal that was covered by a table but uncovered after whatever scuffle happened here.   On the chimney is 4 etchings that have worn away with time. Sossari is able to use detect magic to read the etchings better.   Honor - Sword Balance - Scales Greed - Coinpurse Indulgent - Blackhole   These are activated by finding objects connected to them that act as keys into the blocked fireplace.   Triss finds a document that mentions the history of the Pit and who is in charge of it.   Yuri discovers a painting of many people in green and purple robes. He changes his robe to match.   Bedlam also wears a new necklace she finds in a cupboard made of a crow head. L   After searching around you find:   A silver platter with flowers engraved on them. A taxidermy crow head that has rubies as eyes but you discover this one simply requires the value to match the ruby. Yuri places his coins on the symbol. When Bedlam and Arygos place their hands on the pedestal their combination of order and chaos inside them from Synapsid reveals the third symbol.   The last symbol is found when Yuri and Triss realize that the broken stained glass over the door has a symbol made of green maegon metal. You had learned previously that the magically imbued metal is usually sapphire but can be obscured in certain circumstances to become emerald.   They place the question mark symbol to open the last symbol and the fireplace block moves out of the way.   The document Triss found reads as follows:   "When Merkayne created the Pit in the first era, he gave control of it to his 2 brothers and cousin demons. His goal was to make the world a better place by locking away the worst people of society.   He thought this responsibility would elevate his family to find honor like he had. The Pit ended up being not what he has intended and Merkayne decided that locking bad people up wasn't going to work. He then created the Merkaynian Enclave to do good with the intention that giving bad people honor would make the world a better place.   His first younger brother could not get passed his tendencies to find ways to make money from the Pit, Sparto became the god of coin and fortune as his greed grew.   Merkayne's youngest brother was the true mastermind behind taking control of the Pit from the God of Honor. Vlox eventually became the god of Debauchery and Corruption. The sly demon corrupted the revenants and hunters inside the prison with the intent to use them to further his own power.   Merkayne could sense his brother Vlox building his undead army. The risen demon chose to work with one of the more ancient gods. Synapsid, Lord of Order and Chaos. Together they created the powerful Merkaynian brand to force the revenants to only be able to hunt those who had been convicted and escaped the jail, effectively making Vlox's new army of undead restrained to the 9 levels of the Pit."   Once downstairs you meet a swamp mystic who is currently without his home. His hair is in dreadlocks with trinkets wrapped into his hair. Looks disheveled with cuts all over his wrists. Bedlam immediately punches him in the face which knocks him out of the daze he was in. He introduces himself as Kenji, he returned to his family home after they were wiped out by the Merkaynian Enclave. He is okay with that though because he thinks his family was evil. He left to find love in Skygarde, had two children and only returned recently when he received a letter asking him to return to his family home. Next to the man was three bodies wrapped up that he sadly says he didnt want them to burn.   When Arygos asks if Kenji knows anything about a Markaynian dragonborn, he explains of one hes knows. The Eggkeeper who lives in Agata is of a rare race of dragonkin known as the Draken.   He knows of an eccentric Draken lady named Daedra. Dragonborn are birthed through old draconian magic in the heart of the firefang jags. Draken were once human, ogre or elf that were imbued with synapsid's energy when he died. Their children grew more reptilian as they transformed into their own species. Draken create and nurture their eggs in the heat of the mountain. So arid places like deserts are also ideal for egg creation. Draken can also have dragonborn children with dragonborn fathers. They still require heat to gestate the egg even if they don't create it from the Firefang embers.   Kenji on the Cult of Vlox.   He knows of Synapsid because of his connection to Merkayne. Kenji can sense the power coming from Bedlam and Arygos. Warns that the Kingfishers want to harness the Order within Arygos and destroy the Chaos within Bedlam.   Thousands of years ago the Kingfisher faction was formed to help the Six kill dragons. Before they were Kings, the greatest, yet still expendable warriors of the human race were tasked by their overlords to hunt the awakened dragons with the help of the toolmaker Dhara. and the Kingfishers became very good at their job.   Mostly made up of elves, the Kingfishers knew the dragons represented pure chaos, when the gods felt the world needed to be put in check, Synapsid would rain down his large beasts to raze the world below.   A doctrine was put in place by the head of the Roost. The only way to find peace is through complete control. They agree with the methods of the overlord Onyx elves of old.   Civilization can only be saved if they are completely without free will.   The world is out of balance and that's why so many people are making power moves. Synapsid's absence is an important factor in the struggles of the world. The Kingfishers know they can capitalize on the absence of the god of order and chaos.   Incinerin spoke to the Synapse for years and planned his takeover awaiting the day for something to cause the dragons to awaken. When he believed the balance was about to be broken, he began planning to ambush this event to gain complete control. This is when he started recruiting just before the awakening and how he already knew to look for Kenji to learn how to corrupt the control of Synapsid.   Kenji's family descended from the followers of Vlox, the God of Debauchery and Corruption. Most of that cult was eradicated by the Merkaynian Enclave about 50 years before. Kenji's immediate family met their end at the hands of a northern faction of the Enclave not that long ago. The books and documents passed down through his family as well as the rituals he was taught when he was young was why Incinerin targeted him.   The Kingfishers forced him to show them the ritual to corrupt a God's message, and with enough will, the power to corrupt entirely to bend the deities to your own goals is possible. Most people who follow the cult can cause minor issues within a local church but someone as driven as Incinerin was able to use the power much more effectively.   The Kingfishers are using the corrupting symbol of Vlox to effectively manipulate the gods themselves to further their own means. Although anyone who comes to use Vlox's unique power to alter the intentions of other gods must reveal their plans to the sly demon God. Vlox only helps further the plans that will help himself   Incinerin used this knowledge to skew the purpose of Synapsid's symbol, seeking the ability of controlling the dragons. More than that, the Pit had become a vile place but the god of Order being manipulated caused the protections placed on the Pit by Merkayne and Synapsid to be weakened. This allowed Thormund's attack to fully destroy the Seal. Incinerin toying with Synapsid (potentially because of the influence of Vlox) is the reason the Harrowers are able to hunt anyone, not just people with the Merkaynian Brand.   Although Kenji does not follow his family ways, the Kingfishers were able to invade his home just before the breaking of the Seal and before the dragons reawoke. Incinerin threatened to kill the man's family if he didnt help. Kingfishers were posted there watching over Kenji until a few days before you arrived when Incinerin made the call to squash any loose ends. Kenji's wife was a caster and as soon as the Kingfishers turned and killed her children, she caused an explosion as Kenji was able to open the family safehouse that housed the history of the Cult of Vlox. He escaped down the chute dragging his family to not have them burn in the fire. His wife was killed after he opened the door by a crossbow.   Kenji is worried that using the symbol has caused Incinerin to not even know that he no longer serves his own purposes. He will fight to stop free will but he is being influenced by the subtle actions of Vlox.   When asked if the corruption can be undone, Kenji wasn't sure but knows there is an artifact in Clarion being quarantined in its resting place at a Church of Vlox. The Puzzle Cube of Vlox has many abilities affiliated with its creator. If anything could solve the corruption it would be that box. Unfortunately the church was eradicated and sent into hiding shortly after Boto and Remus Silverstaff traveled to Fogholt and cured the Fogholt Plague. Remus and the Seekers then took the church to build a Seeker stronghold around the resting place of this dangerous artifact.   After helping carry his family upstairs, you offer him to work on Eidon. He says only if he can bring his family and bury them away from this vile history of his walk outside to see a swarm of blackflys and maggots crawling over the ground.   Ridra comes out in a cloak of maggots and kingfisher armor underneath.   The librarian that you burned down her totem and her library. She has been completely taken over by her God Exodect. She sought out power to defeat her sworn enemies, found the Kingfishers and joined up with the chance to kill you.

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    44 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 20

    Fight Ridra She has taken on her god completely and is now partially made of insects. She summons a large army of giant bugs. At one point she bursts into a dense swarm of blackflys only to have bedlam and arygos nimbly avoid it. She hides in numerous swarms of flies as her minions try to kill you. She was distraught after you destroyed her totem and her library. She wandered into the swamplands to find her deity. He made her a monster and sent her towards the Kingfishers. They welcomed her and takes them to find you after you defeated the Albatross and Flying Fish   Arygos killed a giant moth that Yuri had just moments before made his new pet. This led to a fight between them. Yuri asked him not to do it but Arygos didn't hear. Yuri now has some distrust towards his dragonborn ally.   After the battle Kenji admitted there was a little more to his story. He was sent back to his family home but it wasn't from a random letter. He was sent by the honorable Lord Bres of Clarion to find the item his evil family was guarding.   Kenji gave you the Cube of Vlox to give it to Lord Bres of Clarion. The honorable Bres wishes to use the cube to help rid the Kingfishers from his lands. Kenji was tasked to come and get the cube but upon arrival was intercepted by Incinerin. Kenji was forced to show them the ritual that he had spent his life trying to distance himself from. His deceased allies are his family that accompanied him and he wishes to bury them away from this wretched place. He will take them to be buried on Eidon.   The magical safehouse was to protect the cube. Your group was right in their suspicions that the safehouse was too elaborate to just hide Kenji.   Before he left on his way to Yelguk, he grabbed a white mask with gold carvings delicately etched across the face. It was a half mask that didn't look to be broken. Bedlam threatened Kenji that if he ever betrayed them, she would kill him.   If questioned further, Kenji will tell you he was sent back here by his lord to retrieve the item that they had. Up until the kingfishers, Lord Bres had no reason to use the cube but now Clarion has enemies at it's doorstep.   If he is targeted for antagonistic behavior, a mask can be found on his person. He lied about his family except his wife. The other two are a goblin and a halfling. The each wear a mask and have the symbol of Vlox carved into their chests. Their throats are slit so they could not have spoke. If you discover Kenji is lying, he will panic and bite down on a Nevertell root. His eyes roll back into his head as he convulsed. His veins turn purple, similar to those affected by the the purple moths.   Head towards Barakek passing through the Pleasant Valley.   As the sun sets you find your way in to a small clearing in the woods. The cool breeze in the air has been getting chillier as the frosty nights make the leaves of even the humid swamps begin to change. As you walk into the clearing, a fog begins to dissipate. In front of you stands a dead oak tree. There are no flowers left on this once tall tree. The fog clears as your vision focuses on the dead bark, carved into its bark is the glowing green symbol of Vlox. This is no longer a mirage hidden behind tricks, Vlox sends the Shatterbrand a message. The fog completely settles into the nearby treeline, the blood soaked ground reveals itself as you see a herd of dead animals butchered and lifeless. There are over 2 dozen white stags and doe lying on the ground, their snow white fur polluted red with their own blood and their hooves sawed off. Around the base of the tree you see a delicately hung decoration, a necklace of deer feet around the tree.   A voice speaks out to you, you feel it chill your bones. A fragile, slim figure unfolds itself from the bark. This being is an Oakenfolk, a creature as closely associated with Kishar as her ivory deers once were. The Oakenfolk are folk that live in oak and speak Oakenspoke. They are notorious for speaking in circles. In the common tongue they are sometimes referred to as treants and when they grow old enough, they take the entire tree they call home and uproot themselves to walk around.   "The infection spreads too deep. Two have already fallen, a third has become his sheep.   The seal broke and his restraints drag across the ocean. The revenants follow his whispers with devotion.   A fourth is missing and could now be a threat. Vlox seeks a cleansing of the Celestial Octet.   Innocence of Nature, broken and slain. Change of the Oceans, twisted and changed.   Ever present Sky, greyed out and gone. Light bringing Sun, a dark new dawn.   The guiding Moon, luster lost and diminished. Never changing War, a peace soon finished.   The erratic Chaos, extinguished through a conniving deal. The stoic Order, improperly weighed with the breaking of the seal   Lastly his brother, do right, no different in the dark nor light. Corruption will prove all can do wrong, whether they are weak or they are strong.   My life's end is coming, that's enough talks. All will fall under the power of Vlox."   His eyes glow green as a searing pain envelops your mind. The rooted treant's body goes limp as visions appear in each of your minds.     A rusted tower shield of Merkayne, it slowly crumbles under its own weight as black fire and smoke erupt out of the cracks.   "My family brings a tragic past, those who follow my brother will bleed fast. The Harrowing has only just begun, soon the Enclave shall be done."   A small white fire that explodes into a white fire Phoenix.   "I blessed the Phoenix with my darkness, little does he know he furthers other's prowess. I have helped many in their hour of plight. My whispers alone killed the dragon of black and white."   You hold onto a grapevine attached to the last tree in existence hanging over a pit of darkness, only by using your goodberry spell can you keep the vine and tree alive.   "The Tree Mother, a goddess of many names. Today it does not matter, for Lady Kishar's flock lay maimed. This is the death of the earthly deity and soon the others will show fealty."   Two versions of Sossari lean in to hug each other, the one girl disappears as the remaining looks sad into the air. A symbol of Vlox can be seen reflected in her eyes.   "I have seen the Sky fall, next the Ocean will heed my call. I am one with all and all with me, soon I will rid the world of Shoreez."   The sun and moon collide in the sky above Galfin, the sky is now covered in a black hole sucking in solar flares and moon debris.   “The heir will die just like my brother. The Celestial Octet will be smothered. Your gods will fall as will the others.”   A tall glowing man is surrounded by many silhouettes. Each falls down except for one. From that last shadow three human figures step out to you.   "A woman dying, sick in her bed, her young babe nearby with tears to be shed.   A man and his son in a forest lie dead, killed by a friend and betrayer in red.   Banished and erased, removed from his homestead, a bastard was born with a gift of great dread."   Yuri can't feel Kishar except for the spirit attached to him.   Arygos looked up before resting for the night and saw that the two moons were almost full. A day or so away from the double full moon.

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    45 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 21

    Enter the first border of Barakek. Skeletons thrown over the ground. Rats scurry along the ground of the wall of Barakek. A destroyed statue of a sword wrapped in marigold flowers was destroyed and nature has begun to take it back. Around the city there are a large amount of marigold flower patches.   On the door to enter the city is a circle that resembles the symbols around Dex's arm. A Merkaynian Brand protected this city as well, that is why is hasn't been taken over in the last few years after Chieftain UgColEk killed the Brute ogres.   Underneath the symbol, now charred with fire reads an ancient language.   "While the seal remains, no uninvited guests may enter the city of Barakek."   As you arrive you see a lineup of some hundreds of people waiting in line to enter Barakek. These people have all of their possessions in wagons and carts. Emaciated pack mules are finally getting fed by kingfishers without the beaked mask. The slayers are smiling and greeting the civilians.   A woman and her seemingly blind uncle answer your questions. You find the invitation they are carrying has a wanted poster for the party on the back. They do not recognize you or show any sign of hostility so Bedlam kills them like the hero she is.   The Shatterbrand was able to prevent the controlled dragons from restoring the Mooncrest woods but the rest of the world hasn't been so lucky. You read the pamphlet on the ground, taken from one of the refugees. As well as using the awakening of dragons to recruit, the kingfishers also sent out a call to all of those displaced by the monsters to come to their safe haven in Barakek. The Sealed City had finally been reopened by The Phoenix.   In line a ways up from you. You see some dragonborn in line, they are clearly getting jeered by the crowd. As tempers begin to flare in the lineup, a tall elf in red armor walks up to the shooting.   This is Incinerin the Phoenix.   "Calm everyone please. Today is a day of unification. These dragonborn did not get to choose to be born with the visage of the terror that destroyed your homes. These dragonborn were displaced by their ancestors just as you were. I would like to welcome all of you to my city, the Sealed City of Barakek will be your new home. To those refugees from the farmlands trying to find safe haven in Skygarde, I am sorry the crown tried to take what little you have left through taxes. In my opinion, as there is no king, there will be no crown tax within Barakek. If the High Guard have issue with this, they will have to march through me and my Kingfishers."   People began to cheer   "One thing we would like to focus on as each of you is given a home or a shop is the delicate balance of trust we have to one another. I would like to invite all religious pilgrims to come with me now. I want to make sure we are all on the same page when it comes to which gods our city will choose to receive their messages."   Slowly many religious leaders leave the lineup to follow Incinerin as he enters Barakek. Before he goes he calls back to the dragonborn, "You may as well come with me too, to ensure your safety."   Sossari watches members of the Shoreezian church follow Incinerin.   You enter the gold walled city of Barakek with no barring entry, no search, nothing stopping you from entering besides the wanted poster poorly representing you.   The outer wall hides an atmosphere inside that does not match the exterior walls   The city is bustling with trade and people seem happy. The goods of Vargen had been closed off by the chief UgColEk but now that people believe the Kingfishers to be heroes, they are more willing to trade amongst the ogres who allowed themselves with Incinerin.   The city was sacked when the Blades were invited as guests, otherwise the same seal that protected the Pit protected Barakek. Not many outsiders had seen inside this city and thus not much was known about it.   There are people from all over the continent here prospering and establishing a community. The Kingfishers march around instilling the rule of law. This is Incinerin's goal, to maintain the facade of friendly order while imposing his will in the shadows. His soldiers quietly ensure laws are upheld.   You search the shops for information.   Arygos first searched an ogre historian shop and a cartographer. He discovers that KhenWai helped make the Sealed city a beacon in the 2nd era. This lasted until 3 years ago when the Blade Chieftain UgColEk slaughtered the brute ogres living here, many affiliated with Merkayne. Barakek was a home base for the Vargen Merkaynian Enclave.   The old blood ogre historian recounted a tale of DwiThek and how he was a blood ogre.   Arygos tries to ask a soldier about things going on saying he is new and just got here. After almost giving himself up he convinced the solider he was a general. Arygos plays as the Pelican, a lieutenant known to be dead by the party. The soldier Tallin takes Arygos to the Grove where the religious leaders were meeting. He finds a mass grave with burnt bodies being torched by a 15 ft Phoenix. Many kingfishers are helping shovel. Tallin offers to take your shift digging because it must have been a schedule mishap that you were sent to dig.   Arygos then rejoins the party.   The rest of the Shatterbrand wander down to the docks to find Mako and tell him to sell to Yelguk. The ship master is a wacky dwarf who directs them to the docks where the ship sweeper informs them that the Gobsnapper is under the possession of the Red Heron. They leave after pushing him in the water discretely. Its okay though because he was a gold medalist swimmer.   Bedlam and arygos take watch to track the guard movement over the night. They are stationed in marigold patches next to the Tower of Merkayne.   Yuri finds the bow shop but the elf man in charge wants a real Pyrecone Bracelet. Men are selling replicas to celebrate the Autumn Moon Princess Iris joining the Kingfishers. The shopkeeper wants a real one. Yuri does not relay that he has one from Ser Davos. He agrees to a barter to pick up an Oathbow the next day. On his way out a hooded man confronts him to ask about the party he is traveling with. Yuri is reluctant to speak to him but the man offers his teammate's Pyrecone bracelet, as she is royalty of the Thistlepine Wood Elves. Yuri grabs a drink and explains to the stranger what he has learned about the party. An old goblin hobbles over and introduces himself as Benzamin of the Northern Enclave. The two question Yuri and in particular the man known as Sarvin asks about Arygos. He says the Enclave is seeking new members. The new influx of Kingfishers seem to be targeting factions of the Merkaynian Enclave.   You know this is because Incinerin has been influenced by the whispers of Vlox.   Yuri mentions things like killing villagers with bees, destroying religious idols and burning a library. Also the killing of random refugees on their way to a new home and the murder of a friendly giant moth.   Sossari finds the Wildehail refugees and meets the leader of the famed Griffin calvary known as the Wild Men. She isn't religious but is surviving with her people. Sossari tells Narissa that the kingfishers are doing nefarious deeds. The tough chick doesn't believe the druid. Sossari mentions that the religious leaders were executed. Narissa finally starts paying attention. Her father was the religious Shoreezian priest taken away. They leave to talk outside as the Flyover is about to begin.   As all watch the sunset over the horizon, a bright fire ignites the sky behind the Merkaynian tower. Incinerin riding a great Phoenix, much larger than the one Arygos saw burning bodies, over the city. It illuminated the night sky as embers drifted like fireworks over the Sealed City.

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    46 Firstfrost

    Season 3 Session 22

    Explore the city, The night began with Dex getting out of the bag of holding and joining Bedlam and Arygos During the time they were there, they never saw the guards on the Merkaynian Tower switch shift, let alone move.   Sossari and Narissa joined Yuri and Triss at the tavern. It was completely empty as were the streets. They quickly discussed their plans and went to find the other three. The bartender warned them they should just go to their rooms and call it a night. Sossari insulted him and then left.   They ruined the scouting party's hiding spot as they began to talk about finding the Grove. Looking to prove to Narissa that the Kingfishers are bad. Everyone makes their way to where Arygos explained he saw the bodies.   Once out there they see a few lanterns in the distance. As some of the party hides and others disguise themselves. They see a few patches of dirt that looks to be the size of the mass graves Arygos saw. As a voice calls out asking who they are, Arygos yells out that he is the Pelican because it worked last time. As the two Kingfishers walked up not fully armored escorted by a contingent of slayers. The orange glowing eyes of Incinerin pierced the darkness as he inquired about the Pelican's journey. He was friendly as he explained how Iris was helping him cover up his graves out here, using her chloromancy. Iris reached out hesitantly to shake the Pelican's hand, he noticed under the lace of her arm sleeve that her arm was heavily burned.   The Phoenix asked about Narissa, you guys covered your tracks by saying she was out passed curfew. Incinerin smiled and said you can use the grove as long as you dig everything yourselves.   He pleasantly bids you adieu and carries on into the city. By this point a sigh of relief goes over the party. Narissa opts to leave and go help her people, start the process of getting people out of Barakek. Bedlam found some tracks leading from the graves into a storm drain that goes under the city.   There is a trapped hall at the entrance that makes the room fill with water. Swarms of quippers begin swimming around your feet in the rising waters. Arygos used his extra energy to swing haphazardly at some pirahna. After defeating the fish, the water and gas chemically mixed and cooled the room. This caused the glass vials in the gear mechanisms to turn similar to a thermometer reacting to temperature. The door opens and you enter a hidden vault underneath the city.   In the room is glass jars filled with toxins and a rug made of a lion's coat.   The next room is a prison holding people that the Phoenix didnt want dead, but wanted away from his civilians.   Before you can check the knocked out bodies, a manticore attacks you. It speaks that only Addikus can enter. The reason for this is that this is Addikus' pet. He was once famed for wearing the pelt of a manticore into battle and using them as his personal bodyguards. His warring days were seemingly behind him but he must have still taken care of his pets in his hiatus from watching over the Mooncrest.   You defeat the manticore after Joseph calls upon 7 brozerkers to aid you in battle.   The 3 bodies are knocked out from the tail spikes of the manticore. Bedlam finds an unconscious Mako in one cell. The next is a man wearing the orchid wrapped cedar tree emblem of Shoreez. In the third cell they find a disheveled older Caluan man with a slit stitched across his neck and a slightly glowing symbol of Vlox carved into his chest. He cannot speak but is not hostile. Triss runs over and hugs her former mentor, crying over the state that he is in. Normyn is still loopy from the manticore poison but shudders out one phrase. "Shireez is gone"   You find a chest full of loot in another cell as well as some coins.   As you make your way up through the final cell, where a tapestry had covered an exotic up to the main city, you enter the empty curfewed streets of Barakek. The clouds part as the light of the moon shines down on you. Arygos immediately falls to the ground and his bones begin to contort. Rather begin growing out of his scales. The double full moon activated his untrained lycanthropy.

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    47 Firstfrost 01:00

    Season 3 Session 23

    Early morning arygos goes weredino. No double attack, get double bonus.   Reverts to arygos,   Triss takes Mako, Nyrmyn and Moasis inti shelter in a nearby home. She is met by a tall older man in black armor who walks silently. He has a white crow as a pet. He says he will opt to keep then safe.   The initial disturbance is calmed by Yuri casting silence on Arygos. Dex surrounds the weredino with his remaining brozerkers. Yuri turns into a bird and flies away to get help. Bedlam and Dex hide on a roof. After some fighting Yuri flies passed soss with Sarvin and Benzimin of the Merkaynian Enclave. The group defeats Arygos and knocks him out. 2 kingfishers were alerted of a small disturbance and make their way over to the dwarven district. One is mauled by a summon of Triss and one is put to sleep by the white crow if the mysterious man.   They hide Arygos in a dirt mound and make their ways to Billium's house. He hands Dex a business card that is matte black. Says he likes his moves. Bedlam also wants one but he ignores the request.   Moasis scribbles of how it is all for the greater good. He wrote this in blood that he cut from his arm with some rubble.   Triss gives the man 50 gold after telling him that the weredino was their friend.   The party walks down to the Gobsnapper with everyone to rest. Bedlam finds a black matte card in her pocket and the 50 go of Triss'   Everyone makes it onto the ship. Triss tries to question Moasis but he is tired. Sossari, Dex and Bedlam get it on with Yyri at the foot of the bed. Dex is the only one satisfied with the experience.   The next morning everyone wakes up and does their standard morning things. Arygos breaks out of the dirt mound and wanders the city. Triss and Dex cannot get answers out of Moasis.   Phoenix eggs are given to each home in the city. Symbol of a new start. The Kingfisher handling then out offer Arygos one but he turns it down saying he is allergic. Soss Yuri and Bedlam eventually talk to the same man and get an egg for Arygos. They say is for a prank and the egg deliverer laughs as his nickname is Paco the Prankster and enjoys a good laugh.   Paco informs people that a man was yelling about the end trying to get people to turn on the Kingfishers. This was over in the Human district.   At this point when walking over to the disturbance Arygos joins up again.   Dex and Triss get some vague info from Moasis but carry on to visit the Merkaynian Enclave with Sarvin.   They mention how they believe Sarvin is part of a prophecy to which sarvin shrugs it off not believing them. They say the end of the world, the Harrowing has to do with the brands on Joseph's arm. Joseph is reluctant but Sarvin is once again not phased as he rolls up his sleeve to show he has one to. Another life he'd like to forget about.   On the way over, Sarvin points to the walls around the tower. The guards are all undead thralls of the Succubus Maven Grimbind, hence why they don't need to take breaks. There are far too many of them to properly sneak in.   The 4 in the human district find the end of a quarrel where Tursin of the Enclave is being restrained while he is in his werebear form. 6 Kingfishers take him to the western edge of the city. You trail them just as Dex and Triss catch up.   You defeat the kingfishers after Yuri once again casts Silence. You easily dispatch the captors as you release Tursin. He reveals that all captives that are causing issues in the city are taken to Maven Grimbind outside the city in the Mausoleum.   Instead of rushing into the Mausoleum you regroup at the Merkaynian Hideout.   Return to the Merkaynian's hideout to discuss a plan of attack. How will you stop the Kingfishers from taking further power in the realms of man while Vlox works to kill the gods themselves.   Benziman has returned from the ship and is next to another goblin Dahrill. The old goblin couple lead the Northern Merkaynian Enclave. Darill has a prosthetic brace on his legs. He broke his spine years ago at the Battle of Snowpeak. Both goblins have brands on the top of their hands, one of a moon and one of a sun. Both of them sip whiskey as a gnome tinkerer named Quakur works on stabilizing Dahrill's brace. This is the same gnome Triss spoke to, he was recruited by Benny and Darill for his work with essence infused Maegon metal mixed with Teslite bronze. He calls it Lightanium. With a jolt of energy from raw essence, he can work the metal to wrap around a body to help those that are broken to be able to function again.   Sarvin is sitting there knowing the Kingfishers are hunting his faction, he looks grim. Tursin the Mine Dwarf Werebear is already having a drink. The Merkaynians are here to take back their city and stop the corruption taking the world. This was the beacon of power for Merkayne and his brother Vlox is clearly seeking to unseat him as he did with Kishar, Synapsid and Shoreez.   Narissa sits with her father Nyrmyn who was brought back here by Benzimin. She is tending to the burn covering his back. Now that Nyrmyn is recovered from his poison, he brings up how he saw a tentacle faced woman where Shoreez used to be. Nyrmyn tells you that he tried praying but didn't get what he expected. He saw the tentacled woman with piercing eyes staring down at him and felt no connection to his goddess. He feels something now but isn't sure what it is. (Sootha has taken the place of the Sky goddess. Sossari is Shoreez and doesn't know.)   Norbac Graibore the dwarf is here as well. The wacky shipmaker is an old friend of Sarvin's family. Norbac's family tradition is stonemasonry and he is an expert in gunpowder ammunition. This gives him a unique expertise in bomb crafting.   The gnome engineer Quakur made his Lightanium metal that can flow with the shape and intent of a body part. He does this with a limited essence sustaining engine.( It only has enough juice to go for one big run then it will shrink down.) He is using Teslite Bronze and Maegon alloy. When you charge that with bursts of essence. It can change properties, size and density for a brief time.   As everyone discusses their next plans, planning how to take down Maven first so that her undead thralls fade away, Moasis begins pointing at Bedlam's bag. She assume he is pointing towards the broken Synapse but Triss was holding onto one for safekeeping. Bedlam looks through her bag to pull out a single piece of the puzzle cube of Vlox. Moasis leans forward to touch it and the room goes black as the cube begins to glow.   From the slit in his throat, you see it begin to move and speak as a voice not his own talks.   ""   You can see an energy come from Moasis' body and be absorbed into the cube. The light return to normal as his eyes return to normal from their previously glazed over state. He sees Triss and looks immensely happy as tears fill his eyes, this ends quickly as he looks frantically around for some paper, he motions for what day it is. He scribbles that Vlox plans to take this city from his brother Merkayne. You ask if his plan has anything to do with the eggs given out. He stops and looks around frightened. His eyes stop on an egg place in a goblet on the makeshift bar. He scribbles RUN.   The egg begin to rattle and warm up as you see the goblet underneath behind to warp from the heat. You all begin to clear out as some of you feel the warmth coming from your rucksacks. You toss the eggs behind the bar and roll out of the hideout. As you leave the building explodes in a blast of pure fore and heat. Each of you dust yourselves off to see many homes and businesses exploding in beautiful orange flames. The heat from each nearby explosion brings a flurry and screams and the smell of burning flesh and hair.   From atop the Merkaynian tower, the Phoenix stands looking down at his scared citizens. They run to his gates frantically. A Kingfisher caster amplifies Incinerin's voice   "Fellow people of Barakek, our great city is under siege. There are those who wish to extinguish the fire that burns in our hearts. My Kingfishers will be on the streets, assisting you in this hour of need. As your humble leader, I must act in the best interest of your lives and safety. I will activate the great defence system developed long ago within this city. I will raise the walls to keep you safe from further outside attack. The people that set our city aflame have done so across Galfin as they have left a trail of destruction all the way from Pacura to the Mooncrest to the Vargen Swamplands. We have learned that this vile act was perpetrated by the loathsome terrorist organization known as the Shat…"   With this, being exactly 120 feet away, Yuri once again casts silence to quiet the dictator. Incinerin looks furious as he turns away from his people as they look confusingly up to their leader. He enter the tower and the gold pyramid on top begins to float high into the air. Beams of light come from the corners and pierce the ground around the city. You feel the ground begin to shake as different levels of the city shift at different rates. Houses are split in half and begin to collapse. You begin to see the walls rise but soon realized that he wasn't raising the walls, he was lowering the entire city. Merkayne built this city with the same intent he built is other ancient home. This is no longer Merkayne's Barakek, this has become Vlox's new Pit.

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    Season 3 Session 24

    As the streets begin to sink and shift, building begin to crumble. The core streets of this city were built with the new iteration of the Pit. Many of the buildings were built during the time of KhenWai. The son of the great DwiThek made this town a Merkaynian stronghold but didnt know about the inner workings. You narrowly avoid a house crashing down on you as people are running in terror from the collapsing streets. It begins to settle but suddenly large cracks appear beneath you, everyone begin falling into cracks in the road.   Act 1: The Pit   All the groups are separated by rubble and land shifts. Learn some stuff Watch as the chains fall over the top   As the dust yourselves off, covering up any scrapes you may have gained from the fall, you look to the sky. Now over 1000ft tall you are at the bottom of The Pit of Vlox. It is tough to see but as you are looking skyward you see a figure at the top of the wall. This lone person then jumps into the pit. You can vaguely see it dragging a chain behind it. After that you begin seeing hundreds upon hundreds of undead harrowers fall over the edge, dragging green glowing chains behind them.   Triss, Benzimin and Dahrill. Talk about Draken, the brace, only works for people who have pledged themselves to the gods of the sun and the moon, show brands on their hands, mention how only one woman could have cared for you when you mother left the Jags, the egg keeper of Agata is uniquely qualified to help keep draken powers at bay. The goblin couple escaped the confines of the frost elf safehouse after the magical runes protecting it reset. This took roughly 5 years. After that the goblins and Cora their tiefling friend set up the first northern Enclave while Wan and Sarvin returned to the Mooncrest to move up the ranks. Sarvin ages slower as a tiefling so even though they started around the same time, Wan looks to have many years on his gold accented friend. During this time the goblins were tasked with keeping tabs on the Caluan faction, the leader was Daedra. They were actually visiting when a young baby came to the egg keeper with her frightened mother. Daedra stunted your powers until you came of age. Triss' mother gave up her previous life (as a moon priestess and deathscrier) to raise you away from people who would seek to hurt you.   Nyrmyn, Sossari, Narissa. He mentions when he looks up to shoreez he saw a tentacle faced woman sitting in her place. He thought his connection was gone but he can feel a glimmer of his goddess again. There is hope she is not dead at the hands of Vlox.   Norbac, Joseph, Bedlam. (Billium) Billium helps them escape through thieves tunnels. The syndicate has been around just as long as Barakek. Billium offers to work with Joseph on any future thieves guild he plans to run. Once he learns who Joseph is, he mentions how he knows Mortimer. Morty hurt people in his youth before he got control of his visions. He attacked his pregnant fiancee while having one of his episodes. He left after that as he was a danger to those he loved. She was able to be healed and the baby was barely saved. The surgery involved caused her to no longer be able to bear children. She feared her son might have the same tendencies as his father. Her first duty needed to be her people. She sent the boy away to be raised by one of her handmaidens. The card can be used to unlock one lock, but if you use it I then you lose your potential in with the members of the Syndicate. Billium gives Dex and rose gold shard attached to a necklace. He mentions how it once belonged to someone he loved. Morry would want him to have this.   Arygos, Sarvin, Moasis Sarvin knows he is trying to be good but you need to follow the mantra to join the Enclave, do right, no different in the dark nor light. Assumed Daedra was somehow involved. She helps tend to eggs born of Firefang embers. These dragonborn feel no drive to seek their parentage because they know their connection is to the dragon god, even if his name had been mostly forgotten they know of that connection from hatch. Arygos not knowing of Synapsid as well as having the longing to find his parents proves to Sarvin that he must be different than an incubated egg. Sarvin knows that Daedra began showing signs of dementia, most believe it is because her children were taken away, not just the eggs she warmed over embers but her naturally born children. (Pregnant like humans but their stomachs become a molten oven as an egg incubates inside them. The eggs hatched and the rest of the birth is like humans) The Merkaynians still check up on her and offer protection for her when she travels with a ready to hatch egg back to the Jags. She stayed strong after her first child Pathos was taken, he wore her emblem while he was outside playing and soldiers from the Zephyrn fleet took him away. It broke her when her son Arygos was taken by slavers from Myst, to be tossed around the work camps for years before finding yourself here. She tried to hold on but she really snapped when her third child, her daughter Phobos was taken by men from Skygarde. She quit the Enclave after that and just focused on trying to keep the dragonborn race going by tending to the eggs. After she cut all emotional ties, her husband left to return where he was born, (Kreios the Feared, a teal dragonborn chief (arctic) returned to his remote village in the north where he grew isolated and bitter.)   Yuri, Tursin, Quakur. The Archery Shop Yuri's Oathbow is waiting for him. The collapse snapped the bow in half but Quakur is able to fix it. Under the bedrock they find a world root. If vlox could corrupt it then he could infect the world tree. the last real chance to bring back kishar. Need to solve a puzzle to get back with the group. Utilizing bramble magic, gnome engineering and a werebear.     Act 2: The Mausoleum Maven Grimbind Thormund (Headless) Claire (Harrower) Numerous thralls   A crevice stands between you and the mausoleum. About 80 feet away You see incinerin call out to you as maven drags two bodies out of her base. Wan and Maggie of the Merkaynian Enclave. Incinerin melts Maggie's face as he pushes her into the pit below. Sarvin is shook as he asked her for her protective pyrecone bracelet. Tursin says incinerin would have just taken it off anyways. Incinerins wants to bring the currents gods and governments to its knees. Merkayne stands in the way of vlox, so incinerin will kill the leader of the Mooncrest Enclave. Incinerin blasts wan across the chasm. Wan gives his emblem of leadership to Sarvin. Sarvin does the merkaynian funeral rights as his spell causes glowing marigold to cover swans corpse Incinerin flies to the top of the city. Once maven is defeated her thralls fall. She leaves her piece if the synapse as he turns into a flurry of blue flags that looks like bats. The centre of the Mausoleum is a shrine to Merkayne that has been desecrated. In the centre in a pedestal made from roots. Merkayne built this city as a potential new Pit. After his brother corrupted his old one he abandoned the idea of locking people up and wished to bring people back to the light. The original Merkaynian Enclave was criminals seeking to atone. Maven works with Incinerin because she wants to bring back her late husband Bogdan. A legendary vampire and the first of his species. Bogdan was gifted his immortality using the puzzle cube of vlox. Her thralls begin to rise as a small figure walls his way towards the mausoleum.     Chains rattle along the ground as a small figure walks amongst the harrowers. Virgil the former bellhop, now judge jury and executioner. Wearing the skin of minos and using his venomous fangs as a war club. He also this his gavel Behind him are large ogres dragging chains with spikes. Dirt and debris are stuck on the spikes. Bones and corpses are hidden underneath the layer of brush. Virgil has been corrupted entirely by Vlox once the seal was broke. he is now the Warden of the Pit. There are many Pacurans, some you may seem innocent but Vlox and his whispers have convinced the Warden Chain is attached as it clamps itself permanently to the world root. As the chain is attached as the bell pyramid tolls loudly. The top floating pyramid rings loudly. Vlox is locked away in the pit of Gyaron. His power can only do so much from there. These chain will transfer his essence into the mainland, causing his corruption to seep further. Especially if he gets his hands on the world root.   Tursin leave to perform the ritual on Maggie to let her rest. He will meet up later.     Act 3: The Front Gate Addikus Windslayer His neck is glowing where a bite is visible. Each round his neck heal more and more as his manticore attacks. The Harrowers attach the chains. To a root now uncovered at the base of the city. Tayne (Ice) Tayne immediately spikes Nyrmyn in the chest. Narissa is mad that her griffins cant hear the whistle. Tayne slightly pauses at the mention of his sons but he is too far gone, taken by Vlox. Green undead lizardfolk accompany the stormblood. Addikus switches sides and doesn't know where he is. Asks if Barren blackcherry has returned from the battle of snowpeak yet. People are killed and judges guilt as their bodies are attached to the dragging chains of the Harrowing. Another few bells toll. (5 in total now) Virgil escapes after addikus turns and the gates begin to close. Quakur breaks a vial of raw essence over dahrill's brace. The metal reacts aggressively as it encompasses his entire body. The sun and moon stone react to him as the maegon metal magically reacts. A full shield guardian construct forms around the goblins. They are able to hold the door. Addikus looks thoroughly confused about all that's going on.   Benzimin says he will find a safe place for the Eastking and then meet up with you.   Act 4: The Grove Iris Begins to rain very heavily. A Harp plays deep in the grove, somewhere iris plays a song of her native Adrionne. Yuri recognizes this soft tune but every few notes she misses her string and it rings in your ears. You are attacked by creatures of the grove. They seem to react to the music. When not paying attention, triss will be pulled under the tree wall. Standing above her is a burned man with a hole in his chest. Vine grow out from his wounds as green fire come out of his eye sockets. Triss would not recognize this man except for a distinct similarity to the statue Sossari built in town. The corpse of Diggory has been tainted by Vlox and consumed by the wildfire that killed him. "Vlox hasn't been able get to your gods. I'm here to invite you to join his army." A fight breaks out as the others rush to get to triss. They are attacked by strangling vines to slow them down As they arrive, Diggory wraps his staff around Triss' leg as fire brings to wrap around. she yells out in agony as her wooden leg shatters into embers. Diggory (Burned) Wood woads.   A fight with tree guys ensues. The essence runs out on dahrill's armor and he is impaled by a tree man, dealing a severe wound. He is pulled away from the battle by quakur.   Iris is not the one causing the grove to attack. She is scared and alone and trying to play a song to remind her of home. She just cant remember the song as she tries to strum.   She is protected by a throne wall that is caused by very powerful chloromancy.   Only the song of her homeland will bring down the wall. Yuri the songbird can bring her back from despair.   Grove Guardian attacks   His staff reacts after his defeat. The storm was being controlled by him but he was not who sent it. The goddess of the oceans and sky brings a hurricane over Barakek. The wind pushes you around as debris makes the climb deathly to get to the next level.   Get synapse from iris       Act 5: The Sword Road Once on the sword road, a loud roar is heard as water rushes over the city causing rushing water to drench the road. A sea dragon skims the water as it attacks you. An undead Eelisma finds her way to shoreez. Vlox has had control over the ocean goddess since you first stopped her from flooding the world. She once was a good goddess, volatile but a force for gold in the world. At some point vlox was able to get his whispers into her ear. Sootha (Can be cleansed) Storm and water surges After she is bloodied, spot a looks to sossari and apologizes for what she has done. She cannot break free of his will on her own.   She says that she didn't mean to do what she did to shoreez. Vlox used her sisters trust and love to Rick the sky goddess. Sootha broke her sisters trust and unseated her, permanently taking her powers away. Sootha is clearly sad and conflicted. Aasimar are a blank slate when they die in the name of their god. It's a cycle of permenance. I broke that cycle. When the aasimar known as sossari died stopping me, Vlox used that moment to trick my sister goddess and send her down to earth, leaving her with memories that should have been wiped away to forget her former life.   The winds get stronger as you continue to fight. Set up for each person to strike her, knocking her closer to the edge. Each member gets a strike   As she leans over the edge Dex impaled her with his whip dagger. She leans over holding on, looking scared.   Hopefully sossari saves her and forgives her. Embraces with love which can purge the corruption. Sootha rests until the sky portal needs to open up.   Act 6: The Merkaynian Tower Knackle Knackle joined because he hates arygos and iona. Dragonlance Wounds to arygos are permanent Snerz (Wildfire druid) Arygos chooses to save him or not Get last synapse piece   Act 7: The Harrowing Incinerin Phoenix Kill virgil Stop phoenix after it kills bedlam and arygos They forge the synapse and synapsid is reborn to stop the phoenix Incinerin falls to his death The connection to vlox is already started Seven chains hold the chains to teh largest world root at the top of the tower Need to pull all seven at the same time It will kill this section of the world root but it will stop vlox from transferring Green energy covers the sky Pull the chains The tower begins to collapse Blow the griffin whistle Sootha hears it and uses her power to open a portal in the sky Griffins rain from the heavens to save the remaining refugees The owl griffins you saved on gyaron rescue you The energy surge of the tower took a lot out of you You pass out in the air You awake to a forest with sapphire rocks jutting out of the ground   Incinerin wakes up, broken and twisted, he lifts himself up and a orange glowing vlox symbol is carved into his chest, his eyes glwo with fire as he screams and burns everything around him as green fire erupts from him.     Only way to use the Ikarus stone is to have been blessed at the moon temple and sun temple. Mix of science and magic. Griffins too far away to hear the whistle. No help. Sootha sister and reveal shoreez is sossari Dahrill burns the essence to become a lightanium mech Attacked by Thormund headless and claire Triss leg gets destroyed Dahrill sacrifices his mobility to give triss a leg, prompting her connection to the two gods. They believe Iris is attacking to find that it is an undead diggory. Dex tries to stop vlox because he believes he is the heir. Tayne attacks then and flinches at his sons being okay. Billium gives him a. Necklace with a rose gold shard attached. No one is truly ever gone while we hold onto them. Bedlam and arygos die to the elder Phoenix They forge the synapses to form the spirit of synapsid to stop the Phoenix. Snerz is burned and uses wildfire magic. He is gone but can be laid to rest Yuri is tasked to find the first tree, one of the few trees still in the Caluan Desert. Its roots reach so far that it finds nutrients from outside the desert itself. Sootha says she is sorry to her sister. She is corrupted and unseated the sky goddess. Arygos let's chris die and sarvin sees Sarvin says he is not honorable. Vlox is taken over by vlox and sends out green fire to kill the city. Saved by shoreez, sun and moon, kishar, synapsid and dhara from the necklace. Flying harrowerers Tower collapse as they begin to fall. Blow the Griffin whistle as shoreez opens a portal in the sky. Griffin calvary fly down and save them. Fly back to eidon. Or calua         The puzzle block could burn the rest of its power to alleviate the influence over Moasis.   He will write to the party that the only way to stop the guards around the castle is to defeat Maven Grimbind. She is an immortal succubus but if you can defeat her then she must rest. Then her thralls will fade away into dust, leaving the main tower unguarded.   Moasis writes that many great calamities were only done to please Vlox and seek power. Great acts of evil give the god of corruption more power. Vlox whispered into the Dharan prophets mind to cause the Snowpeak Genocide. His puzzle box was the tool inadvertently used to cause the Decimation of Skygarde. Vlox seeks to unseat gods and have his followers take their place.   Moasis can write but not speak. He mentions how triss' mother was a priestess of the moon while her father was a warrior of the sun. Triss was born during a solar eclipse in the village of Agata. A woman helped care for the young half elf. Her powers had not yet manifested but Triss was a danger to herself and her parents. The local woman performed magic to inhibit Triss' dragon tendencies until she came of age and could control it. That woman's name was Daedra.   The Shatterbrand needs to get the other Synapse pieces.   Iris is next to Incinerin nowadays and hard to reach. She believes staying here and aiding the Kingfishers will keep the sovereign city of Adrionne protected.   It's time to make a move. To enter the castle you will need to kill Maven while Incinerin is distracted by his meeting preparations.   This means you must act on that tomorrow or stop maven without alerting the city.   Find the Mausoleum outside the city walls on a cliff.   Encounter: the Mausoleum   After maven is defeated and turns into a swarm of bats, maybe mentioning how Vlox will bring her husband back. She leaves the piece of the Synapse and her Kingfisher armor.   As you make your way back, still a day away from the meeting if the Roost, you find a disturbance in the centre of the human district.   A delirious Addikus stumbles through town. Where am I, this isn't Arboran.   He does not know what he has been doing, asks if they won the Battle of Snowpeak. Where is Barren Blackcherry.   He has been under Maven's control for years. He is wearing his Kingfisher armor but doesn't know anything about them.   Bring him into the hideout.   His memories begin to come back and he regrets what he has done. He apologizes for what he did and places another piece of the Synapse on the table. That makes 4. Sarvin says that with Arygos and Addikus on their side. They could attend the meeting and infiltrate while Arygos, Addikus and someone disguised as Maven enter the meeting.   Suddenly a loud roar is heard, a clear shriek of dragons. Addikus remembers another part of Incinerin's plan. The Phoenix eggs begin to heat up as flames cover the golden city. Addikus yells to run as the eggs starts to shake. You escape as the eggs explode. You roll into the street to see many other homes erupting in fire.   Incinerin stands atop the Merkaynian tower and yells to the citizens below. We have been attacked, the terrorists known as the Shatterbrand have   A dragon lands with the corrupted symbol of Synapsid, it breathes the purple gas that Ictic of the Bone Ogres was working on. He initially designed that for Lord Borigan but Vlox already took the mind of the Zephyr born Stormblood. Vlox took the formula for himself and revived this dragon.   The Phoenix finds the Pelican after the weredino incident.   He invites him to a gathering of the remaining generals the next night. Offers him the Seagull's position in the Roost. He notes that his generals are falling due to the annoyance the Shatterbrand. This meeting is scheduled for just before dusk, before Incinerin's nightly flyover. He will be in the basement of the tower all day tomorrow to prepare for the night's events.   When asked what he is doing, Incinerin simply declares he is changing the world, ensuring the greater good for all people.         Forms a wall around the city, tells people they cannot rely on the gods for help. Only he can guide them to peace. They need to toss away their gods and worship a new power, the power of vlox. Beam in the tower. The city begins to shift as it collapses into the ground. Incinerin was tasked to desecrate Vlox's brother's sacred city. He has made Barakek into the new Pit. Iris taken to the grove, introduce Billium, can get people out of the city with a thieves tunnel, wants henri to be a branch leader, save iris, sends town to kill shatterbrand, they hide, chase over roofs, must stop beam or he will sacrifice power to vlox, harrowing arrives, lead by Virgil wearing Minos' skin. An undead Thormund and Claire are with him. Harrowers chase through city. Each point needs to be destroyed as well as the peak of the tower. Iris and Claire, Thormund and Boris Silverstaff, Virgil and Tayne. Red Heron fights along an undead Snerz. Quaker can form liquid metal. Paco the prankster   Exposition hour Reunite Climb the rocks Incinerin kills maggie Zipline over Throws wan to arygos Bedlam fights then poofs off cliff Wan gives leadership to sarvin Mausoleum fight Maven retreated Harrowing attacked Building weakened Dracocore attacks Triss leg destroyed Addikus enters Benny dahrill use lightanium mech Addikus destroys walls Benny and dahrill crushed. Triss gets bronze leg Somehow she can use it even though they made a pilgrimage to be blessed to use it Good eye turns blue and eye patch is now a glowing orange orb. Make way up city Bells toll when a world root is attached to Vlox chain Tursin goes to find Maggie and perform funeral rites to give her protection of Merkayne. Find vine orb on the sword road. It begins to rain. Sea dragon attacks Eelisma arrives Sootha has been corrupted and works for Vlox. May have been with him during s1. Fight her and break through to iris. Yuri whistles the song of her homeland that she was trying to play on her harp. Sootha take control after being wounded and apologizes, confessing she stole the seat of her sister when sossari died. Instead of the aasimar coming back as a blank slate, vlox tricked shoreez into the body of her avatar and just gave her the memories of her previous life. Sootha was now the god of sea and sky. Once she is defeated the hurricane heading for Eidon subsides. Iris thanks yuri for saving her and remains on the sword road to rest. Climb the tower to find knackle at the top protecting the last world root The fight begins as a bell tolls. Iris hid but incinerin on his Phoenix attached the chain to the root on the sword bridge. Chris used the dragonlance to attack arygos, the others fought him and defended the roots from the attacking harrowers. Knackle is defeated as incinerin and his Phoenix almost kill the party. As incinerin is defeated, bedlam and arygos lay dying as their black and white energy begin to pull towards the synapse. Yuri and sossari hold their ground after triss is knocked unconscious As they weakened it with their attacks, the synapse released an astral projection of synapsid who took out the Phoenix The Phoenix erupts and the tower begins to collapse. Yuri had healing spirited people up as sossari blew the Griffin whistle given to her by Narissa who left them to take care of her people. Sootha uses her sky powers taken from her sister to open up a cloud portal in the sky so the griffins of Wildehail can fly down and save the party.

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    Season 4