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Line of Galoria

A powerful lineage starting with Galoria, granddaughter of Eos.

Mythology & Lore

Galoria, who was not raised around her father's family, held all of the power of her patriarchal side. Her grandmother was Eos (the Dawn) and her grandfather was Hyperion. Eos was the granddaughter of Gaia (Earth). Galoria was the first of her kind, a Nephilim. She was the product of her mother Seraphim, an Archangel, and her father Galor. This caused a bit of an uproar within the Heavenly Order and both of her parents seemingly abandoned her. Galoria was raised by two fallen angels named Batiel and Torvin.

Divine Origins

The Line of Galoria wasn't deemed so until long after Galoria was deceased. Generations after her death, her son, Sandalphon, started looking for another Nephilim and so the tracking of the Line began.

Granted Divine Powers

The Line spans the spectrum of power and abilities. Some of Galoria's descendants had absolutely no power and then some, like Nora Barker have infinite power.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Within the Supe community, the members of the Line have had significant impact. Kyra, Edna Barker, and many others left their mark on their own time period.
Family Leader
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Myths


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