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Nora Barker

Queen Baeloral Nora Barker (a.k.a. Nora)

Baeloral Nora Barker is one of the most powerful people in supe history. She is the queen of Laend (the dimension that Earth resides within) and Ta'kar. Her blood is more rich with royalty than almost anyone else's, but she has no idea just how powerful her blood is.  


Newborn - 5 Years Old

As a child, Nora was immediately thrown into training. She began training with Cerell Loryt when she was 3. Loryt taught her the basics of swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat. Caden Rossi stepped in when she was 5 to teach her advanced fencing and swordsmanship.   As her training became more in-depth, curiosity got the best of Dr. Van Horn and the team of doctors put in charge of taking care of her. They began experimenting on her and testing the limits of her abilities, especially her ability to heal herself. They injected her with random concoctions, including heavy narcotics and recreational drugs. Due to all of the experiments, Nora began having the hallucinations that alluded to her being schizophrenic. When she was 3, she hallucinated about a mass murderer named Machi and he was suddenly corporeal, trying to kill her. Since that incident, she was put on medications.  

6 Years Old - 10 Years Old

When she was 7, Nora went into the clinic for a routine check-up and came out high on heroine. Caden noticed the strange behavior and found the extra injection marks and soon sounded the alarm on Dr. Van Horn and his team.  

11 Years Old - 15 Years Old

At 14, Nora was kidnapped by Dr. Van Horn and tortured. When she fought her way out of the cathedral he was holding her in, according to Charlie de Beaufort, she "looked like she'd rubbed barbed wire against her skin from head to toe and then was run over by a car". Nora learned quickly that she could hide her scars and she's been doing it ever since.

Divine Domains

As the Nephilim, Nora is a member of both the @Heavenly Order and the @Demonic Order.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

With her physical size not being very intimidating, Nora's strength can be incredibly deceiving. She has more willpower with her physical strength than most, but her true strength lies within her power.

Body Features


When Nora killed Vala and Gwenna, the King and Queen of Ta'kar, a black mamba snake crawled out of their marble floor and into the skin of her arm. Without words ever being spoken, Nora just knew the snake's name was Katzul. She is known by most as a tattoo on Nora's right arm, starting at the top of her shoulder and winding all the way down to just below her elbow. She tends to only separate herself during fights.


Nora uses her power to conceal her scars because she has so many that is disturbing and distracting to most people. She also knows it bothers most of her companions. Her scars include:
  • A faint cross burnt into the palm of her right hand. It was brand.
A line around her neck where a group of Catholic priests put blessed silver around her on August 16, 2008. An exact replica of the chain that was used on her during the February 28, 2009 attack. There is one on each wrist, each ankle, her neck, and stomach.

Facial Features

It's been said that Nora is the spitting image of her great-grandmother, Preesta Nalahzariel Nalahzariel. She has hunter green eyes and sharp, but feminine features.

Special abilities

It's still unknown how much power Nora truly possesses. As a Nephilim, her powers are unprecedented. She has yet to tap into her dragon or lukoi power, which could easily send her powers into havoc. So far, Nora has displayed an affinity for flame, super strength, telekenetic power, and the ability to @snap.

Apparel & Accessories

Casual attire. Can usually be found in jeans, a tank top and combat boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Due to her many traumas, Nora has undergone many years of therapy and false-diagnosis. She is believed to have a minor form of schizophrenia. The only problem with that diagnosis is that no one knows if what she's hearing/seeing is actually real or not. It could just be visible to only her as her abilities are unknown at this point.

Gender Identity



Pansexual, leaning more toward males.


Nora dropped out in 10th grade, but was educated throughout her life by her guardians, including Triljon Chey'zir, Caden Rossi, Arrian Yosen, Cerell Loryt, Catahecassa Aleeyhi, and eventually her husband, Nevin Annysu.


Nora volunteers at the Clinic, primarily in the children's wing.

Intellectual Characteristics

For having only a 9th-grade education, Nora is more intelligent than most. She is quick to learn new skills and to adapt to whatever situation she's in. Cerell Loryt and Arrian Yosen made sure she was a skilled strategist.

Personality Characteristics


In @Glory of the Nephilim, Nora's motivation is very much centered around her husband.


Contacts & Relations

Nora is the most recent descendant of Galoria. Being a part of the Line of Galoria puts her in contact with many groups such as the Queen's Guard's Guard and @The Council.

Family Ties

Nora is a member of several powerful families, including the @Barkers and the @Nalahzariels.

Religious Views

Nora was religious at a very young age, but became untrusting of religion around the age of 9. She now identifies as Agnostic.

Social Aptitude

Nora was raised to be a proper lady, but also to be blunt, proud and brave with her words. She's not too fond of social gatherings, but can rally when needed.


Nora bites her nails

Hobbies & Pets

Nora has a tuxedo cat named Nova. She's a talented musician and can play almost anything with strings, but prefers the electric guitar or banjo.


Nora Barker

Wife (Vital)

Towards Nevin Annysu



Nevin Annysu

Husband (Vital)

Towards Nora Barker




Nevin and Nora met when he showed up at Starzga Palace where Court was being held. She was running down the stairs and tripped, literally falling into his arms. They strike up a conversation and spend most of the time with each other. Nora's guardians, Triljon and Caden, know Nevin already (as Emmett Hunter) and do not trust him. They trust him more than they trust Sampsa Auvo, which was their biggest concern at the time so, they decided that Nevin should stick around to tutor and protect Nora.

Nicknames & Petnames

Nevin calls Nora "Angel" and she calls him "Em".

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They bonded over their love of football and ancient cultures.

Shared Secrets

Nevin's true identity

Wealth & Financial state

She has inherited the fortune of her grandmother, @Edna Barker.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Laend Queen of Ta'kar
Date of Birth
6th of November, 1991 AD
Year of Birth
1991 AD 18 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Product of Sexual Assault
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Parents (Adopting)
Nevin Annysu (Husband)
Current Residence
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Hunter green
Strawberry blonde long pixie cut (GotN)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Peaches & Cream complexion
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English (primary), Latin (fluent), French
Ruled Locations


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