Kudaycha Character in Garragunya | World Anvil


Now you see, Kudaycha is a rather... misunderstood god. Most people fear the unknown, and the god of hiding stealing you away in the dark of night to shepard you into the mystery that is the afterlife? Well that right there is peak enigma. But! Lucky for you, despite the things he holds power over, an expert such as myself can guide you in the mysterious ways of the divine.   Course that doesn't mean he ain't worth fearing.   You see there's a certain, justice one could say, in darkness. In the light we're judged on our looks, but in the night we are all cloaked in the gloom. Able to hide away those features that the unkind use as a foundation on which to build their prejudices. But like my mother always said, it ain't what's on the outside - but what's on the inside that really counts. And just the same, the dark may strip away your outside... but it will judge you on your inside - don't be mistaken.   But enough veiling things in metaphor, pretty sure 'ol Hinpe Rogne will ax my article if I don't stop dithering and start teaching.  


Kudaycha's dominions didn't always include death. There isn't much to say about his early days, it was an easy existence for him in the Triumvirate Era. The Blessed Triumvirate aren't the blessed for nothing. Under their just rule records of him are few and far between, they say he spent most of his days working on keeping the 'forces of monsters' at bay. This is likely the origin of the feud between Kudaycha and Jimodiwa, with him fighting the horrors she birthed. And yet, rather counterintuitively, amongst his fellow gods he was closest to Whowie.   Now I know what you're saying, how could a god of justice get on with a creature so devoid of morals? Well that's just the thing you see, Whowie is¹ devoid of any conscience. And with no malice coloring his actions, Whowie is the perfect match for Kudaycha. Whowie was fair, didn't matter who you were - good or bad, rich or poor, everybody went into his maw just the same. So the two gods would often be seen paling around, or close as could be on Whowie's end, as Kudaycha would stand atop him and direct him towards the most deserving targets.   But things changed, as they did for most of Garragunya, at the Battle-Windang. See sneaking around and exacting justice are great and all, but they aren't much good in an out and out brawl with a nigh-omnipotent godmech immune to the reach of even the Bamal Yalgoo. And once the battle ended, and Whowie lay there writhing in pain, Kudaycha whispered softly to his fallen friend. He promised to never let another trick him out of their previous crimes as Cook did. And he promised to take on his friend's most important responsibility so Whowie could pass on to rest peacefully. Whowie passed his dominion to Kudaycha, and faded from the world.   Then all the gods went into their recuperative slumbers, but Kudaycha's was drowned in grief.  


Now despite being the god of sneaking around, Kudaycha does not strike unseen.   "Never look back." I'm sure that despite the reputation of our esteemed faculty here at Corvus University, we've all heard the phrase. I know the 'deckhands' that the Biology department brings aboard for their sample collecting expeditions.   Justice is resolute, it is final. And it does not second guess. So you better be absolutely sure that whatever immoral act you're plotting you have thought out as thoroughly as a judge does his verdict. If you hesitate for even a second, if you regret taking a life, if you take such a precious thing but you are not absolutely sure that it was worth the cost... then justice will come for you. You may not hear it coming, but as you turn back it will look you dead in the eye. And your price will be much higher I assure you.   That's why they call him the Featherfoot. Kudaycha can make himself undetectable, whether it be sound, smell, but never sight (at least for the guilty that is). And what a sight he is. I mean, just look at him... he's like a lanky, bald Wumba. Course the ears are different and his nose is a bit odd, closer to a Uroda really, but that's the closest I can describe it².   Now even though he is the god of death, he takes a distinctly different approach than Whowie did. Instead of being a rather... straightforward bridge between life and death, Kudaycha prefers to steward the souls into the Dreamtime himself. Kudaycha will appear to those who are on the verge on death, and guide them once they breathe their last.   And for those deemed to be deserving of his punishments, well... darkness is his dominion for a reason.       Article contributed by Lier Icafl, Professor of Arcana.


  ¹Watch your tenses Icafl. -Rogne   ²Hopefully we'll have gotten Uronu Fistesim or one his ever so talented chicks to attach an accurate representation to this article.

Favored Residences

Moothi Mountains   Wollongong Songline  


Darkness   Stealth   Justice   Punishment   Death


Clerical Domains: Grave, Twilight   Patronage Realms: Hexblade