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The use, practice, or study of unexplainable effects is known as abberaturgy. It can manipulate natural or unnatural forces. Someone who practices, uses, or studies abberaturgy are called Abbericians or Abberaturges. It is believed the Distant Gods had used an abstract form of abberaturgy that forged The Matter Plane. This left the ability for others to practice it in their own way.  

What is the source of abberaturgy?

Arcane Abberaturgy - Sourced from planes in Gateway Network.
Divine Abberaturgy - Sourced from deities.
Abstract Abberaturgy - Only ever used in connotation with how The Distant Gods may have forged The Matter Plane, a source that even deities cannot use.

Who can practice abberaturgy?

It will depend on the source. For Arcane Abberaturgy, it has been slowly fading out of use in most cultures, which has made it hard for people to understand and practice it. Theoretically anyone could learn how to use it, but given the restrictions of abberaturgy it is not recommended for most people to ever practice it. For Divine Abberaturgy, one would need a connection to some sort of deistic being or force to lend them a portion of their abilities. This can often be done through rites or ritual ceremonies in religious contexts, or by being judged or put through a trial by a divine force.

How can you learn about abberaturgy?

Some are born with an innate ability to use abberaturgy, they may be offspring to a planar-type creature, or a deistic being or force. This type of abberaturgy is often a way of channeling your innate abilities, as you learn to understand yourself. Others would have to seek alternative methods. You can gain knowledge on how to practice from powerful rituals and rites, getting an apprenticeship, seeking self-taught methods, or perhaps through pacts and deals with deistic beings or powerful planar creatures.

How is abberaturgy performed?

It is often performed using the body, in the form of movement, mind, and chants. Often considered Verbal for speech, Somatic for physical movement, and Mental for willpower. Some more advanced forms of abberaturgy require rituals, which require something from beyond the body. Many Abberaturges use a focus object, such as a wands, crystals, scepters, or tattoos to aid them in their practice.

Can abberaturgy be sensed?

Most Abberaturges can recognize when something is abberaturgy in nature. Most effects will use one of the six senses: visual, auditory, physical, olfaction, gustation, or cognitive.

Is there any cost to abberaturgy?

It requires an exchange of some sort. Some use an exchange of objects for recipes, such as potions or herbal medicines. More sinister methods could involve an exchange of life though a ritual sacrifice. Advanced users are able to rely on a pool of raw abberaturgy that they store within themselves by consuming subsistence. There are other potential costs to it that may not be covered here.

Is there any restrictions to what abberaturgy can do?

There are several restrictions that most Abberaturges learn early. For Divine Abberaturgy deities and forces often limit how much power they give to those they have lent their abilities to, by doing their will they are often given more abilities. Arcane Abberaturgy will find that the restriction of knowledge due to a lack of it's understanding and fleeting use requires much trial and error. But for both Divine and Arcane Abberaturgy, there are physical limits too. Abberaturges can only practice so much before they will become mentally and physically exhausted. Those who seek to push the limit of their potential can find themselves with serious physical and/or mental trauma. Those who lack self-restraint have gone insane or have "dulled" their mind from being able to use Abberaturgy effectively. Others may have crippled themselves or ended up in a vegetative state, only being aware of themselves mentally. These restrictions also have acted as an hindrance for most who do believe in it to ever consider looking deeper into it.

Types of Abberaturges/Abbericians

Given that it is a broad scope, it is often broken down into more distinct categories based on how someone discovered abberaturgy.
Wizards - Those who have spent years studying abberaturgy and how to apply it.
Sorcerer - Those who are born with a innate ability to control and use abberaturgy. May be hereditary or that they are a spawn of a plane-type creature.
Warlock - Those who outsource their power from a pact or powerful entity (non-deistic) and use their power.
Witch - Those who use a more earthly or natural form of abberaturgy. Often learning abberaturgy in a more natural setting with herbs, charms, and potions as opposed to a study or theory of magic.
Shaman - Those who seek to alter their state of mind or enhance their connection to abberaturgy through their consciousness.
Alchemist - Those who rely on alchemy, a form of altering and combining materials into a pure form for their effects.
Clairvoyant - Those who believe in metal fortitude and study the mind to harness psychic powers.
Druid - Those who use the divine force of nature.
Cleric - Those who gain divine abberaturgy through a deity, acting as an embodiment of their will.
Paladin - Those who gain divine abberaturgy through prayer and meditation of a deity, acting as a chosen emissary.
Demigod - Those who are born with innate divine abberaturgy, a hereditary trait coming from a divine ancestor.


What makes abberaturgy rare?
It is a largely forgotten law of the universe. Many cultures discover it earlier on, but as they progress culturally and technologically the use for it fades. abberaturgy is powerful, but unreliable and risky. The reliability and ease of newer technologies often outweigh the need for it.

Does technology and abberaturgy mix?
Yes, but it's applications are very limited given the cost and restrictions of abberaturgy.

Will Abberaturgy be lost to time?
Even though abberaturges are rare, even advanced space-faring races still have a few. Most lost knowledge can be found, especially once the ability for these abberaturges to communicate on a global scale with each other. Given the fact that it is a natural law of the universe it is not really possible for it to ever go away.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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