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Folkens are a fierce race of territorial hunters who come from thick and dense forests in Sigom. With their ancestors believed to be omnipotent beings who created all of Sigom, their righteousness has unified their people into dominating and subjugating many other races and governmental bodies nearby. Despite their hostile nature, relaxation and sleep are the goals of all Folken. With plenty of food on the table and more playtime than needed, satisfaction is at an all time high.  

Physical Description

Folken are a smaller than average race of nimble and flexible humanoids often resembling many catlike appearances such as ears, whiskers, and a tail. Their soft, furry hair covers their entire body acting as a small layer of protection from the sun and other ailments. Their fur can come in many different lengths and colors, often giving many a unique appearance creating unique sub-races within their society. Their claws in combination with their tail make them skilled explorers and climbers.  


Although naturally lethargic, their productivity is quick when they have a desired goal, or that it is for the greater good of society. Most Folken seek comfort in their communities, often a safe haven for their kind, as well as a social net should something dire happen to them or their kin. Given their sedentary nature, most Folken live their whole lives in the towns they grow up in, though some have an itch for wanderlust and seek to explore the edges of the world. Territorial markings is often open to any close family, and any ploys to intrude on said territory would be seen as a crime in their culture.  

Mechanical Information


Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Cha
Size Medium
Speed 30' Land 20' Climb

Age: They reach adulthood at 10 Years, and live up to 70 Years.
Alignment: Folken have a very playful nature, and often do not understand laws or boundaries outside their own. Despite this, they mean no harm or ill will. Often they lean on the chaotic side.
Size: They sit up roughly between 4' to 5' and are often have slender builds.
Language: They can speak and write Younger Folken, most can also read Elder Folken.

Racial Traits

Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness as shades of gray.
Natural Climber: You have a natural climb speed of 20.
Hunter's Instincts: You have proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, or Survival.
Numerous Lives: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

One Male and Female Folken by Cherry Buds
Type: Humanoid (Feline)
Origin Planet: Sigom
Governments: Ohmreg
Demonym: Folkens
Random Starting Age
Teenager (8-10 years)
Young Adult (11-22 years)
Adult (23-38 years)
Random Height
Small (4'-4'5)
Average (4'6"-5')
Tall (5'1"-5'6")

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