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A powerful Kingdom on Sigom that rules over a large portion of land, and has been able to create Vassals out of other kingdoms former territories.  


Early Folken cultures were skilled hunters, who were able to contest and control their domains divided by familial lineages. They had a strong sense of origin and many believed they had ancestral ties to the gods who created the universe as a whole. Their quick adoption of most tools and technological breakthroughs gave them advantages over others who would seek to contest their local resources by having an upper-advantage through their equipment. Many of their Agrarian societies had stayed segregated from each other, and much of their earlier history involved division and separation of their people. Those who would lose these strifes often found themselves migrating outward, while having to start over, were often able to overpower the natural population of their new region with small losses. Nonetheless small kingdoms had formed as a conglomeration of agrarian proto-cities and roving bands of family groups.   The largest and surviving groups where the Ohmreg Dynasty. They used to be divided between the Upper Ohmreg and the Lower Ohmreg, as the Canack River ran far west into the Abasadian Desert. Two different cultures had relied on the same river together, and had thus formed a bond yet kept their uniqueness separate. Both the Upper Ohmreg and Lower Ohmreg have the similar belief that Sigom and thus everything upon it, Is the creation of their deistic ancestors. When they had reproduced and died of old age, only one of their offspring would inherit their powers, the Pharaoh. In the early days, both the Upper and Lower Ohmreg followed separate dynasties from the original offspring of their great ancestors, and claimed they were the true original Pharaoh. This had always been a major strife and conflict between the two people, for the others who worshiped their pharaoh were being tricked under the guise of idolatry.
There had been many attempts in the earlier years in which both sides attempted to unify their differences either through diplomacy or conquest. However, with the Invention of copper entering the lands of Ohmreg from a distant kingdom, gave the Upper Ohmreg a lethal advantage. Initially through conquest, the Upper Ohmreg were able to subjugate and integrate the Lower Ohmreg into their society.   Even before the discovery of copper, the Ohmreg have a history of taking much more than they needed. Much of the Canack River was originally settled by the Alogtarric Tribes who have inhabited it long before they arrived. Yet through power and expansionism, each tribe one-by-one was removed, forced to migrate to more distant and remote sections of the river, up until there was no where for them to go. The Ohmreg took advantage of the weak political sphere of the Alogtarric people, as the in-fighting for feeding zones allowed them to divide and conquer. In addition to the Alogtarric, are the Ribaultians, who have had their nearby ponds, rivers, and marshes assimilated by the Ohmreg's military.   The Lower Ohmreg had a powerful ally, the Kingdom of Tranorn who had assisted them militarily and economically. The Tranorn had believed their causes to be more righteous and orderly than the Upper Ohmreg. When they had fallen, many aristocratic and people who aided them fled to the Kingdom of Tranorn cities. Ohmreg now united, had seized many of the border settlements between the Tranorn, who were unable to put up a long-scale fight due to their focus on The Unearthed and lacking Bronze metalworking. Some of the more recent conflicts had been with the Throjak tribes, as many tribes had been forced to act as a puppet state and swear fealty to the Pharoh himself. In addition, there has been some border disputes with the city of Yema, a trading port between the Sileen Alliance with both claim ownership of it.      


  The official religion of Ohmreg is a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals, which can often differentiate between different provinces mildly. It is centered around the Ohmregers believe that their ancient ancestors were deities who created Sigom, as well as life. Most believe the original number of ancestors were between six to ten, with each one having a different role or force in the creation of Sigom. The offspring of these deities would only be able to pass down their power to one offspring, called a Pharaoh, following a special lineage of descendants. This had created a unification, where they would act as a bridge between their ancestors and the people. However, in the early days a different denomination claimed a separate ancestor as the true pharaoh, causing much internal theological strife and tension. In the current climate, it is largely accepted that Totenic is the true chosen Pharaoh of their ancestors. The state currently dedicates an abundance of resources and manpower to religious rituals to appease and satisfy their ancestors.  


The further away you move from the Canack River, the less dense, and more destitute the population gets.
Folken - Make up a majority of the population.


Ohmreg is a powerful Imperial cult and still considered the strongest politically. Everyone is to work for the Pharaoh and through their devotion, are they given their basic needs to enjoy life. While political dissent and tension exists in the air between the powerful Nomarchs, The Pharaoh's divine power is undeniable and leaves many who may revolt against him in fear. Ohmregers are largely playful people, many sports and extracurricular activities were participated by al in the early days of Folken society
Attribute: +1 Charisma
Skill: Profession (Sports)

Pick one from below

Many are buried with valuable and expensive jewelry, often left to just rot and decay in the ground with their owner. Who is to say these heirlooms and possessions are not better used to fund your needs and necessities?
Tools: Theives' Tools
Equipment: Copper Shovel, 4 Torches, Theives' Tools
Feature: There's always a buyer
You have advantage on knowledge checks involving funeral/burial ceremonies. In addition, you will either know, or have advantage on locating a black market. You start the game knowing one private collector you may safely contact in regards to selling artifacts. You have advantage on saving throws against curses, and diseases caused by abberaturgy.  
Imperial Child
You have been raised under the imperial cult, and either through birthright or by selection, were considered gifted by those of higher status.
Skill: History
Tool: Forgery kit
Forgery Kit, Imperial Folken Clothing, Singnet ring of the Imperial Cult (personalized to you), Imperial Rod
Feature: Cultist Upbringing
You gain a cantrip from the cleric spell list and cast it at character level. You can always seek protection, shelter, and sustenance from any Imperial church in the world often for free.  
Ambush Hunter
You learn the methods and ways on how the Folken hunt for food.
Skill: Survival
Weapon: A ranged or throwing weapon of your choice
Equipment: Two hunting traps.
Feature: Living off the land
You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth. When executing a surprise attack, you will always go first in turn order.  
Ohmreg Barshbac Handler
You served on a special branch of the Ohmreg military, a handler of the wild Barshbac, a small-sized animal that makes a chilling noise and uses it's suction-like claws to grip to it's opponents.
Skill: Animal Handling
Weapon: Whips
Feature: Barshbac Conclave
At level three, you can tame or purchase a Barshbac companion that are under your control. your animal companion appears and gains all the benefits of your Companion's Bond ability. You can have only one animal companion at a time.  
Golden Paw Brotherhood
You are apart of an long-running underground espionage network put in place by the government long ago. The organization is largely unknown to most of the populace.
Skill: Deception
Tools: Disguise Kit, Deck of Cards
Equipment: A Crowbar, a hooded cloak, and 20 extra starting gold
Feature: Brotherhood Contact
You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison for the Brotherhood. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you. When fighting targets of the Golden Paw Brotherhood, your critical threat range is reduced by 1.  
Lower Ohmreg Noble
Your house was once a powerful family long ago. They may have been landholders, robust merchants, or charitable government figures. In either case, they have been dwindling in influence and power ever since the fall of Lower Ohmreg
Skill: History, Tool of your choice
Equipment: 200 extra starting gold , Tool of your choice, family insignia
Languages: Two of your choice
Feature: Populist Defector
You can fit into the political sphere of both high class society and low class society. You can often gain rumors or second-hand information about the elite through common or observed channels where you are still recognized of noble birth. Your insider knowledge is often valuable to local revolt leaders and political dissenters who you can align yourself with often without attracting ire of the elite. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to. You have advantage on history checks involving high society.  
You live on the edges of Ohmreg society, often where land has been subjugated from what the common populace considers their rightful rulers. In the past you have been called by local militia leaders to squander uprisings or to take back territory.
Skill: Medicine
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Equipment: Bronze Armor of your choice, 1 potion of healing
Feature: Quick on your feet
Living on the fringes of society has left you ready to deal with an incursion or raid at a moments notice. You often always carry emergency supplies should they ever be needed and are in a position without seeking aid from others. Increase your initiative by +2. Self-healing items and spells will heal you by 1d4 more hit points per source.


Government Type: Imperial Cult
Government Style: Hegemonic Absolute Monarchy
Government Structure: Provincial Governer "Nomarch"
Ruler: Pharaoh Totenic
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom
Size: Politically-controlled provinces in Sigom
Headquarters: Mossalphopia
Purpose: Protection and prosperity of the Folken under one banner.
Common Languages: Folken
Religion: Ohmreg Religion
Preceeded by
Upper Ohmreg
Lower Ohmreg
Demonym: Ohmregers

Trade Agreements

Businesses and merchants are allowed to establish trade agreements with each others governments or businesses.
Many Ohmregers do enjoy Rhullian culture.

Closed Borders, massive trade embargo, Border disputes

Sileen Alliance had traded the city of Natok to the Ohmreg for supplies before it was captured by Gorgon Royalists who currently do not honor the deal.

Hostile, ancient alliance

Tranorn used to be politically aligned with the Lower Ohmreg but generally stay out of Ohmreg affairs. They aided the Throjak Kings in unifying their lands against the Ohmreg. Ohmreg currently occupy old Tranorn settlements

Peace for 19 Years

Trojak reclaimed land lost by the Ohmreg many centuries ago.


The Ohmreg through conquest and subjugation, have taken over nearly all Alogtarric land, including what they consider their ancestral homeland. Some tribes long ago were forced to swear fealty to their Pharoh, and are considered secondary citizens to the empire.   The Ohmreg do not officially recognize any unified tribe, and non-citizens are usually expelled, though hard to prove.


The Ohmreg through conquest and subjugation, have taken over nearly all Ribaultian land, including what they consider their ancestral homeland. Some clans long ago were forced to swear fealty to their Pharoh, and are considered secondary citizens to the empire. The Ohmreg do not officially recognize any unified clan, and non-citizens are usually expelled, though hard to prove.

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