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An Earth-like planet with several different sapient species. Most species have formed their own civilzations with unique cultures and languages. They are currently in the early stages of the Bronze age, with rudimentary forges are being upgraded to handle a more durable metal like Bronze instead of copper. Many have their own written languages, and most have a large, centralized city.  


There are several different civilizations, often comprised of a single species.

Ohmreg is an Hegemonic Absolute Monarchy, ruled by descendants of the gods that used to roam the land, responsible for all sapient species on Sigom now. It's population consists entirely of Folken, a humanoid with a feline-like appearance.

Sardassi Empire is a militaristic Triarchy, with strange and unusual ritualistic customs have made diplomacy difficult. Before they were unified, they had faced constant turmoil and conquering from foreign adversaries. Silenus make up the majority of it's population, a hybrid of a humanoid equine and bovine said to have a natural connection to nature.

Throjak Kings is the name given to the three petty kings who are descendants of Nobec the Conquerer, who united this people to reclaim land lost to the Ohmreg. They are now a Tribalistic Band Society with all power residing in those who are chiefs, or kings who rule over more than one tribe of their family. Lupusjaws are a predatory species of hunter-scavengers which resemble a humanoid jackal.

Alogtarric Tribes are a loose set of sedimentary people that can be found alongside any marsh or wetlands. Originally inhabitants of most rivers, having been pushed outwards to near extinction due to other kingdoms turning their fertile homeland to farms and cities. Some have adopted to a more saltwater lifestyle to accommodate limited space. They are a loose Gerontocratic Tribal Confederation with elder tribe members making decisions. Given the distances between some tribes they may declare different allegiances based on regional location. Aligotarian are a beast-like humanoid alligators, with adults growing around 7' tall. A few tribes closer to the oceans have adapted towards a more saltwater predatory lifestyle, considered Crocodilians.

Rhullia City-State is a large city-state underwater. It is the most technologically advanced and distantly-cultured of all the governments. They also had a unique form of government at the time, Representative Democracy. Their people would elect an Archon, or ruler, who would then enact and dictate what is law for a given amount of time. Rhullians are an amphibious race of small humanoids with smooth skin and webbed appendages. Their faces feature barbels with bulbous eyes on both sides.

Sileen Alliance is an alliance of multiple small city-states of varying cultures. With a Democratic Sortition-style government, there is little room for factionalism between people to divide them, though class struggle does permeate between the populations, given that only free people or above may vote and only citizens can apply for a a governmental position. Gorgon make up nearly all city states, and often are the only citizens that can apply. They are a monstrous race of creatures, with the upper body of a humanoid, with snakes for hair, and often with a serpentine tail for legs. They have long sharp claws. Some Gorgons possess legs instead of a serpentine tail.

Ribaultian Clans is a Tribalistic Oligarchy of various clans. Often pacifistic xenophobes who wish to have zero connection or relations to the outside world. Most clans have a unique skin or color pattern that separates them from others. Most clans own entire river beds or lakes, often with one or two other rival clans. Given the wide range clans, yet limited unity, they can very differently: Some may have a written language, and others may not. There are some wide social differences between some areas of clans as well, often more extreme the further you get away from a point of reference. Ribaulti is a humanoid toad-like being, with rough, bumpy skin, and powerful webbed legs. Their prehensile tongues are long and can expand to triple their body size, allowing them to have extensive reach.

Kingdom of Tranorn is an Citizen Stratocracy of honor-bound warriors where military service is required for citizenship. All decisions concerning the state are decided by a council of the nations strongest and honor-bound warlords. Once one of the largest kingdoms in Sigom, with their slow adaptation to copper and now bronze, they are a mere fraction of their former power, with only having autonomy within their hillforts. TheTranorn Are large humanoid rhinos that are bipedal. They possess thick gray-brown leather-like skin, and don two horns on their face, a small horn on their forehead and a large one from their snout.

Graphion Domain is an Oligarchic Kraterocracy, and operates much like a massive criminal syndicate. It is a ruthless society governed through conflict, raiding, and ritualized sacrifice where they honor death throughout their daily practices. Neighboring governments are not excluded in this, but seen as weak targets ripe for their direct exploitation and wishes. Graphion are large vulture-like birds of prey, which historically had scavenged cadavers but have taken up a more omnivorous diet as well.

The Free People of Nebu Is an Elective Monarchy of several villages which have allied with each other after escaping the enslavement and serfdom they faced from several different oppressors. Forced to defend themselves from their captors, seeking to free their loved ones, life is often filled with strife, and current draft laws in most villages force all into military service. Nebuians Are a mystical species of liquid gold, who often take up a humanoid form. They radiate light from their bodies, and are hot to the touch. They must maintain this heat otherwise their liquid state will harden, killing them. They require direct sunlight which also acts as a source of energy and a way for them to rest. They are able to shape-shift into many objects, but are unable to mirror texture or color, and often the object is hot to the touch as well. Under the right conditions, they are able to alter metals.  

Generic Origins

Ability: Intelligence
Skill: Survival

Pick One From Below

Coastal Raider
The sea has called out to you and others much too strong to resist. You were apart of a loosely-organized group of seafarers who would storm coastal towns and take everything you could that wasn't bolted to the floors. Sure it isn't honest work, but it pays good.
Skill: Intimidation
Tools: A gaming set of your choice
Equipment: A gaming set of your choice, Leather armor, a hat to signify membership, an unopened lockbox, extra 25 starting gold
Feature - Practiced Pirate
You have been on several raiding parties and always tried to learn from the best, after all the "legalized" Ohmreg Navy can do it, why cant you? You were taught the best way to fit things into your pockets and bags, thus Your carry capacity is increased by 50%. In addition, you have a +1 bonus to history checks to identify what organization a ship belongs to.  
Snake Oil Salesman
You have gotten through life being a cheat, selling silly little remedies and tiny trinkets. Occasionally placebo would beguile your victims for a short time before you would move onto the next town, only to return a few months later under a different name.
Skill: Deception
Tool: Disguise kit
Equipment: Disguise kit, merchant clothing, 5 bottles filled with sour-tasting liquid, 5 dyed black crystals, extra starting 50 gold, common clothes
Feature - Nicknames
You have created an fake identity and have reliable sources and documentation under false pretenses to prove their existence. Even friends do not know of your alternative identity. You can assume this alternative identity whenever you see fit, though ideally after you change outfits. When rolling to create a disguise, you can double your proficiency bonus.



  • Sigom Mediterranean Region
    Hand-drawn on tablet by me
Alternative Name(s)
The Child
Location under
Standard for life
Day Length
25 Hours
Orbit Length
320 Days
1 Single Moon(The Guardian)

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