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Skilled scavengers, and quick flyers. Graphions are the dominate force in the desert sky, being able to scout and see all that happens from above has provided many with a safe way to avoid danger while also searching for tonight's dinner. Scavenging for the dead isn't just a food source for them, but a traditional ritual in which they are honoring those who have passed on to meet The Grave Mother. While most are a bit fearful of others, they generally enjoy traveling and sight-seeing.

Physical Description

Graphion's wing are their signature feat, Allowing them to quickly ascend or descend from the sky. Most maintain thin or lightweight builds either to maintain their aerial speeds or simply due to lack of food supply. Though they often prefer to avoid physical confrontation, their talons are sharp and effective at slashing through the skin of most opponents. Their beaks are mostly used for cutting/pulling meat and are not very effective in combat. Feathers cover most of their body, with the exception of their head and hands. Their feather colors and patterns are often unique to the individual, though colors are usually more muted and saturated.


Graphions do not have as strong of a tie to families as other societies, as after adolescence you are often expected to find or form a chosen family of your peers. Some children do join the same groups/communities as their parents, but part of their coming-of-age where they take a journey to the celestial grave of The Grave Mother, which involves finding peers who share a common goal/interest. The role that death plays is strong in Graphion society. For example: most societies capital punishment is death, Graphions see death as too honorable and instead punishment for serious crimes often involves you joining the Sentenced Legion - A brutal military branch of the state in which members are sentenced to life, often put in dire and lethal positions to fight. Dying while serving is said to absolve of your crimes so you can still visit The Grave Mother upon death. Cannibalism is widely practiced and encouraged by all - It is expected that your chosen family to honor you by consuming your flesh and organs.

Mechanical Information


Ability Score Increase +2 Wis, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 25' Land, 50' Flying

Age: They reach adulthood at 6 years, and live up to around 70 years
Alignment: Graphions believe that might is right, and you can only truly own which you can control. Usually you can rely on your friends for help, but eventually you may become a burden unto them and they may no longer see your worth. They generally tend to sway evil, but neither lawful nor chaotic.
Size: They often stand around 4' tall, to 5' tall. Often either thin, or lithe builds.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Graphion.

Racial Traits

Flight: You have a flying speed of 50 feet. To use this speed, you can't be wearing medium or heavy armor.
Talons: Your talons are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike
Scrounger: You can consume rotten or decayed flesh with no penalties, and are immune to the poisoned condition. As a reaction, you can feast upon a creature within 5 feet of you with 0 hit points to honor and consume a portion of the fallen to gain temporary hit points equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier. This effect lasts until a short or long rest.

Graphion Enforcer by Redrumridinghood
Type: Humanoid (Avianoid)
Origin Planet: Sigom
Governments: Graphion Domain
Demonym: Graphions
Random Starting Age
Teenager: 6-10 years
Young Adult: 11-18 years
Adult: 19 - 35
Random Starting Height
Small: 4'9" - 5'2"
Average: 5'3" - 5'8"
Tall: 5'9" - 6'2"

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