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Graphion Domain


Ancient Graphions did not travel in large groups, but rather small familial groups, scavenging the land for dead carcasses and any foliage. With their powerful claws and ability to fly, they did not rely on tools like other species native to Sigom. They took caution in avoiding any potential conflict or interaction with more powerful creatures which may attempt to challenge their food sources, opting to migrate elsewhere to find a safer source of food. They had a similar pattern to the Ribaulti in which they would try to maintain a certain largely year-round, with the advantage of being able to cross the open sea with ease, avoiding any potential conflict from the sea. While larger predatory creatures capable of flight would hunt them, their nimbleness and speed would prove helpful in these encounters.   Discovery of copper had been a huge milestone for the Graphion, it allowed the fabrication of several tools which were light and effective at challenging some creatures over food. In addition, opened the road for early tool use where stone did not. They did not benefit from any early protection, as it was often too encumbering to fly with, or limited their traveling distance. As familial groups had turned into roving clans, they had formed an oligarchic hierarchy of individuals who made decisions for them, who were often powerful abberaturges and strong warriors. This system had setup a form of rule over weaker members of the group who were given everything last, ensuring the strong would survive in the end.   Early clans were able to communicate and form some tight-knit relationships with other species and exchange ideas, including domestication of animals, a feat in which many Graphion found as a suitable alternative to constantly scavenging for food. There was a diverse shift taking place, where clans started to setup some communal pens and pastures for animal domestication. With a more steady supply of food, and trading/crafting material clans were able to further increase the value and size of their clans, some even splitting off to form new ones. These pens would soon turn into fully-fledged agrarian-based cities with the later arrival of Bronze-making.   With a niche but rich market, some would seek to take what they can from the Graphion Clans, without a sizable force it would prove difficult for most, as their swift flight allowed for easy patrols and quick responses to hostile or criminal behaviors. Though one advantage one would have against the Graphion is internal politics: Graphion clans were not very well unified together, and often stole/raided each other consistently. Some were able to form confederations and non-aggression pacts to limit possible conflicts. However a massive criminal syndicate would go unnoticed by many authoritative figures, made up of outcasts, criminals, and even foreign species banished form their homelands. What would result in a sudden power-grab by many well-armed and resourceful criminal gangs who in the end overthrew the clan leaders to instill themselves as the one and only rulers over all.   Now with the arrival of the bronze-making, some of the larger agrarian-based pens and pastures would slowly transform into strict and arbitrary rule of powerful sects of criminal groups. Though more often than not, they would target neighboring tribes and villages for their often bountiful and easy-to-acquire loot. Some places became a breeding ground for black market and narcotics trade, and even selling and purchasing slave labor. As long as you had a strong group, anything went in their territory assuming you do not make enemies of the wrong people. Pariahs and outcasts of other kingdoms were able to create a new life and home in these lands, given they swear allegiance to the chapter. Their criminal networks had slowly existed in all parts of Sigom, having a reliable safe-haven in mostly any city you needed to visit proved to be a powerful tool in acquiring wealth and power. They now control a sizable portion of land and can field soldiers the size of an army at a moments notice.  


All Graphion worship The Grave Mother who has been with them since they were born. Everyone and everything dies, and gets to meet her. Killing someone would speed up their visit to her, which in certain context can be a noble action and a boon. This makes death less as a form of punishment but more of an honorary-killing. Many rituals and practices involve the consumption of meat, a valuable and religious commodity to them, as anytime there is meat to consume, there was also the sweet sound of death. Cannibalism is widely allowed and often your kin are expected to consume your corpse to honor and cherish your life with The Grave Mother. Most Graphions when they are young are taken to her celestial grave, where they engage in a coming-of-age feasting ritual inside The Grave Mothers bones.


Graphion - Majority Population


Their connection to death and the ability to fly makes them formidable hunter and quick coastal raiders. Despite this, there has been a large effort into acquiring and raising livestock for the valuable meat they grant, which is seen as a luxurious resource to them. Many communal groups have made efforts into investing in ranches.
Ability: Dexterity
Skill: Animal Handling

Pick One From Below

You have been tasked with raising grazing animals in your community. Having such beasts is a great symbol of status, and has provided your community with an immense amount of wealth.
Skill: Nature
Tools: Weaver's tools
Equipment: Weaver's tools, a pet duck of your choice, common clothes, extra 25 starting gold
Feature - Animal Trainer
You have domesticated several animals from birth, and have learned how to properly tend and care for them. You can attempt to train nearly any animal to follow you and perform basic commands. Further training could result in domestication, and lack of further training can cause the animal to revert to it's primal nature. You have +2 on medicine checks towards non-sapient creatures, and Animal Handling checks to calm down domesticated animals.
Grave Mother Disciple
Upon your ceremonious visit to The Grave Mother you had a wave of emotions hit you all at once, which is commonly seen as a sign of those who are blessed by her, as she shares a mixture of emotions to you. Ever since then you have felt a special innate connection to death
Skill: Arcana
Equipment: Common clothes, a undying flower picked from the grave mother, a skull of your favorite animal
Feature - Life Alteration
Being touched by The Grave Mother, Graphion priests are more susceptible to aiding and performing favors for you. your You learn the False Life spell, and can cast it once per day.
After the dead are consumed, their burial grounds are considered hallowed ground, however this does not stop even graphion's from disturbing the dead. You have taken up the job of defending the graves of unknown residents.
Skill: Perception
Tools: Carpenter's tools
Equipment: Carpenter's tools, Cooper shovel, 5 extra torches, a set of common clothes, Family heirloom jewelry from a deceased relative.
Feature - Honored Dead
The job of tending graves is often a thankless job, but insight from beyond the grave can become a boon. You have adapted well to being observant at night, and thus have a +2 to passive perception at night.  
Auran Abberaturgy
The wind and sky is teeming with untouched abberaturgy that several elder graphion abbericians have picked up. You have studied under them and have learned how to properly practice abberaturgy.
Skill: Arcana
Equipment: Common clothes, a gray cloak given to you by your mentor.
Feature - Auran Training
You know of a semi-powerful Abberician who specializes in Auran Abberaturgy. He may be able to assist you in matters related to abberaturgy or Auran in general, though he will often ask for a favor or money in return of his tutelage. You know the Gust cantrip.  
Sentenced Legion


Government Type: Criminal Syndicate
Government Style: Oligarchic Krateroceracy
Government Structure: Chapters
Ruler: Leader Caveclaw
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom 
Size: Politically-controlled territory in Sigom 
Headquarters: The Den disputed
Purpose: We do what we want
Common Language: Graphion
Religion: The Grave Mother
Demonym: Graphionian
Preceded By: PeakFeather Clan
WoodBeak Clan
FireMoon Clan



Graphion Domain is recognized as a hostile force which constantly attacks it's citizens. Throjak have attempted to thwart and mitigate their hostile actions.


Graphion Domain is recognized as a hostile force which constantly attacks it's citizens. Sileen alliance and royalists have attempted to thwart and mitigate their hostile actions.


Graphion Domain is recognized as a hostile force which consistently attacks it citizens. Kingdom of Tranorn had some success in the past to thwart and mitigate their hostile actions but have had difficulty in recent times.

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