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Molmokk may have been a more prominent god amongst Magg Stone worshippers, though his altars that litter the Swamplands are often left barren and abandoned.  

Forms of Worship

Despite his unattended altars, some Ribaultians seek to leave behind trinkets and effigies nearby to ward off bad omens and to seek safe passage for family who may be taking a long journey outside the Marshlands.  


Molmokk was a chronicler, who may have been the originator of Ancient Tol'Geta - though upon discovery of some divine secret, he had visions and nightmares that would assault his conscious on a daily basis. He had sought help from other gods and had his head severed from his body, believing that the knowledge he learned had rotted his heart into a phantasmic horror.
After spending a day with peers coming up with methods to improve his vitality, he had fallen into a deep, coma-like dream which drove him into an uncontrollable madness he was unable to overtake. All of his guardians and custodians fell as victims to his corrupted mind.  


  Often ostracized by related deities, those who seek to contact him are often in for unexpected results. He still holds much knowledge of the old world, though his mental state leaves getting this information near-impossible.   Bogfen is his daughter.
Alternative Names
The Maddened Dreamer
The Answerer to Mysteries
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Suggested Domains: Grave, Knowledge
Province: The Missing, Mysteries, Paranoia
Holy Symbol: White, cloudy moon-stone
Holy Item: Dreamcatchers
Religion: Magg Stone 

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