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Magg Stone

Magg Stones exist both as a point of worship and unification for Ribaultian Clans and Alogtarric Tribes, where they are free to commune, and where festivals are commenced. However the origin of these stones and who carved them has been long gone. These gargantuan stones usually stand around 30 to 40 feet tall, and have been engraved long ago by an unknown hand, in a dead language.  

Speculative Origins

Given the widespread usage of Magg Stones throughout Sigom, Kashantha Swamps has always been said to be the homeland of both Ribaultians and Alogtarians, making it likely where the first Magg Stone was placed and carved. However given the Ohmreg invasion and destruction of the stone, there is no way to be sure. The language carved into the boulders is identified as Ancient Tol'Geta by most, the old tongue of the Ribaultians before they had suddenly switched over to an entirely new vocal system with different vowel structures. The reason for this change is unknown, but there is no doubt that they must have been carved by Ribaultians long ago nonetheless.  

Renewed Purpose

Asides from worship, they are often seen as the efforts of a community uniting to better survive, marked by a boulder hauled by Aligatorians, to then be carved and engraved by their Ribaultian neighbors. In nearly every tribe and swamp they are a powerful symbol of a community, both divine and culturally.  

Prominent Deity List

While all are worshiped, some members usually pay more lip service to one deity over another. In addition, they have adopted the deities of other religions into their own interpretations of them.
Domain Suggestion
Common Symbol
Magg Stone LN Hearth, Resilience, Home Order, Life, Peace A long, carved rock
Bogfen N Hunting, Swamplands, Fishery Nature, Tempest An orange-eyed Tarpon
WogSnip CN Desires, Abberaturgy, Night Trickery, Arcana A Firefly
Grox LE Ambushing, Survival, Battle War, Death A gator eyeball
Molmokk CE The Missing, Mysteries, Paranoia Grave, Knowledge White, cloudy moonstone
Aerdwan NG Contentness, Crafts, Rivers Peace A smooth, carved branch

Other Dieties

This list is to document minor and/or regional gods who may have fell out of popularity.
Domain Suggestion
Common Symbol
Razorgrass LG Wortcraft, Tilth, Bountyful Harvests Life, Nature A clay pot filled with ale
Religious Family: Maggism
High Deity Name: Bogfen
Tolerance: Medium
Head of Faith: Holy Magg Sovereignty(Dismantled by Ohmreg)
Organized Status: Unorganized Religion
Primary Worshippers: Ribaulti, and Aligotarians
Point of Origin: Sigom at Kashantha Swamps

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