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Rhullians are a race well-suited to saltwater oceanic environments, with a fondness for culture, and meeting creatures from the sea or land. Despite being remote from the rest of the known world, they enjoy traveling and experiencing other cultures. Though many Rhullian city-states rise-and-fall over time, Rhullia City-State has become a unique exception, believed by few to be the original city founded long ago. Many seek to witness what is attested to be the most technologically advanced and cultured city on Sigom.

Physical Description

Rhullians possess webbed feet and hands, allowing them to easily swim in any direction they desired, in addition to their protruding tail and fins. Generally they are much more adapted to the sea floor, as their bipedal-like posture makes it easy for them to travel and explore the ground. Rhullians generally have 4-6 barbels on their face allowing them to easily identify food on the ground floor. Some Rhullians are known to have tougher, more scaly skin, than the smooth skin. While they also possess small claws/nails, many trim them as there is a cultural sigma against them.  


What limited oral and written traditions were kept of Rhullian history shows the many different political climates that have existed for the average Rhullian. After several political and societal changes throughout the decades Rhullia ended up forming a very advanced form of Democracy which is divided by representatives who oversee the districts. While every Rhullian is granted one vote, certain classes are granted additional votes such as religious workers, who are granted two votes instead of one. Many citizens have also been taking up more creative and artists forms of work, such as oral poetry, and trinket-crafting. The city amphitheater, while generally reserved for political purposes, has seen much more use by artisans for sharing stories, and soft-story telling, using actors and props. With the ability for numerous individuals to hear the tales, or watch a story unfold has laid out some groundwork for creative individuals to reach a wider audience never quite seen before.  

Mechanical Information


Ability Score Increase +2 Int, +1 Wis
Size Medium
Speed 30' Swim, 25' Land

Age: They reach adulthood at 20 Years, and live up to 90 Years.
Alignment: Rhullians seek to be peaceful, and to be kind to all. They are more often than not good people, who seek to better the lives of everyone. Their unique laws are a cornerstone for all people to seek a fair and just system. They sway towards lawful and good alignments.
Size: They stand anywhere between 5' to 6 1/2' tall
Language: They can speak, read, and write Rhullian. You also get to learn an additional language of your choice.

Racial Traits

Humanoid (Aquatic): Rhullians are aquatic humanoids, and have the aquatic and human subtypes.
Situational Blindsight: Accoustomed to the light-void areas of the ocean, you have developed the ability to sense ripples and vibrations within the water to see without a source of light. Your blindsight only works if your head is submerged under any type of liquid. You can see as far as 45 feet without a source of light. This source prevents you from discerning colors, but grants you the ability to sense certain material of objects as they give off a unique vibration pattern.
Children of the Deep: Adapted to even the most extreme ocean depths, You have advantage on saving throws against ice and water, and you have resistance to ice and water-based damage.
Children of the Sea: You have a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you can breathe air and water.
Guardians of the Ocean:
Variant Feature (Choose one)
Aquan Instincts: Your effective caster level for spells that use water is +1.
Rhullian Militia Proficiency: You are proficient with the Net, Trident, Rhullian Dane, and Coral Armor.
Language of the Deep Ones: You can speak, read, and write Deep Speech.
Tool Proficiency: You gain proficiency with one artisan's tools of your choice.
Hydration: You must consume twice the amount of water a creature of your size would normally need and can only go half as many days without water. In addition, You have disadvantage on saving throws against dehydration and other similar affects like the Extreme Heat.


Artwork done by Spruffle
Type: Humanoid (Aquatic)
Origin Planet: Sigom
Governments: Rhullia City-State
Demonym: Rhullians
Random Starting Age
Teenager: 15 - 19 Years
Young Adult: 20-31 Years
Adult: 32 - 44 Years
Random Starting Height
Short: 5" - 5'5"
Average: 5'6" - 5'11"
Tall: 6' - 6'6"

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