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Rhullia City-State


Rhullia is one of the oldest official cities in Sigom by a few centuries. Rhullians had several early proto-cities much like the Ohmreg or Kingdom of Tranorn but were able to implement urban planning and social structures before them. Based on historical evidence, there were several proto-cities called "Rhullia" by it's population, with many of them showing signs of early urban planning. It may be possible that the first Rhullia city had caused others in it's area to mimic or copy its style, possibly resulting in strife or conflict. Many Rhullian Nationalists claim that the current Rhullia city-state was the original proto-city, or that it was one of the first to adopt the style, though it is hard to prove. Based on old documents, the history of Rhullia is more dated compared to others in it's area, it also depicts some kind of calamity that had happened between one to two millenniums ago that forced the original population of Rhullia to migrate to a new location. Given the multiple cities with similar names, and limited records, it is hard to give any kind of location or cause for the forced migration, but several Rhullian scholars have theorized an underwater earthquake or typhoon may have given the population little choice.
Rhullia originally had been divided into 5 smaller micro-cities at it's current location, where aristocratic families had a pool of citizens perform the needed labor in the new region. Three of these micro-cities were connected via high-road, a triangular-style road structure from one city directly to the other two. Two micro-cities were left out of this, but they had made their own, called the low-road that connected to one of the more central micro-cities. over time this structure allowed the amalgamation of newcomers and expansion to become a large city-state with strong political, cultural, and militaristic power. While the center micro-city appeared to have relocated at an unspecified time, these triangular road formations laid down a symbolic skeleton framework centered around these boulevards for their aristocratic rulers to plan around. Over time each end-point of the roads would act as a center towards the different districts: Agrarian, Industrial, Commercial, Acropolic and Barracks.
Given the remoteness of Rhullian cities compared to other land-dwelling species, in addition to being the only known oceanic civilization, they have largely been cut off from the civilization of the known world. While other oceanic races do exist, their societies are largely not advanced enough to join the political climate of most recognized nations. Rhullian's themselves are a bit of a unique situation - Most live in small city-states, largely unaligned with others, only forming temporary leagues for defensiveness purposes. However, Rhullia City-State has been the exception given it's political power and advanced culture.they have largely gone unfettered by foreign invaders. However, monstrosities and other species from the vast ocean have made their presence known to Rhullians; With copious unaligned cities and no large alliances to protect them, mighty creatures have ravaged and pillaged many cities of their goods and valuables. There are also the Wodox, another underwater species of humanoids who often roam in large numbers. They seek to overwhelm cities by swarming them with a large swath of combat-ready soldiers, forcing them to cave to their demands. While some cities would form temporary leagues or alliances to fend off great threats, Rhullia had bolstered their military capacity through an emergency conscription law. In addition, they took use of defensive structures most other cities lacked such as a netted perimeter and spiked roofs on most buildings to limit collateral damage. In addition, the core of Rhullia's army was lightly equipped, often giving them the mobility to skirmish and harass hostile invaders, wearing them down for their more heavier unit to arrive.
With the arrival of Bronze, Rhullia has kept it's independence with it's culturally superior population having a large impact on other Rhullian cities. Though it is debatable that more powerful unions and leagues do exist, their impact upon the world has yet to reach the expansive network and ambition of Rhullia has obtained for itself.


Rhullia has overtime invested more into it's citizens religious beliefs. Most worship takes place currently in several shines that line the interior of the cities many districts. An elected Seer/Seeress is a life-long position where they are granted the ability to commune with their gods. Most administrative roles or practices are performed by each gods priest, who may have a handful of selected assistants. Their pantheon consist of 13 powerful deistic beings as well as many lesser, deities. Old tomes do mention other beings that may have been worshiped or given lip service, such as immortal beings, mythical creatures, and demigods.


Rhullians - Majority population
Aligotarian - Crocodilian variant, only really exist in other Rhullian city-states
Wodox - Often forced into servitude


Rhullians have a strong bond to art and culture, erupting the seas as a powerful center for culture to mix and refine. Many Rhullians across the oceans take up a form of art, whether it be playing instruments to saga acting (acting from oral stories.)
Ability: Intelligence
Tools: Pottery making
Skill: history

Pick one from below

Gifted Musician
You have received tutelage for playing several simple instruments. Your mastery in your performances has a unique style which most enjoy. Your talents have lead to meeting all sorts of different individuals and access to wealth from private shows.
Skill: Persuasion, Performance (Musician)
Tools: 3 instruments of your choice
Equipment: 2 instruments of your choice, Stylish clothing, coin-purse with 50gp, A tablet letter from an unknown "1# fan"
Feature: Venue Network
You have found after-parties of most shows to contain some very important people in society, where you have picked up many friends and met fellow artists. Oftentimes you also find yourself in conversations with political figures, nobility, and the clergy. After any performance, you may pick one individual in the crowd. You can reroll the die on any social role against them twice per performance, and must use the new roll.

Rhullian Conscript
You were conscripted into the Rhullian auxiliary military, a branch reserved as backup for those who signed up for the defense of oceanic predators and armies. Your tasks were often built around logistics, setting up temporary encampments, and supporting the main army from a safer distance.
Skills: Athletics
Tools: Cobbler's tools
Equipment: Cobbler's tools, 10 Javelins, 2 Rhullian Bolas Nets, Battle Robe, Stylized Padded Armor
Feature: Auxiliary Drills Conscripts were often working with different members, as it was loosely organized internally. However you were often stationed with a branch of the military focused towards defending Rhullia, and some military projects you worked on turned into communal public facilities. Anything purchased within Rhullia is at a 10% discount. While in combat, You can throw Javelins 10' further than normal. In addition, You gain a +1 to ranged attack rolls when using Javelin-style weapons.

Observers of the Chasm
Far away from Rhullia, it is said there is a deep chasm where the whispers can be heard of a proclamation. Most who visit this distant site say they feel changed by an immense aura it extrudes. Many are trying to reside near the chasm, believing they will attain power by residing next to it.
Requirements: Must be able to speak Deep Speech
Skills: Arcana
Tools: Tinkerer's tools
Equipment: Tinkerer's Tools, Sea Robes, an aragonite crystal (holy symbol) worth 25gp
Feature - Chasm Pilgrim
Given it's distance from Rhullia, it is a perilous path to reach, with no real map or guide to take you there. This is a journey you have such taken yourself. Following oral traditions, you made it to the farthest depths known in the chasm and used a large conch shell to hear what you could only describe as deathly whispers. You are aware of secret society dedicated to learning more about this chasm and how to commune with him. You can cast the Dark Knowledge ritual spell at character level.

Shrine Keeper
You have worked as a servant for one of the shrines at Rhullia, where they were to be maintained for the Ascetic membership to worship. Many lectures had been given advocating for the abandonment of material wealth, for it would blind you of find the divine. Only through dedication from within by living a simple life without opulence can we reach spiritual enlightenment.
Skills: Religion
Tools: Woodcarver's tools
Equipment: Woodcarver's tools
Feature - Temperate Meditation
You can always seek protection, shelter, and sustenance from any Rhullian shrine in the world often for free. You can live the lifestyle expense one tier above what you actually pay (From Poor to modest, for example) at any time and receive it's benefits. +5 Permanent HP

Cutpurse Urchin
You have gained a knack at determining who are the wealthier elites of society. Often wealth is horded to sit in a chest or a room to remain untouched or unpilfered, you feel it would have better use in your coinpurse instead! Skill: Sleight of Hand
Tools: Theives' tools
Equipment: Theives' tools, crowbar, a stolen +1 copper dagger, common clothes, 30' hemp rope, and 10 extra starting gold
Feature: Blind Avarice
You have learned the rules of the street, and that many corners are reserved for those who run them. You have always played a more lonewolf tactic, but some groups may cover for you, and in return seek a favor. You have a +1 on investigation checks to identify wealthy individuals, in addition to identifying street gangs.

Rustic Renovater
Many displaced or destitute seek shelter in deserted buildings and towns. Often with these places comes hostile animals, marauders, and often forgotten relics. You have spent some time in living with a small community seeking to rebuild an abandoned town.
Skill: Animal Handling
Tools: Tool of your choice
Equipment: Tool of your choice, A locked lockbox found in the ruins, shaggy clothes, 1 copper pickaxe
Feature - Archeological Designs
The evolution of Rhullian design has significantly improved compared to older, abandoned structures. Though there is much from the older styles that are hidden away, untouched until someone brave enough attempts to find what was laid to rest so long ago. You have a +1 bonus to your passive perception and investigation scores.

Marine Vagabond
You have lived outside the prescience of Rhullia and it's imitators, living as free as one possibly can in the ocean. You would often follow herds and packs of migratory underwater animals as both a safe source of food but also as a form of protection from potentially smaller threats.
Skill: Nature
Tools: Cool Utensils
Equipment: Cook Utensils, Large tooth taken as a trophy, tribal clothing
Feature Sea-touched
Marine life is ever-present as are tides of the ocean against the sand. You feel a special connection to the natural world around you, and the other living creatures that inhabit it with you. You may cast Speak with Animals once per long-rest. You have advantage on Charisma skill checks versus underwater beasts.


Government Type: Enriched city-state
Government Style: Representative Democracy
Government Structure: Statesman
Ruler: Archon Isadora
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom
Size: Limited region in Sigom
Headquarters: Rhullia
Purpose: Advancement of social needs within Rhullia
Common Language: Rhullian, Deep-speak is not an official recognized language by the state
Religion: Rhullian Mythology
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Friendly, Open Borders

Rhullians generally enjoy the strange and aloof practices of the Sardassi. They tend to make great company, though they often cannot stay underwater for long!
Sardassians have found Rhullia to be a save zone for sea travel, as their surrounding territory is often safe, giving them access to commune with the rest of the world. many consider a good relations with Rhullians vital to maintain a strong presence in worldly affairs.

Limited contact

Rhullians find Tranorn to be impressive creatures. Elder Tranorns warn of the "depths" and the unknown horrors from below that had befallen the lands millenniums ago. There exists a superstition anything from the ocean going on land is a sign of bad luck.

Trade Agreements

Businesses and merchants are allowed to establish trade agreements with each others governments or businesses.
Many Ohmregers do enjoy Rhullian culture.


Some Alogtarric Tribes, largely Croctarian Tribes, have peaceful trade agreements with them.


Limited contact. Rhullia owes the rebellious Sileen Alliance a future favor.


Ribaultian Clans do not permit entry into their territory under any conditions.
Rhullia has closed its borders to all Ribaultian citizens, as their unfriendliness had left bad impressions on most diplomats and rulers.

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