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From deep within the swamps lie the Ribaulti, short but accomplished survivors who can survive under the harsh wetland environments. While largely a migratory race initially, they had always spent most of their times in the Kashantha Swamps, notably the largest-known swampland in Sigom. Their range nowadays is quite limited, and those who do live in Kashantha often prefer to be left alone or are living in secrecy. Nonetheless, it is hard to visit any central swampland without running into one or seeing signs of their activity.

Physical Description

Ribaulti appear like humanoid Toads, while they may be small they are often stumpy and plump. Their skin is rough and bumpy from hardened pours to protect them from predators. In addition, the glands in their skin expunge a psychedelic liquid which covers their skin, which can instantly cause neurological effects with any whom touch or consume them. Their legs both grant them a decent swimming and walking speed, in addition to a superior jump when compared to other races.


Most if not all Ribaulti are big on hospitality and privacy. They believe all people deserve access to a warm shelter without having to share even with an admirer, As most married couple do not occupy the same house. However, they are expected to live directly next to each other, or share a "Suitor Surface" - This is often a wall that separates the two homes, similar to a townhouse or an apartment flat. Meditation and exploring deep thoughts make up a good amount of social interaction as well, many festivities and holidays are based around solo or group mediation. Most Ribaulti outside of swamps do these in secrecy, as many places consider their meditation practices similar to rituals that could stir public unrest. Not all Ribaulti dabble in abberaturgy, but trinkets and gag items are common children's toys and party affairs. It should also be noted that traditionally those who where able to control abberaturgy had stronger political sway, in some remote or extremely isolated communities still maintain this old practice.

Mechanical Information


Ability Score Increase +2 Wis, +1 Dex
Size Small
Speed 25' Land 25' Swim

Age: Starting as a tadpole, They reach physical maturity at 8 Years, and live up to 65 Years.
Alignment: Ribaulti are hardy survivalists, and often like to be left alone to their own devices. With that in mind, they do have a strong belief in the greater good, as evil or bad things could encroach on their space. More often than not, they lean towards chaotic good beings.
Size: Ribaulti average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. They are often stumpy or fat. Your size is Small.
Language: They may choose to speak, read, and write Ribaultian. In addition, they may also choose to speak, read, and write Ancient Tol'Geta.

Racial Traits

Tough Skin: You have tough, rigid skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 11 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Psychotropic Secretion: Part of your skin is covered in a psychedelic liquid created from glands in your body. If a creature touches you, or comes into contact with your blood, you deal psychic damage equal to 1d4 + your Constitution modifier, and the target must make a (DC 10 + your Constitution modifier) Constitution saving throw, becoming dazed on a failed save until the end of it's next turn.
Psychedelic tongue: You can deliver touch attacks and retrieve small items at 3 times your normal reach. You do any action with your tongue at disadvantage. In addition, you can use it make unarmed strikes which applies Psychotropic Secretion.
Hallucinatory Discipline: Adept to powerful herbs and medications, you have a knack for expelling harmful substances. You have advantage on saving throws against anything you ingest. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against psychic and being dazed, and you have resistance to Psychic damage.
Swimmer: You have a swim speed equal to your land speed.
Strong Leap: Whenever you make a long or high jump, you can roll a d8 and add the number rolled to the number of feet you cover, even when making a standing jump. This extra distance costs movement as normal.
Ribaulti Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Ribaultian Race by Omaelaeni
Type: Humanoid (Toad)
Origin Planet: Sigom
Governments: Ribaultian Clans
Demonym: Ribaultian
Random Starting Age
Teenager (5-7 years)
Young Adult (8 - 11 years)
Adult (12 - 33 years)
Random Starting Height
Small 2'9" - 2'11"
Average 3' - 3'5"
Tall 3'6" - 4'

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