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Ribaultian Clans


The Ribaulti hail from the Kashantha Swamps where they had roamed the hostile wetlands as hunter-foragers in many groups. Their natural build gave them an edge against most predatory species as they were not easy to digest or consume, so often they were ignore for easier targets. With the grouping of cultures, some had diverted from their original homeland to find safer swamps to call home. Though several millenniums they had largely conquered territories around lakes or the center of swamp and marshlands. Most of these cultures would migrate depending on the season, trying to stay warm during the warmer seasons and cool during the hotter ones. They would often leave landmarks and possessions behind so they could re-use them once they migrated back. Many cultures were lead by a powerful Divine Abberaturge called the "SpruffTuk" who often all kept in semi-close contact with each other. They had formed an early powerful unification, though often divided, that with the Aligotarian, gave them early adoption to more agrarian lifestyles and later on forming cities.
Many cultures had kept foreign contact to themselves, not to ruin the reputation of their people as a whole. Leaders of each culture often only met in groups of 6 at most, almost half of their leaders in one spot. It was an inefficient method for passing along communication, and often some leaders chose to alienate their people from others at large. For those that did meet up, they were able to enhance and strengthen each others peoples through cultural and technological advancement in their swampland's. Many of these ideas also spread amongst the Aligotarian cultures and tribes that also lived in their homeland. Depending on the clan and culture, some Aligotarians were hostile or friendly, which made alliances or rivalries hard to form as moving from one location to another had different agreements between each other given the Ribaluti's migratory lifestyle. Often the Ribaulti made up the center-points of all swamplands while Aligotarians were around the perimeter.
During early advancements with copper, the Ohmreg had conquered a large part of the Canack River, where many Ribaulti SpruffTuk had resided. This brought in some waves of refugees and migrants to the other clans and tribes. With the Ohmreg taking more and more land outside of the river, there was a sudden need for SpruffTuk leaders to unite. Word had spread, and a powerful meeting of Ribaulti and Aligotarian leaders had united at the Magg Stone in Kashantha Swamps, forming a large territorial alliance known as the Holy Magg Sovereignty in which they used their combined might to thwart the invaders of their advancement into their ancient homeland. This territorial stalemate had lasted for centuries, until the advancement of Bronze-making had changed the art of war. Many Algotarric Warlords at the time had some internal strife, which weakened their overall unification against the Ohmreg as well. With better technology and weakened opponent, the Ohmreg were able to divide and conquer all land within the Kashantha Swamps. Many Ribaultians had accepted their defeat, and sworn fealty to the Ohmreg ruler, including some SpruffTuk leaders. Though few were able to escape their grasp and flee to their migratory homes, seeking to turn them into a permanent residence. The Holy Magg Sovereignty had been divided back into what each tribe was before.
The Ribaultian Clans have kept up a strict isolationist policy with all foreign species, including many Alogtarric people, depending on the region. Most SpruffTuk leaders became rulers of their people, seeking council with often other SpruffTuk leaders or Alogtarric Warlords to maintain their isolationist mandate. With their ever limited habitat, the small cultures are all that remain of these usually good-natured beings.


Magg Stones are a cultural and religious icon of all Ribaultian Clans. These are large boulders found in the center of tribal lands, often engraved in an ancient language known only to Ribaultian Abberaturges. The stones have much symbolic meaning behind them: They are often very large and imposing rocks which stand out from the terrain around them, yet they keep and form it together. While trees and plants may wither away, the boulders will always remain unfettered by most vegetation. They also act as a source of protection, as it acts as a safe point to meet or congregate. Rituals and festivals also occur here, where Ribaulti and Aligotarians still mingle from time to time. It was believed by some that the Magg Stones also acted as an abberaturgic source of communication in the past, and that the link was the primary Magg Stones in Kashantha Swamps, which have been destroyed.
Other sources of worship is Bogfen also called "Goddess of the Ancient Swamp" who is a deity of hunting, swamplands, and fishery. She often takes up the form of a massive speaking freshwater fish, but also as a Swamp Nymph. Several tribes also pay tribute to WogSnip Ribaultian-specific diety of desire, Abberaturgy, and night.


Ribaulti Majority Population, limited
Aligotarian - Some have become integrated to Ribaultian society, given the overlapping history they share.


Ribaultians are Staunch isolationists, seeking little from anything and anyone. Seeking to live the best life that they can while not being a burden on those who live around them. That said, they are not too kind to trespassers or anyone who enters their territory with weapons and extravagant baubles/jewelery/etc.
Attribute: Wisdom
Skill: Acrobatics

Pick One From Below

Mug-rop Smuggler
Mug-rop is an opiate drug that can be ingested or inhaled to numb pain and give a euphoric out-of-body effect. It is made by boiling roots of certain mushrooms and then grinding them. In most places it is illegal to possess or grow, however the law is for chumps and you can make sums of money if you know who to deal with.
Skill: Sleight of Hand
Tools: Disguise Kit
Equipment: Disguise kit, 5 grams of raw Mug-rop, common clothes, A sack w/small hidden compartment (DC 13 investigation), a copper dagger.
Feature - Drug Runner
You know of an extensive network of drug smugglers in most places who would be willing to help you hide and evade law enforcement. You can automatically identify most drugs without a nature or medicine check. In addition, you know of a few "safe houses" you can sleep at for free with your party. You have a +2 bonus to all sleight of hand rolls to conceal contraband.
Swamp Guard
Ribaultian territory is rigorously patrolled for any possible invaders. As most places are surrounded by Aligotarian tribes, making it this far into their homeland without a delegate is either out of hostility or idiocy.
Skill: Insight
Tools: Medicine kit
Equipment: Stone club, wooden buckler, decorative tribal mask, tribal horn to summon help, a set of copper manacles
Feature - Relentless Guard
Your knowledge of border patrol allows you to form good plans on how to patrol any territory at all hours of the day. You also know how to effectively manage a group of prisoners by yourself. If you deal damage to acreature at full HP, it deals an additional 2 damage.
Cursed One
The swamps can be a dangerous place for few, but physical aliments aren't the only threat. One day in the swamp, you ended up getting cursed by someone or something. While you aren't the first to end up this way, many will not associate with you, and it is hard to find a place where people are willing to accept you.
Skills: Stealth
Tools: Disguise kit
Equipment: Disguise kit, wooden club, item related to your curse (DM choice)
Feature - Major Curse
You will start play with a major curse, either one you design yourself or one the DM can roll for you. Despite your cursed nature, you try your hardest to make make it up to those who put up with you, and make yourself feel useful to them. When using the help action on another party member, they get a +2 bonus to their roll.  
Magg Spruff
You are apart of an organization dedicated to the protection of the divine Magg stone that sits in the center of all swamps. You receive tutelage and knowledge passed down from a long generation of abberaturges before you.
Skill: Arcana
Tool: Tinkerer's tools
Equipment: Tinkerer's tools, a wooden stave, abberaturgy tribal clothing, an undeciphered Ancient Tol'Geta tablet that is too faded to read.
Spruff in-training
You can easily contact and locate organization of Magg Spruff's in almost any swamp or marshland who would be willing to help and perform minor favors for you, in addition to free lodging for your party. You gain a cantrip on the druid spell list and can cast it at character level.
Swamp Cook
A unique form of cooking, with a strong basis in tubers, roots, and mushrooms. While most ingredients are bland on their own some cooks can bring out a rare flavor not found elsewhere.
Skill: Nature
Tool: Cook's utensils
Equipment: Cook's utensils, mess kit, common or tribal clothes, a tablet of recipes, glass bottle of cooking oil
Feature - Scavenger's Cuisine
You can whip up a delicious meal out of anything you can scavenge in the wild. When cooking this way, you can live at one lifestyle above normal as the quality of food is better. You have advantage on investigation checks against any creature that consumes your food for the day. In addition, it provides 1d4 temporary HP to all creatures that consume your food.
Most Ribaultian terrain has flowing rivers and creeks, making floating vessels a useful commodity to any community. Many tribe members often live in a boat or ship they made. While usually much smaller than sea-faring vessels, most skills translate rather well, and many Ribaultian ex-pats are shipwrights.
Skill: History
Tool: Carpenter's tools, Vehicles (water)
Equipment: Carpenter's tools, A docked Sloop, tablet proving ownership of Sloop, traveler's clothes
Feature - Ribaultian Shipwright
You can plan, build, and maintain most small floating vessels with the right materials. If you are constructing a vessel in Ribaultian territory, you can get help from locals in exchange for a favor. You can easily find work and housing in any coastal town, as well as lodging. In addition, you may be able to acquire free passage from a captain by offering repair services. You have a +1 to all water vehicle actions, and all ships you construct have +1 AC.
Woook initiate
You are an initiate in an underground assassination network known as the WoookGreig. Ever since Ohmreg set it's eyes on Kashantha Swamps a movement of underground rouges were funded by the Golden Paw Brotherhood to carry out assassinations on powerful Alogtarric Warlords and Ribaultian SpruffTuks. Before Kashantha fell, the group had rebelled against the Golden Paw, taking out several key members in it's organization. WookGreig is still functioning today.
Skill: History
Tools: Poisoner's kit
Equipment: Poisoner's kit, 2 copper daggers, 1 vial of basic poison, a dark cloak to signify membership
Feature - Codified Tactics
Woook have a strict code on who they will work for and take out. Unlike the Golden Paw, they rarely take prisoners and have little interest in material possessions and moral relativity. You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison for the Brotherhood. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distance. When the WookGreig take a job they will work vigorously until the job is complete. If you have advantage on your attack roll on a creature that is surprised and in darkness, and land a hit, you may roll two separate damage rolls and choose the damage the creature takes.


Government Type: Militant Isolationists
Government Style: Tribal Magocracy
Government Structure: Magelords "SpruffTuk"
Ruler: Grand SpruffTuk Nagus and Alogorp
Political Reach: limited region in Sigom
Size: Varied territory across Sigom
Headquarters: None
Purpose: Protection of remaining Ribaulti land from foreign invaders
Common Language: Ribaultian
Religion: Magg Stone
Demonym: Ribaultian
Preceded By: Holy Magg Sovereignty


non-aggression Pact

Coming from similar origins, old alliances and rivalry have been overshadowed by recent atrocities. The Alogtarric generally see the Ribaultians as "Misguided Warriors." Conversely, the Ribaultian Clans see them as "Spiritually Lost."

Isolationism, good terms

Many tribes that occupied what used to be Tranorn territory still recognize them as the official rulers of the provinces, rejecting Ohmreg rule. Tranorn claim to know of secret Magg Stones guarded by their kin. Though they often met with Alogtarric Warlords and instead of Ribaultian SpruffTuk given their isolationism.


Ribaultian Clans do not permit entry into their territory under any conditions.


Sileen Alliance cities around Ribaultian swamplands have protected their interest against Sileen Royals. They are still forbidden from entering their lands though.


Ribaultian Clans do not permit entry into their territory under any conditions.
Rhullia has closed its borders to all Ribaultian citizens, as their unfriendliness had left bad impressions on most diplomats and rulers.


Ribaultian Clans do not permit entry into their territory under any conditions. The Sardassi do not like this.


The Ohmreg through conquest and subjugation, have taken over nearly all Ribaultian land, including what they consider their ancestral homeland. Some clans long ago were forced to swear fealty to their Pharoh, and are considered secondary citizens to the empire. The Ohmreg do not officially recognize any unified clan, and non-citizens are usually expelled, though hard to prove.

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