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The Silver Sellswords

The Silver Sellswords in Curia Aurea are an established mercenary group that fight anyone willing to pay for them. Initially working as hired guards to defend granaries and caravans from from raiders and bandits, their valiant performance allowed their ranks to swell to the size of a proper mercenary force. Receiving visits by generals, nobles, and other powerful figures, they will have a wide range of jobs and opportunities to make a name for themselves.   The Silver Sellswords primarily work during summer and fall, leaving spring for sowing while avoiding dangerous travel during snow seasons.

Unit Types

Note: Used for Wyelord/Lordship Mechanics, may separate into sub-articles for each type for better tracking.
The Silver Sellsword Units
Military Formation | Aug 4, 2023

Units that can be recruited by The Silver Sellswords


Joining a band of sellswords is both a profitable and deadly way to attain wealth and status, though to some the risk of warfare is no different than the backbreaking laborious alternatives. But one thing no man is ever prepared for are the marches... The long, arduous marches are enough to make even the strongest men desert.
Attribute: +1 Constitution
Skill: Survival
Inventory: A battle tabbard of the Silver Sellswords, 1000 extra starting gold  
Infantry Organizer
You must Learn to obey before you can learn to command.
Skill: Intimidation or Persuasion
Instruments: War Horn
Equipment: A two-handed war horn, Copper chain mail set, a salvaged copper spear from a dead companion.
Feature: Passing knowledge - Training the newbie footmen is a useful method to increase their longevity. Pick one Ability: Party members may use your roll modifier instead of their own for ability checks or skills once per long rest. In addition, Footmen hired or recruited by you or your unit/party will gain starting experience, and thus perform better in combat.  
Veteran Sellsword
The Backbone of any army are those who have experienced it.
Skill: Kinesthetics
Tool: Cook's Utensils
Equipment: Cook's Utensils, Copper Chain mail set with adorned Helmet (Double Quality), 1500 extra starting gold. A blessed blood-stained cape.
Feature: Sellsword Veteran Seasoned by a few years of hard military work allows one to prepare for what's to come. You will start the campaign / skirmish with one bonus feat or ability score increase. In addition, you need to eat only half as much during periods of low / no supplies only.  
Battlefield Runner
"Sir I come bearing orders from the general, you need to read it."
Skill: Athletics
Instruments: War Horn
Equipment: A set of war horns,riding horse and pack saddle,studded leather armor, 7 Javelins,Courier satchel, 5 blank wax tablets and writing utensils, 14 days of horse feed
Feature: Well-equipped Courier With a constantly-evolving battlefield, new orders must get through to the front lines, and any good general would be sure those who brave the journey are well equipped. You have +2 bonus to your AC against opportunity attacks. in addition, your movement speed is increased by 15ft when taking the disengage action.  
"We must inspire with our rhythm!"
Skill: Performance
Instruments: Drums,
Tools: Disguise Kit
Equipment: Drums with shoulder straps, Costume made of animal hides - hide armor, Disguise Kit, A lucky set of rare amber dice.
Feature: Camp Band The war camp which follows armies into battle can host performers, often who come with valuable skills and increasing the army's moral before battle. You can perform the help action at a distance of 15 ft. In addition, You receive free lodging and food of a modest standard as long as you perform each night.  
"Flags and generals are like thief's and trinkets: They can never have enough."
Skill: Acrobatics
Tools: Weaver's tools
Equipment: Weaver's tools, A banner of The Silver Sellswords held in your offhand, Copper Chain mail set with adorned Helmet (Double Quality), An alternate flag to signify your unit.
Feature: Standard Bearer Instructed with ensuring the flag never touches the ground while also being on the front lines is a dangerous task only the bravest have the stomach for. The mere sight of the banner allows your unit to fight longer than normal before retreating. Once per round, allies who can see the banner may add 1d4 strife damage to their damage roll. In addition, the banner provides you with +1 AC while using a light weapon.  
Citizens who could own a horse would find easy profit in harrying the enemy.
Skill: Perception
Tools: Cartographer's Tools
Equipment: Cartographer's Tools,riding horse and pack saddle,Padded Flax Armor, 7 Javelins, 14 days of horse feed
Feature: Scout Sight The Silver Sellswords maintain a network of a few light infantry on horses for scouting and recon, reducing the risks of ambushes and increasing view range. You have advantage on any checks to avoid getting lost such as during a heavy storm, have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, and can move an extra 15ft on your first turn of combat.  
Often devoted or religious volunteers, field healers have their expenses paid for by mercenary groups for their valuable skills. The remaining seats comprised of paid positions.
Skill: Medicine
Instruments: Surgeon's Tools
Equipment: Surgeon's Tools, 4 gauzes, 1 Potion of Healing - greater, 1 Padded Flax Armor, A strange cylindrical contraption you found on a deceased healer.
Feature: Battle Medic While usually aiding the ill or injured during travel, it is a position well-suited for those who possess the stomach to work with the dead and injured after a battle. A rare few will march with the men as opposed to waiting at camp. All healing you perform provides one additional healing dice. In addition, you are able to identify common toxins, illnesses, and injuries.  
Battle Caster
There are a few who seek to cast spells at the front lines of battle.
Skill: Acrobatics
Language: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a spellcasting pouch, 5 blank wax tablets and writing utensils, a strange beating necklace.
Feature: Speed Caster Given the quick pace of melee combat, you have honed the ability to cast simple spells in no-time. You may cast a cantrip spells as a bonus action once per round.


Motto: "Through thick and thin"
Type: Sellswords
Style: Contracts, Seasonal
Structure: Captain
Ruler: Unknown
Political Reach: Within the Landshares of The Sardassi Empire
Size: Four units
• 3 Sardassian levy Spearmen
• 1 Sardassian levy Slinger
Headquarters: Unnamed Stronghold at Curia Aurea
Purpose: Amass Wealth by military contracts

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