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Sardassi Empire

Initially a city often weakened by more powerful cities, who seeked to abduct and force fealty onto them, was able to fund and push back against it's rulers.


Sardassian province until the introduction of copper was a large mixture of different chieftains, often who unified temporarily to expand each others power before turning against one another. Through sworn fealty, many chiefs and cultures were often stuck in a limbo of providing all it's resources to it's ruler, often intentionally to limit their ability to fight back. Though for some, the more powerful families who controlled certain resources were able to slowly stockpile resources and wealth to occasionally break the mold they were stuck with. Alatri being a prime example of a populace who have very little history outside of their independence, not even a footnote to their rulers who merely used them as a labor source for unknown goods. A few powerful families over several generations were able to unite and formulate a secret milita trained by abandoned warriors and sorcerers of their rulers for promise of land ownership. After several years of revolting and resistance, they had finally achieved independence.   After independence, they had entered a new political landscape, where they faced off against more powerful and richer kingdoms. There had been an early time where they nearly lost it all due to a defector, but with a new militaristic tactic, and even offering of farm land to aged veterans, they were able to recruit a robust military with frequent replaceable manpower. Now easily one of the most powerful kingdoms in the region, with several smaller kingdoms now acting as vassals to them. The original nobles of Alatri sit on top capitalizing the original success of their independence, expanding and growing the reach of their power.


Sardassian mythology largely revolves around sacrificial, cannibalistic festivals hosted monthly to honor their gods. These beliefs appear very distant from all other known religions, and they bear no resemblance to other gods in Sigom. Based on Sardassian oral stories that are passed down, they speak of a foreign homeland, which had numerous powerful deities who they still pray and worship; Given their small population of worshipers comparatively to others in Sigom, they are said to have the most powerful blessings and power. Another unique feature of their beliefs, is that instead of other gods just being seen as a similarity of the same god, or just a false idol, to them all other gods or deistic beings are in fact real and separate from their own. Prayers, curses, and blessings from other religions are taken just as seriously as their own.  


Silenus - Majority Population


  The powerful Silenus Chiefs may seem unified now, but many would forget that all contracts and rulers lose their foothold one day. The constantly-changing political sphere has left behind a populace of hardy individuals. However, diplomatic affairs are often difficult and confusing to the outside world, given their distant and complex ritual practices.
Attribute: +1 Wisdom
Skill: Survivial

Pick one from below

Sardassian Soldier
During your youth, you were trained with the intention of joining a well-equipped and well-trained military put in place by the most powerful government in the region. The foreign tactics brought fourth by their strange ancestry enables a unique form of fighting.
Skill: Kinesthetics Skill
Tools: gaming set or siege weaponry
Equipment: Free weapon of your choice that you have proficiency with, gaming set of your choice, 1 battle tabard signifying your rank
Feature - Sardassian Veteran
Soldiers who fought along side you can find a place for you to hide, rest, or recuperate among others in their service unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. You gain a +1 to melee attack rolls whenever you would move at least 20ft or more before the attack. If you possess the Charger feat, this bonus is increased to +2.  
Despite most diplomats limited success, many are able to forge a network of reliable contacts and agents to assist them in diplomacy.
Skill: Persuasion, Deception
Languages: 3 of your choice
Equipment: A set of unmarked wax seals, 10 total (could be used for forgery or employment)
Feature: Diplomatic Network
From your time as a diplomat, you retain connections with couriers, liaisons, and other diplomats and rulers. You can call upon these connections when looking for items or information. You may re-roll a persuasion or deception check once per day if you are using any form of formal documentation or letters. You must use the result of the reroll.  
Sea Angler
You have spent a consistent amount of time out on the open sea. You are skilled in all tasks involving the fisher work.
Tools: Navigator's tools, Vehicle (water)
Weapon: Net
Equipment: Two Nets, fishing tackle
Feature: Seasoned Angler
You gain advantage on ability checks made using fishing tackle. If you have access to a body of water that sustains marine life, you can maintain a moderate lifestyle while working as a fisher, and you can catch enough food to feed yourself and up to ten other people each day. You gain a +1 chance to hit creatures submerged in water.  
Ritualistic Cannibal
You were a part of a society who practice spiritual cannibalism, They seek to trick and sacrifice non-believers to appease the strange gods of the Silenus. This method in particular involves eating the flesh of a living victim, either by gutting and eating at their viscera raw, or slowly cooking them into a more palpable meal, depending on the ritual being performed. While practices are rare in Silenus societies, they are also the only place living cannibalism is allowed barring Graphion Domain
Skills: Religion
Tools: Toxin's's kit
Equipment: curved copper dagger, a personal item from one of your victims
Feature: Forbidden Delicacy
You are able to consume flesh of other sentient races without any penalty. You are familiar with the bones and remains of other humanoids and have advantage on checks to identify their species, sex and age. After engaging in this ritual, you may choose to gain a +2 Wildern damage bonus to your damage rolls, or +2 to all saving throws for a 24-hour period.  
Sexual Deviant
Your carnal desires are... often considered eclectic and unconventional taste. Nonetheless, you have in the past found clientele who are interested in paying for the same niche that you are interested in.
Skills: Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
Tools: Disguise kit
Equipment: 75 extra starting gold, evidence to blackmail a local noble or merchant
Feature: Seductive Reasoning
Due to your niche interest, you can obtain free lodging in brothels or inns where you have conducted business in the past. The owners of these establishments can recommend other locations where you may be able to obtain discounted lodging by dropping their name or offering your services during your stay. If you encounter past clients, you may be able to obtain resources or other aid from them. Depending on your relationship with any given client, this may be through blackmail or through seduction. You have advantage on performance rolls against anyone who finds you attractive.  
Local Noble
While not as powerful as the Sardassi family, you are still apart of an independent noble family who have accommodated enough strength to rule over a small city.
Tools: Artisan's tools
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a tablet of pedigree, 200 extra starting gold
Feature: Position of Privilege
Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.  
Wildern Abberaturgy
The connection many Silenus have with Wildern magic is a noticeable feat. You were trained and tutored to understand how their form of abberaturgy works from a powerful Abberician.
Skills: Arcana
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Equipment: A tablet given to you by a dead colleague you haven't been able to decipher
Feature: Wildern Tutelage
You know of a semi-powerful Abberician who specializes in Wildern Abberaturgy. He may be able to assist you in matters related to abberaturgy or the Wildern in general, though he will often ask for a favor or money in return of his tutelage. You know the Wildern Bolt cantrip.  
Dukes of Blood
Names given to the fearsome spellcasters who use blood as their components. They are a secretive order who have claimed their origins to the debated Silenus Homeland. While they are a powerful force politically, most groups are small and appear autonomous with no hierarchical structure.
Skill: Arcana
Instruments: An Artisan tool of your choice
Equipment: An artisan tool of your choice, 3 Blood shard, A Ring of Blood Transmission which acts both as a proof of membership and a spellcasting focus.
Feature: Recognized Duke
While some blood spellcasters are mere "boogeymen" who are used to scare children, you've managed to establish yourself as a recognized Duke, Perhaps through research or oathtaking, you have discovered the ability to cast with the blood of the living. You gain access to the Blood Spellcasting spell list. In addition, you have knowledge on how to ritual cast the Blood-Hunt spell, and how to harvest it into usable shards. You start the game knowing a small Dukes of Blood group and their primary stronghold. Other locations may provide logistics and work for you depending on your relationship in addition to providing cheap lodging and resources for further research.


Government Type: Centralized Hegemony
Government Style: Elective Monarchy
Government Structure: Provincial-Kings "Patrician"
Ruler: King Gnaeus Sardassi
Political Reach: Limited region in Sigom
Size: Politically-controlled territory in Sigom
Headquarters: Alatri
Purpose: Expansion and control of nearby regions
Common Language: Sardassian
Religion: Sardassian Mythology
Preceeded by:
Alatri Nobles
Claudii Kingdom
Septii Kingdom
Argus Culture
Demonym: Sardassian

Friendly, Open Borders

Rhullians generally enjoy the strange and aloof practices of the Sardassi. They tend to make great company, though they often cannot stay underwater for long!
Sardassians have found Rhullia to be a save zone for sea travel, as their surrounding territory is often safe, giving them access to commune with the rest of the world. many consider a good relations with Rhullians vital to maintain a strong presence in worldly affairs.

Distrustful / Neutral

The Alogtarric Tribes do not enjoy Sardassi company, who do not respect their wishes of being left alone, and has resulted in physical altercations. Sardassi Diplomats have had minor luck in swaying the opinion of local Warlords


Limited contact, diplomacy inhibited by failed Sardassian diplomatic missions


Ribaultian Clans do not permit entry into their territory under any conditions. The Sardassi do not like this.

Closed Borders, Somewhat hostile

Sardassi has tried to amend with the Tranorn, and explain that other Silenus Kings were the original occupiers of their land, and that they are different. Tranorn find Silenus trickery a stain on their people.


Sardassia has taken over a few Sileenian cities since their civil war, but claim it is only to protect their interest during the ever-lasting revolt.

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