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The Silver Sellsword Units

Units are organized footmen who are recruited by any captain of The Silver Sellswords. Units can be used for Wyelord/Lordship Mechanics or any other situation where it may warrant their use.  

Missile Infantry

Silenus Skirmishers
Even the lowest freeman can throw a spear and hit their target.
Armor Class: 12 (Light, Small Shield)
Hit Points: 6
Base Morale: 25
Charge Bonus: 2
Upkeep: 80 gold / Month
Precursor Javelin: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5' or ranged 30'/120', one target. Hit: (1d6+1) piercing damage. 7 Rounds.
Silenus Slingers
Slingers can harass the enemy front line at a respectable distance.
Armor Class: 12 (Light)
Hit Points: 6
Base Morale: 25
Charge Bonus: 1
Upkeep: 60 gold / month
Sling: Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 80'/320', one target. Hit: (1d4+1) bludgeoning damage. 25 Rounds
Copper dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 1d4+1) piercing damage.
Gorgon Longbows (Gorgon only)
When a bow provided both food and security, the Gorgons learned to perfect it's craft with their longbows, ensuring if they could see a target - it could be shot at.
Armor Class: 14 (Light, Dexterity)
Hit Points: 6
Base Morale: 30
Charge Bonus: 1
Upkeep: 120 gold / month
Longbow - Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 80'/320', one target. Hit: (1d8+2) piercing damage. 15 Rounds
Short sword - Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: (1d6+2) piercing damage.
Petrifying Gaze - The Gorgon targets one creature whose eyes you can see within 60'. The creature must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become restrained. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can't see the Gorgon until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at the Gorgon in the meantime, it must immediately make the save.

Missile Calvary

Silenus Scouts
Freemen wealthy enough to own a horse were granted many of the same rights as citizens, as well as finding a stable wage in war.
Armor Class: 13 (Light shield)
Hit Points: 25 (19 Horse)
Base Morale: 35
Charge Bonus: 3
Upkeep: 120 gold / month
Precursor Javelin: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5' or ranged 30'/120', one target. Hit: (1d6+1) piercing damage. 7 Rounds.

Melee Infantry

Swamp Berserkers (Aligotarian or Ribaulti only)
Warriors who are ecstatic to enter a blood-feud rage can sow fear into the heart of any man.
Armor Class: 12 (Light)
Hit Points: 12
Base Morale: 75
Charge Bonus: 10
Upkeep: 150 gold / Month
Gator Jaw - Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the unit can't bite another target.
Greatclub - Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage.
Feature: Swamp Origins - Units spawn with randomized gear, ranging from no armor to heavy armor, random weapons, a 10% chance to spawn as a Ribaulti, and 1% chance to spawn with a mount.
Mercenary Caanii
Silver can make a well-equipped Silenus can carry their weight on the front line.
Armor Class: 14 (Light, Small Shield)
Hit Points: 8
Base Morale: 50
Charge Bonus: 5
Upkeep: 120 gold / Month
Copper Longsword - Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: (1d8+2) slashing damage  
Tranorn Braves

Spear Infantry

Silenus Levy Spearmen
Those who are brave enough willing to charge into battle for glory, and conquest.
Armor Class: 13 (Light, Shield)
Hit Points: 8
Base Morale: 30
Charge Bonus: 2
Upkeep: 80 gold / Month
Copper Spear - Melee Weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: (1d6+2) piercing damage  
Graphion Raiders
Roving bands of Graphion thugs were no stranger to mercenary warfare, in-fact many make it their home in the colder seasons to afford extra commodities.
Armor Class: 13 (Leather, Shield)
Hit Points: 10
Base Morale: 40
Charge Bonus: 3
Upkeep: 100 gold / Month
Copper Spear - Melee Weapon attack: +3 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: (1d6+1) piercing damage
Ability: Dive Formation - +2 to hit on charge, Inflicts morale debuff to nearby hostile units

Spell Infantry

Blood Acolytes (Dukes of Blood origin only)
The carcasses of a battlefield provide ample resources for acolytes seeking to hone and practice their wretched craft in exchange for their "unique" services.
Armor Class: 10 (Natural Defense)
Hit Points: 4
Base Morale: 40
Charge Bonus: 1
Upkeep: 120 gold / Month (Varies based on kill count)
Bleed - The acolyte targets one creature it can see within 60' of them. They must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take 1d8+4 Bleed damage
Viscera Spike - Melee Spell Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 1d10+3 Bleed Damage

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