Ú-Ep is the largest and most prosperous city of the Vósali, who inhabit the southern and southwestern coast of Þonnanó in southwestern Emlas. It's located in Knajem Bay in southern Þonnanó and controls one of the best natural harbours in the region, protected from the open sea by a breakwater of basalt columns, which are a common sight in and around the city.
The city is divided into three main districts: to the south is the harbour and market square, surrounded by shops, warehouses, taverns and homes of sailors and fishermen; homes of common farmers and labourers are located to the west, while the royal palace, mansions, gardens and major temples are found to the east. The latter two districts are separated by a main street leading to the main gate.
The basalt columns in the region have been used by the people of Ú-Ep and -to lesser extent- surrounding cities as a building material for the walls, colonnades, floors and stairs of their palaces, temples and mansions, partly for aesthetic purposes and also as a way to use blocks of basalt left over when making room for streets, gardens and animal pens.
The homes of commoners are more similar to those found elsewhere in Þonnanó, being wooden stilt-houses with thatched roofs, though their construction is more elaborate than elsewhere, with homes located on multiple levels connected by a complex network of platforms, stairs and bridges.
The homes of commoners are more similar to those found elsewhere in Þonnanó, being wooden stilt-houses with thatched roofs, though their construction is more elaborate than elsewhere, with homes located on multiple levels connected by a complex network of platforms, stairs and bridges.
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