Laxúlans Ethnicity in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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Rexlas: Laxúlei
Laxúlei (rexíska)

The laxúlans1 are native to Zraxos Forest in southeastern Laxilþía, bordered by the empire of Resak to the west and the Tingreni to the north. They are among the few people alongside most Tingreni and eastern Nalóxans in Laxilþía who are not subjects of Resak, and have kept the Rexans at bay so many times that the latter have since turned elsewhere to conquer, at least for now2.


During bronze age, the ancestors of the northern laxúlan tribes were vassals to the Káaxans, who ruled an empire in the Katark Mountains, and were required to pay tribute in form of textiles, cattle, animal hides and ale in exchange for protection against the neighbouring tribes. After the collapse of káaxan culture, the tribes formerly under their protection were driven by their enemies to the Anben Marsh on the border between Zraxos Forest and Tingrenis Plain, so today káaxan influence on laxúlan culture is minimal.
After the rexans conquered the North Hótics and South Hótics to the west, they've since sent numerous expeditions to expand Resak's territory into the forest, but due to a combination of rough terrain, and guerrilla tactics and high-quality weapons used by the laxúlans, every single one has failed so far.
The laxúlans don't really mind, as each war with the rexans brings them loot and a chance for young warriors to prove themselves in battle.


Laxúlans are divided into a number of tribes, each with its own village, centered around a low step-pyramid where assemblies and rituals are held. Kings are elected by the free men of their tribe, chosen from a candidate of the most prestigious families, not unlike how rexan emperors were chosen in the early days of their empire. During rexan invasions, kings from neighbouring tribes often form confederations to fight their common enemy, which are usually dissolved shortly after celebrating victory.



Laxúlan clothes are usually dyed red and white, and generally resembles those of the north- and south hótics, with men wearing mostly wraparound loincloths and cloaks, and women wear short-sleeved or sleeveless dresses, though notably shorter than hótic ones.
Gold and turquoise jewelry is common, as is black face- and body-paint.


Meat -mostly mutton, beef and wild game-, fish, dairy and ale forms the staple food of the laxúlans, along with seasonal fruits, vegetables and mushrooms gathered in the woods.


While some religious rituals are performed on step pyramids or by the Hahró River, the most important ones take place in sacred groves outside the villages, within each is a boulder so sacred that it's wrapped in chains to contain its power. Human sacrifices are practiced there at certain times of year, where the victim stands with its back to the rock and impaled with a spear through a hole in it; the body is left there, as it contains too much of the stone's power, but the blood is collected into a cauldron, consumed or smeared on the faces of the villagers to grant them divine protection.


The signature weapons of the laxúlans is the axe and, to less extend, spear, both which are of generally higher quality than the mass produces weapons and arms used by the rexans. Armour is rare, usually scale armour looted from rexan generals and passed down as family heirlooms, as laxúlans generally rely on ambush, speed and ferocity in battle.

1Original icelandic: Laxúlar, singular: Laxúli
2Main article: Laxúlan Wars.
Laxúlan warrior by Lappalingur
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