Katark Mountains Geographic Location in Gætíus' World | World Anvil
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Katark Mountains

The Katark Mountains1 are the main mountain range of Laxilþía, the northern continent of Gætíus' World. They form the boundary between the fertile southern part of the continent and the central plains on one hand, and divide the latter region into the Nómek Plain to the west and the Tingrenis Plain to the east on the other.
The southern foothills and valleys were ruled by the powerful Káaxans during bronze age, until their empire collapsed after a series of earthquakes affected the main sources of water, leading to crop failures, famine and eventual rebellions by its subjects, after which the cities were abandoned. The resulting ruins have become stuff of legends for later cultures, and many artifacts found there are treated as sacred relics.
Most of the current inhabitants are various groups of Pakrans, North Hótics, Rexans, Laxúlans and Tingreni.


The mountain ridge experiences earthquakes of varying severity from time to time and, more rarely, volcanic eruptions. While destructive in the short term, the ash from the volcanoes is what makes the soil in the valleys and foothills so fertile, and the region has long been used to grow huge quantities of olives and grapes.
Only a handful of passes offer relatively safe routes through the Katark Mountains, offering the people south of them some safety from nomadic tribes beyond.

1Original icelandic: Katarkfjöll
Mountain Range
Location under
Inhabiting Species


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