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Codename: Sleeping Alley, Report the Ninth

General Summary

We met the Alley Sleepers in the teething bastion of danger, staring down betrayal in the form of Basic Iron Wave. It turns out that BIW was a member of The Crescent the entire time, working to destroy Clownrose Dive and Brass Lamb from within. Devious!   But why? Why would Iron Wave do such a thing? Maybe our heroes will get to the bottom of that after this combat, which features Iron and his clockwork warriors intent on protecting their secrets.   Oh, & Grex blinked out again. Inconvenient!   Our remaining heroes made quickish work of Iron & his agents, with Hama vu Farlight getting his Hold Person on. It was determined that, perhaps, this betrayer would be better taken alive (which was the wish of Lyric Witch), so, after knocking BIW out, there was some discussion as to what the hell the gang was going to do now. How are they gonna get this guy through the streets of Riverskint to the Lamb?   The solution was, apparently, to turn Hama into a drafthorse and just cause a goddamn ruckus throughout Saw's Milk. The hope was that this would provide enough of a distraction for Svo'Kool and Rieta to just Weekend at Bernie's Basic Iron Wave to the docks and over to Isle Skint to see what is going on.   Surprisingly, this wasn't super effective. Yes, the plan was accomplished, but a fair number of people saw what was happening. Sure hope that doesn't have consequences!   A brief interrogation of Iron ensued, where he kept telling our resistance members that they should "know who they're working for," and to "ask them about Minot's Leap."   Hama used the very efficient animal messenger to find a gull to carry a message to Lyric. It read thusly, "The crest of the wave has broken on the like-minded isle." Cryptic!   After some six hours--which Rieta passed by taking the ol' boat out for a cruise in the hopes of getting better at navigation--"Porter", Lyric, and some members of both Mad Spine and Pale Bell showed up on the Isle. A very intense scene followed in which Lyric took custody of BIW.   Porter hung around a bit, discussing what this might mean for Riverskint and the resistance. His conclusion? Uncertain. He did say that there was a bit of unmitigated good though--the gang (with Rieta's speech) brought back together the disparate Lamb cells. Porter is now leading that group, which is now called Mad Bell. Rieta was given a book of short stories, called the Tome (Tomb) of Dreams, for her efforts. Porter also mentioned that Olddom Zethergyll has taken notice of their activities and might visit them soon.    But it seems like now might be a good time to think about laying low for a while, or at least leaving the city. But, before that, they've got one last night (or maybe a couple) to tie up some loose ends.   So, Hama visits Gnet's Line again to see what omens that place might hold. He saw some strange visions of a possible future, with the only certainty being conflict. Svo saw a warforged about a hammer, having enough tusk now to forge the dreaded "Pachydoom." So, that happened. Svo can now destroy his enemies with a weapon made from his own tusk. The gang then we to see Eagletaker out in Leanfields to get some queen bees. He also mentioned that word of their exploits is beginning to circulate. That's good, right? Or is that bad? Hard to say!   After crashing a wedding party at Phoban's Rest, with an invitation from Cloud, (and with featured a small reemergence of the Svo'Kool scumbum), our heroes headed to the docks with all their meadery supplies to GTFO Riverskint. Porter met them there, offered some elliptical advice, and a new mission--when they're feeling settled, go see a group of Abiding Black traders and make sure the commodity they are trading is exclusively contracted with the Lamb. Our crew was like "yeah, sure, whatever. Just let us goooooo."
And they went. Back to the Meadery, finally. They spent a few days cleaning it up a little, with Hama planting his dryad leaf near the burgeoning hives. All was quiet, except for that quill that Arkkarad gave to Rieta. It scribbled in her pocket, first writing "THEY ARE COMING," and, then, later "THEY ARE HERE."
It turns out the "they" in this situation were members of her own monastic order, arriving to the Meadery in the dead of night to either abduct or forcefully dissaude Rieta from her chosen side in this political conflict. Well, nobody was having any of that. These monks met their maker, with the fight featuring the long awaited reappearance of Svo's rage, as he does NOT like to be awoken from slumber.   After unceremoniously dumping the bodies in the Pimeweld, Reita sat down and wrote a note, describing what happened and her conviction that she is doing good work here. She got the sense that the Ark's quill somehow transmitted that message. Nice!   That encounter left our folks itching for more action, so they decided to see some traders about some goods. On the way to their camp, located on the outskirts of Curragan's Shame, Hama found and befriended a baby giant snail named Trash. Yes, Trash. It happens to be a very important snail name.   It turns out that the Abiding traders, led by one svirfneblin named Mimgee Grimeye, are selling giant riding lizards. Oh shit! And everyone gets one! Even better. But, in order to secure contract exclusivity--as it would be very bad news if the Ascendancy got their hands on these--Mimgee wants the gang to intercept a prototype hand cannon. It is making its way down from Gattland, presumably bound for Triad's Grace. The best way to do that might be to head to Belbelder, a trading post that provides supplies to a lot of traveling caravans, and see what can be seen.   And that's where we left it. We'll see how the crew deals with a caravan during our next session.

Rewards Granted

Tomb/Tome of Dreams

Missions/Quests Completed

Operation: RisenRose

Character(s) interacted with

Basic Iron Wave, The Crescent operative and betrayer of Clownrose Dive.
Lyric Witch, erstwhile member of Clownrose Dive
Cloud, owner of Phoban's Rest.
Grolvig Eagletaker, apicuturist.
Azurite, blacksmith.
Mimgee Grimeye, purveyor of riding lizards.
Report Date
15 Nov 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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