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Codename: Sleeping Alley, Report the Sixth

General Summary

We met the Alley Sleepers in the tumbling drone of danger, conversing amongst themselves about the best way to murder a tree. "Porter" has tasked them with destroying, disabling, or somehow disrupting what has become a symbol of Alerki Ascendency occupation, the ancient oak tree Ever, located in Endoak  Deep in the middle of that discussion, a messenger handed Rieta a peculiar parchment note. After reading it, she informed the Sleepers that she must attend to some urgent business and will join them later. Uh. Okay? Bye!   It was decided that in order to kill a tree, it would be best to know some more information about said tree. Some scouting and intelligence gathering was in order, so it was off to Endoak to see what could be seen. Turns out, the tree is guarded. And shackled with big iron chains? Hmm! That seems weird. Hama ate some dryadleaf to try and commune with the tree but all that was received was static and pain.    Aletha, who is getting quite good at this watching thing, also noticed a couple of leads about potential Brass Lamb cells and/or operatives she might follow up on later.   Another conference among our heroes determined that this place was once held sacred by a certain breed of druids. So, maybe they should seek those druids out? The Leanfields would seem to be the most promising place to start this search.    On the way there, they encountered a halfling who wanted to tell somebody's fortune using the stars. Hama vu Farlight wasn't about that at all, because that's kinda his whole deal. Svo'Kool was interested, but Aletha, showing remarkable leadership, rapidly diffused the situation and told the halfling, Verula, to just, like, fuck off.   In the Leanfields, our gang recognized one particular building marked with a symbol of Phoban, a sheaf of wheat bound with a red cord, who is often revered by druids. Promising! Turns out, this place is called Phoban's Rest and serves as a modest inn and tavern for like-minded folks. It is run by Kienelsu Keencloud (or just "Cloud"). She is all too happy to provide some information. In terms of Ever, she suggests the crew speak with one "Expanse," who is working his croft just north of the tavern. If our adventurers are after some bees (and they are), Grolvig Eagletaker might be able to help out. Thanks, Cloud!    Expanse, who, it turned out, is a earth genasi dwarf, was about to tell them all the secrets they need to unshackle Ever and see what the hell is actually happening here. That was interrupted, however, by the appearance of another goddamn otyugh. According to Expanse, these things are all over the goddamn place. A real menace. Probably something to do with whatever is happening in Gravick. Frustratingly, the otyugh ran away once again before it could be killed and Svo'Kool nearly had a rage aneurysm. An eyeless crow with a broken leg took in the battle from afar. What could that mean?
Expanse provided Hama with a spell to evoke to free Ever's chains and also suggested he reach out to Hill, a previously encountered dwarf druid, as he was the one that actually planted Ever all those years ago. Wait, how old is Hill exactly? Very interesting!    Hama did just that, with a hawk as a messenger, telling Hill that Ever will be unshackled and to, like, come help. While preparations were made to free and perhaps kill Ever, Grex took the opportunity to engage in some commerce, picking up a spell scroll from the gnome Hispip at The Eternal Scroll. Hispip was happy to oblige for some coin and a promise for Grex to return in two days time to help Hispip with a favor, no questions asked.    Now, it was time to see about a tree. It was decided that Hama would do some druid stuff to free and talk with Ever, Aletha and Svo'Kool would incite a riot to serve as a distraction for the guards, and Grex would stay frosty, ready to jump it whenever. The plan, as plans go, worked out well, with Hama unshackling Ever, causing the tree to grow uncontrollably with Hama still caught in the branches. Svo'Kool did his part by taking a elephant-sized dump on the bar in The Heavenly Elf, a posh tavern, and Aletha leading the charge to see the offending loxdon brought to justice.    Ever's growth, however, revealed a prevailing sickness. The tree doesn't want to be here, isn't healthy here, as evidenced by the gray oozes that emerged from the tree and engaged our heroes in combat. Afterwards, quick thinking was required in terms of how to go about freeing Ever from this mortal coil without actually, you know, killing it.   Luckily, a strangely familiar squirrel showed up and laid its paws on Ever. Immediately, the tree began to safely and surely decay, meeting its end with a whimper and not a bang. Just before it died, though, the squirrel scooped up an acorn in its mouth and ran off, but not before seeming to nod at Hama.   One tree down. Now, it is time to head back to Porter and get some answers about the Clownrose Dive cell and try to avoid the fallout that is sure to come from this operation. We'll see what that reckoning looks like during our next session.

Rewards Granted

Level 4
One level of Respect/Infamy

Missions/Quests Completed

Operation: EverBurn completed.

Character(s) interacted with

Kienelsu Keencloud, proprietor of Phoban's Rest
Expanse, erstwhile druid
Verula, a fortune teller
Hispip, owner of The Eternal Scroll
Ever, a tree
Report Date
18 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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