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STATIC 6: From the Come Up to the Back Down

General Summary

Wherein the Blinkertons saved Homecoming, then came home  

Through the Cellar

Having eliminated the threat of the Ghast, it was now time for The Interdimensional Blinkerton Detective Agency to remove the still extant threat of the Ghouls. This was done without too much fanfare.   The Cellar itself held myriad mysteries. Corinna Himmelswander , through the cunning use of Detect Magic, discovered that, yeah, sure is a lot of magic down here. Sharkbait, being of Wanevale, could probably have told her that, especially as magic seemed to have featured prominently in the lives of the first Wanevalens. The names of Miroslav, Thorvir, Inkar, and Sneelmis echoed though his mind as he tried to decipher the ancient writings and runes that surrounded him in this place. He was ultimately unsuccessful, but knew enough to prostate himself before this awesome spectacle and was rewarded with a blessing for his homage.   Corinna's own explorations proved more violent in nature, as she came face-to-face with a mimic. Nero Rubicant and Hypatia helped solve this particular problem with the considered application of punching and shooting, respectively.   Sharkbait then had to recite a poem to a floating skull, because Wanevale is like that. He reached deep inside himself and came up with "tell me what you want / what you really really want / zig a zig...ah," which was a very satisfying poem for the skull, somehow.   With that, the stairway loomed ahead and the only thing to do was to go down and discover, if possible, the source of these new spirits.  

The Ghost Knight, Bleeding Energy

They found themselves in a eerie room, with four glowing orbs on each wall. Because they are the Blinkertons, they touched these orbs and were rewarded with dreams and nightmares for their efforts:
  • Corinna dreamed of lush fields and music, her brother Fritz Himmelswander at her side.
  • Sharkbaint was lost in cherished memory--that of an Unstable Jester Crew performance and his experience with his besties, the "Jesties."
  • Hypatia, unfortunately, delved deep into an anxiety nightmare. In it, she presented her research on Displacement to The Dedication of the Chronicle, only to find her journal pages blank.
  • Nero, too, was awash in insecurity, with his own deep seated self-doubts making themselves known.
There was little time to consider any of these visions at length as a Ghostly Knight appeared in front of them. This knight, convinced that this was his previous adventuring party called The Pale Road. This was a spirit in need of guidance, so the Blinkertons, a little reluctantly, engaged Durguil the Hillbuster in combat. They eventually triumphed, but it was a tough fight, which was likely on their mind as they made their way through a shimmering portal and into the "realm" of a entity bleeding energy.   Sharkbait, along with everyone else, could tell that this was all kinds of Wrong, and likely the source of new spirits, as whatever this thing is seemed to be trapped between realities--a liminal space opening up an expressway, of sorts, for ghosts from all over. Fortunately, the Blinkies were able to convince whomever (whatever?) this is that it was time to rejoin the Cycle and avoided further bloodshed. Right before this entity disintegrated, it shouted "FATHER IS COMING." That's probably nothing.   With this matter put to rest, it was time to continue Homecoming  

From the Come Up to the Back Down

The rest of Homecoming found our Blinkertons both sampling the local customs and engaging in some commerce, with Corinna picking up some black milk, a local delicacy, and singing clam shell items. A necklace commemorating this iteration of the Homecoming was also purchased. Corinna seemed very invested in the acquisition of items from this place.   Nero spent his Homecoming engaging in a little bit of wrasslin'. He was relatively successful in this, not winning the tournament, but placing a respectable second, and earning a Headband of the Sweatless for his efforts.   Hypatia, perhaps surprising no-one, spent her time pursuing what passed for Homecoming archives, and sharing her experience in the Cellar with interested parties.   Eventually, The Displacement came calling, and our dectectives found themselves back in New Carydam. With them, however, is Sharkbait, who promptly lost his cool and passed out.   Concerningly, Tridge is missing. What could this portend about the nature of the Displacement?  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see what the skein has in store for the Blinkertons during our next session.  

Varied & Sundry Details

  • While Messelum continues work on chasing down clues about our mysterious excellent earring individual, the Blinkies will have some time to themselves. How will they spend it? Productively, to be sure.
  • Tridge is still missing, presumably wandering through The Displacement void & echo. What does this mean for our brave detectives when one of their own goes missing?
  • Speaking of curious happenings, Sharkbait is currently hearing the voice of Buster the Ghost Knight in his head, along with a Tale of the Pale Road. Strange!

Rewards Granted

  • Headband of the Sweatless

Character(s) interacted with

  • Viktor Slimedrift, Drum Major
  • Durguil the Hillbuster, ghostly knight
Report Date
26 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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