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The Eye in the Shield: The Excursion

General Summary

Wherein Panoptic Legionaries undertake a perilous task to safeguard the planes  

The Eye in the Shield

There are always threats against the material plane. Malevolent entities from beyond seek to command, control, or conquer these lands. Members of the Panoptic Legion stand against those that would do this plane harm. Our story follows four such Legionaries:
  • Zellikrumen, called Zel--a monk of the Siblings of the Endless Ocean and now part of the Legion, doesn't need eyes, unclear if has functioning eyes, serving as Principal on this mission
  • Tala Starcurse--a sorcerer with a cosmic horror imprisoned inside her, dreams of space
  • Adelaide--a warlock who wields Soulshiver, a blade of profound power, still rather new to the whole extraplanar threat thing
  • Crater--a healer who does what he can to help, found in the titular crater
  We greet our Legionaries having just experienced profound loss--the death of their comrade Ulessa de Vovard, fallen in combat with an eyedrake. But viligence is required regardless of personal circumstance, so the Legion has seen fit to send our three Legionaries back out on another mission. The Legion has received reports of possible extraplanar activity in and around the village of Avelsbirk in Gattland. Legionaries are to venture through the Alerki Ascendency to Avelsbirk and investigate. If extraplanar activity is discovered and deemed a threat to the material plane, it is expected that the Legionaries contain and control this threat by any means available. To assist in this task, they have be granted access to the Armory to equip themselves with one item. Nice! Having readied themselves, our Legionaries departed the next morning for the four day journey to Avelbirk.  

To Avelsbirk

Recent Brass Lamb activity in Skint Parish has the Ascendency on high alert, making travel through the territory even more dangerous and uncertain than usual.   This danger became readily apparent as our heroes were attacked by "gaunt ones." The fight, while intense, posed little problem for seasoned Legionaries. That is not the only danger on the road, however, as the strained relationship between the Ascendency and the Legion became part of our Legionaries' journey. While the Panoptic Legion currently has an understanding with the Ascendency, there is no warmth between the two entities. This became clear as our heroes came across an accused member of the "terrorist" organization known as the Brass Lamb, about to be summarily executed by members of The Manifest. Our Legionaries were not about to let this happen, and, instead of fighting the Manifest, simply paid them to let her go. It turns out that the struggle against the Brass Lamb might be more desperate than previously thought if these "soldiers" can be so easily bribed.   This realization became even more clear as our heroes stopped to rest and recuperate at Last Orders--an inn and tavern at the edge of Curragan's Shame. Seated at a prime table there were clear Ascendency plants, trying to root out possible members of the Brass Lamb through the guise of a conversation about gods other than The Permitted. While nobody was quite fooled by this, Adelaide's sword--powerful and sentient--encouraged her to intervene. Much confusion and stifled laughter followed.   The next morning found our Legionaries soon against locked in combat--this time with a swamp naga defending her territory. Our stalwart heroes once again triumphed and were left to consider the road ahead.  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see what the journey to Avelsbirk, as well as the village itself, has in store for our heroes when The Eye in the Shield continues.

Varied & Sundry Details

  • As they traveled, the Legionaries came upon a shopkeeper called Blimm and his horse, Bill. They decided to buy and imbibe of Blimm's "Beautiful Botanicals." Zel's potion was made entirely of frog bits--especially the legs--and awarded him an improved constitution. Adelaide managed to choke down a liver concoction and found herself more tough overall. Tala decided to take an orange heehaw to go, certain it will enable great feats to occur when needed most.
  • They also came across a burnt corpse during the journey. Branded into the soul was the following inscription: "Thus, always, to those who encroach upon Silvar the Fiery’s territory." They decided to continue on, but will certainly report this to the Prefect when they return to Redveil.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Shaldrossan--current Prefect of the Panoptic Legion
  • Warkeel--Keeper of the Legion's Armory
  • Boilmark--known member of the Brass Lamb
  • Seonim Singleslash--operator of Last Orders, the last inn and tavern before entering Curragan's Shame
Report Date
09 Apr 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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