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Panoptic Legion

The Panoptic Legion is a paramilitary group that seeks to protect Gavros from extraplanar threats.


The Legion are led by a Prefect, elected to the position by legionaries with service greater than four years. The Prefect serves a six year term with no term limit. The Prefect is advised by larger governing body, also elected, of five legionaries called the Vigilance. A term in the Vigilance lasts ten years and legionaries cannot serve more than one term. The Vigilance can also recall the Prefect with a unanimous vote to do so.
There are never more than 60 legionaries active at one time, as that is deemed to be the perfect number to be battle-ready without drawing undue attention to their operations.


Loyalty to both the causes of the material plane and to the Legion itself is highly valued among the Legionaries. Battle prowess is also keenly appreciated, as is stoic calm in the face of death and danger.    Upon initiation, each Legionary recites the Legion's Creed:   I am the eye in the shield. I will lay down my life in defense against those who would seek to conquer, exploit, or profane our plane of existence. I will remain ever-vigilant against these threats. In that vigilance, I am strong.     Those that violate the Legion's Creed are subject to shunning and exile until the penance for the violation is performed.

Public Agenda

The Legion exists to identify and intervene in threats against the material plane from extraplanar entities. These threats may include demons and devils, fey creatures and elementals, along with beings that defy description.


The Legion has the patronage of several wealthy individuals and communities that assist in the funding of the operations and undertakings of the organization. A building on the estate of one of these patrons, Heema Trizilgil, has served as a headquarters for the last half-century. A significant armory is maintained on the grounds of the mansion, able to outfit all members of the Legion (and probably many others) in the event of an extraplanar invasion.


The Panoptic Legion began its service after the destruction of a small castle called Vimmilkirk by creatures from beyond the Dismal Font in 872 AC. The lone surviving knight of that encounter, Moshtill, became the first Panoptic Legionary when she vowed to protect the material plane from extraplanar entities. Many other communities, hearing of her vow, sent support in the form of recruits and resources. In 874 AC, a small office was established in Gatt and the Legion's watch began. The following two centuries featured a string of ferocious extraplanetary battles, often occurring in secret and without fanfare.

In 1032 AC, Lady Heema Trizilgil donated a significant portion of her estate outside of Nineboons to the Legion. She did this in memory of her daughter Remelta who fell in combat while fighting a bearded devil. Since that time, the Legion has made that estate, Redveil, its base of operations. From Redveil, expeditions are organized and launched, threats identified and eliminated, and recruits housed and trained.   The current Prefect, as of 1080 AC is Prefect Shaldrossan, who has been in the position for a year. Of current members of the Vigilance, Vigilant Swanbreaker is considered the most influential.

I am the Eye in the Shield, in my Vigilance I am Strong

Founding Date
874 AC
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Legionary, Legionaries
Controlled Territories
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