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Redveil is an estate outside Nineboons that serves as the headquarters for The Panoptic Legion.  

Purpose / Function

Originally the ancestral home of the Trizilgil family, Redveil has been the base of operations for the Panoptic Legion since 1032 AC.    From Redveil, the Legion conducts its mission to safeguard the material plane against existential threats. Expeditions are organized from its offices, research is conducted from its libraries, and its outbuildings host the barracks for legionaries in residence, warehouses for necessary supplies and equipment, and other vital aspects that enable the Legion to function.


Redveil is rather modest by the standards of other sprawling estates in neighboring Alerki Ascendency parishes.    The manor house--the largest building on the estate and formerly the residence of the Lady Trizilgil--forms the heart of the Legion's operations, containing the suite of rooms dedicated to the work of the Prefect and the Vigilance, as well as assorted meeting areas, reception halls, and administrative offices. The library is housed in the cellar and sub-cellar of the manor house.   There are five outbuildings that comprise the remainder of the estate. Each has been converted to suit a purpose required by the Legion. They are as follows:
  • the barracks, where legionaries reside between expeditions
  • the armory, which houses the equipment for expeditions
  • the commons, which contains the dining hall and recreation areas
  • the storehouse. which holds the necessary supplies for the functioning of the estate
  • the hospital, which houses the injured and infirm until such time that they are healed
The estate itself is situated on a significant allotment of land, used by legionaries to drill and train while awaiting the next expedition.


As Redveil is the headquarters of a paramilitary organization, its defenses are robust and mostly secret.   Outwardly, the presence of dozens of highly trained and well-equipped legionaries usually dissuades aggression from political forces on the material plane.    Myriad secret wards--arcane and divine--are present throughout the entirety of the compound to protect against the threat of extraplanar invasion.


The Trizilgil family, whose primary business concern was trading between Nineboons and Awa Harbor, came to prominence around 890 AC. In 901 AC, Gragef Trizilgil bought a parcel of land outside of Nineboons and planned out a series of buildings to accommodate his growing business and family. Construction on Redveil, designed to serve as both the home of the family as well as the central office for its trading interests, was completed in 903 AC. The estate served as the backbone of the Trizilgil's prosperity for nearly 130 years.     In 1030 AC, tragedy struck the Trizilgil twice-over. First, in the month of Vision, the flagship vessel of the family--Fife & Flower, captained by Lord Jekhed Trizilgil, was destroyed at sea. All hands were lost in what was often ascribed to an attack by devilish forces. Lady Heema Trizilgil was obliged to run the affairs of the family on her own, despite her profound grief. Then, in the month of Memory, anguish once again visited the family. Remelta Trizilgil, only child of Jekhed and Heema, fell in combat while fighting a bearded devil. Always impetuous, she rushed to seek vengeance against Ruincleaver, Comptroller of the 449th tract of the Nether, and presumably responsible for her father's demise. Thus, the forces of the Nether had robbed Lady Trizilgil of both her husband and her daughter.   In her sorrow--and as a way of enacting her own form of retribution--Lady Trizilgil offered the entirety of the estate to the stalwart Panoptic Legion with the understanding that the Legion would use this gift to combat aggressors from beyond this plane of existence. She was especially hopeful the Legion would take the fight to the nefarious devils that populate the Nether.   The grant also included a generous financial bequest to underwrite Legion operations, securing its future for years to come.   Lady Heema Trizilgil continued to live on the estate among the legionaries, often serving as an unofficial "matron mother" to many. She died in 1074 AC. She is buried next to her daughter in the estate's summer garden.
Founding Date
903 AC
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Related Report (Secondary Locations)


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