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Perigon is the third largest settlement in Averlain after Vyones and Ximes. It is dominated by the old Abbey, which was once a Grail Chapel but has been repurposed with suitable alterations. The old iconography is still there. In addition to the Abbey there is an small iron mine just outside of town and a tiny foundry. There is a small garrison of soldiers that answer to Abbot Theophile. They patrol the road between Perigon and Ste. Zenobie semi-regularly.   There is an oft-told local legend about a Dragon that attacked Prigon 100 years ago or so, and Auric Fausses, the Lord of Faussesflammes driving it off.   Important locations Perigon include:
  • The Abbey of Perigon
  • The Lavore Mine
  • The Foundry
  • The Smithy
  • The Inn of the Red Banner
  • Ungolin's Tavern
  • Yvette's Oddments
  • Tower of the West (Guard Tower)
Notable people in Perigon:
  • Theophile, Abbot of Perigon
  • Seargeant Claudia Maigritte
  • Auric the Masterminer
  • Bernard the Smith
  • Louis the Journeyman
  • Philomine the Journeyman
  • Giselle the Inkeeper
  • Rodalf the Cook
  • Ungolin the Barman
  • Yvette LeClerc the procurer
  • Alonzo the Goatherd
  • Luc Le Chaudronnier (Hedge Wizard)
Lately a red comet has been seen in the skies over Perigon. The local populace is very concerned about this but no one knows exactly what is going on. The Comet can be seen from Ste. Zenobie and Faussesflammes as well.
Large town

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