Krey Slaver

You are Krey. You are strong, and others are weak. The strong will guide and use the weak. All for the glory of the Kreyari Empire! This Origin has race restrictions *.  


  • As a true Krey who hasn't abandoned his people (an ishtik), you are permitted the glory of the Kreyari homeland, and are allowed to bring as many slaves are you desire
  • You have access to a mid-range comm-link that can summon a Krey Slaver boat, which will provide free passage a reasonable distance up or down the coast
  • Superior Krey tech protects you. You have an emergency personal shield. As a reaction when hit with an attack, you can activate the shield, which will absorb 1d10+4 points of damage from the attack. After being used, the shield must recharge by absorbing ambient planetary radiation over a Long Rest before it can be activated again
  * (see Race, Class, and Origin Restrictions)