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Mysterious Tower

A mysterious tower north of Sholis. Many goblins from the Emerald Claw as well as Belak tried to enter the tower only to meet a grisly end. One must answer a riddle to enter. The person is shown a very complex arcane pattern. ( Above the door, written in elvish, it says " The wisest man knows he knows nothing") the answer is "i don't know" and they can gain entry. Inside is a modest wizard tower. The owner is Jofan Tavell. A wizard who is researching the creation of soul gems. The owner of the tower has went to Winterhaven to research an ancient tale of a dragon trapped in a soul gem. He has been gone for three months. The tower informs you if the master doesn't return the tower may be lost. Its power source is depleting.


The tower can become a small figurine for easy transport. It also has a self defense system and a phantom butler.
Tower, Mage
Parent Location

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