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The Free Marches

The Free Marches ware a desolate wasteland of crags, bogs, drumlins (elongated hills), and thorny thickets,as well as open plains and caves.The stony infertile soil of the Marches was unsuited for farming, and the climate was hot and humid in summer, and cold and windy in winter. The region was mostly rough grassland with sparse vegetation, small streams, rocky outcroppings, and isolated copses of gnarled trees. Caves and tunnels were carved into the bedrock by underground streams and pools. These caves provided lairs for many of the inhabitants.There were few plants despite the abundant rain and ground water, with the exception of hardy grasses, flowering weeds, prickly ground vines, and various types of fungus. Low scrub brush was found throughout the plains. Many lords have tried to tame the Marches but all have failed. Not only do they have to compete with fauna and ill weather, but many beasts and evil humanoids have made the marches their home. There are a few brave souls that dwell there, squeaking out a living from the marches. These people are un-trusting of outsiders and bow to no one.
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